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Dark Side Points, recalibrate or give out fractions?
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:01 pm    Post subject: Dark Side Points, recalibrate or give out fractions? Reply with quote

When trying to read up about Nar Shaddaa I have come across a lot of KOTOR material. Mostly maps, but also 'walkthroughs' that describe the environment. From what I can understand you can choose to go down the light or dark path in the game. Different actions will give you different amounts of 'Light Side Points' or the familiar DSP:s.

First, this seems to be some kind of balance thing if im not mistaken. Different actions will move you on a scale between light and dark. How exactly this works I dont know though. I assume that you start on the light side. If you get DSP:s, can you 'balance' your bad actions with LSP:s so to speak?

Second. As far as I can understand the LSP/DSP system in KOTOR has a larger scale between Light and Dark than the D6 system with its DSP mechanic (which some of you might remember I have already altered quite a bit). What bugs me this time is that a DSP has such a major effect on the character it becomes a bit all or nothing both in the power effect and the turning effect. I want more granularity which can be used to put players on edge when it comes to where their character is on the Light vs Dark scale. An example from these boards is the force sensitive character that earnestly accepts a contract to kill another being. Even if he hadnt gone through with it, just signing up for it with the intention of going through with it should mean a brush with the Dark Side. A Jedi that roughs someone up should mean the same thing (but perhaps less so), making him move a few inches closer to the Dark Side.

I have been thining of two ways of doing this. One was to multiply DSPs by 10 and have each full 10 represent one RAW DSP when it came to Force Skill bonus and turning to the Dark Side. However, DSP:s would be awarded in numbers between 1-10 where 10 would represent getting 1 DSP in the RAW. The exact numbers gained, if below 10, should only be told to the player 'in character'. That is, if the character gained 8 DSPs he would be told that he was on the brink of the Dark Side. If he got 2 DSPs he would be told that he could feel the touch of the Dark Side. This means that small actions can 'add up' and draw the characters slowly to the Dark Side without the player knowing exactly how close he is to gaining a DSP. While this was a solid mechanic I felt that the idea of multiplying the DSPs by 10 changed the 'known' single digit system which my player knew by heart and could relate to when it came to the threat of the Dark Side.

So the alternative was to introduce some small mechanic between 0 and 1 DSP that represented the small steps toward the dark side that might be difficult to spot. Basically its the same system as above (ie characters will receive these points secretly and 10 will mean the character gets a full DSP), but I (the GM) keep these 'small steps' separate from the 'official' (ie, what the player knows) DSP:s. My main problem now is that I havent come up with a suitable name for these points. Not neccessary of course, but good to keep the atmosphere of threat of the Dark Side.
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

My main problem now is that I havent come up with a suitable name for these points.

Since you are using a decimal system anyway, just add a decimal point so that instead of 1-10 you use 0.1 - 1.0. Then you award say .3 DSP. When describing to the character you can just say you "feel the touch of the Dark Side" "you feel you have brushed the Dark Side" "you can taste something dark and foul" or something equally fuzzy.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 4:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
My main problem now is that I havent come up with a suitable name for these points.

Since you are using a decimal system anyway, just add a decimal point so that instead of 1-10 you use 0.1 - 1.0. Then you award say .3 DSP. When describing to the character you can just say you "feel the touch of the Dark Side" "you feel you have brushed the Dark Side" "you can taste something dark and foul" or something equally fuzzy.

Yeah, I know its the same thing mechanically, but decimals are so boring.. Laughing
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Prob is most of those computer games even when you do willful dsp stuff (such as kill an innocent bystander just for the heck of it) you don't get much 'darkness'... and that is imo a product of the pc gaming environ... rpgs on the otherhand do have a lot more stricture to deal with.. I like the DSP system as is, but IF (big if) i was to do something akin to this, i would have it go in halfs and holes.. Minor dsp worthy event, gain a half a dsp. Major one, gain a hole one.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:07 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I think that the comparison to to KOTOR gets us skewed anyway. The major consequence of being darkside is that using "light side powers" takes up more power from your Force meter, and you are restricted to certain endings of the game. The opposite goes with being light and using dark side powers.

The game is set up so that you cn be a "gray Jedi" as well.

I understand about what you say bout the severity of some moral consequences, though that's generally because we have quite a bit of consequentialist leanings in our ethical evaluations as 21st Century Americans (at least most of us on the board are Americans). That is just one kind of ethical evaluation. It is possible that when the system was designed that the Force was considered to be a metaphysical moral construct where all transgressions were considered more or less equal. (Such as saying, if you have broken one of the laws, you have broken the whole of the law.)

However, I must confess that the graded scale is somewhat alluded to when one of the Dark Side powers gives you two Dark Side points. Nonetheless, I think that IF you were to go with it, you should give them out in half increments, and not tenths.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah, I know its the same thing mechanically, but decimals are so boring..

Which is why I suggested giving the player the fluff description.

Still you could work with fractions instead of decimals. Give out multiples of 1/7 DSP. Then all the resulting numbers that aren't whole DSPs are infinitely repeating decimals. Or give out SQRT(2)/10 DSPs that's an irrational number. Wink

Seriously, I don't think giving 1/10 of a DSP is very useful. Either the Jedi committed a DSP worthy act or she didn't. It's really the act that matters. Feeling angry or afraid is not bad in and of itself, acting on angry or fearful feelings is the path of the Dark Side.

I haven't played any of the KOTOR type video games, so I can't comment if there is anything worth simulating. My impression is the video games are about letting the player use flashy powers, so I would assume any dark side mechanic would allow or encourage flashy power usage. I don't think I have a clear understanding of what you want to simulate ZzaphodD, so apologies if my comments aren't very helpful.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 1:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The problem with drawing anything from the video games is that even a light side Jedi can barbecue any combatant with force lightning, and still be a shining pillar of light and hope. As in, no dark side points for cooking people alive. The only way to receive a DSP is to say something mean, or attack someone who's unarmed via a social option in dialogue.

Taking anything from the games other than little bits of fluff and background is in my opinion useless and a waste of time.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:17 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

cheshire wrote:
Yeah, I think that the comparison to to KOTOR gets us skewed anyway. The major consequence of being darkside is that using "light side powers" takes up more power from your Force meter, and you are restricted to certain endings of the game. The opposite goes with being light and using dark side powers.

The game is set up so that you cn be a "gray Jedi" as well.

I understand about what you say bout the severity of some moral consequences, though that's generally because we have quite a bit of consequentialist leanings in our ethical evaluations as 21st Century Americans (at least most of us on the board are Americans). That is just one kind of ethical evaluation. It is possible that when the system was designed that the Force was considered to be a metaphysical moral construct where all transgressions were considered more or less equal. (Such as saying, if you have broken one of the laws, you have broken the whole of the law.)

However, I must confess that the graded scale is somewhat alluded to when one of the Dark Side powers gives you two Dark Side points. Nonetheless, I think that IF you were to go with it, you should give them out in half increments, and not tenths.

Ah, to be honest I havent played KOTOR, I just got an impression from descriptions of how you could get LSP or DSPs that influenced your balance.

I am swedish, that should mean that Im all for a goody two shoes approach, right? Laughing Seriously, I think you give the game designers too much credit for philosophical thought when it comes to the RAW DSP system.

When it comes to the use of dark side power and too violent use of normal power I think this system should work when you want to 'punish' the player for 'indecent' force use but where a DSP is simply a bit OTT.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZzaphodD wrote:

I am swedish, that should mean that Im all for a goody two shoes approach, right? Laughing Seriously, I think you give the game designers too much credit for philosophical thought when it comes to the RAW DSP system

Hey, man. I teach philosophy. It's my JOB to look at simple media and ascribe more meaning than was intended. Smile
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 7:38 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The other thing is in most rpgs losing your character to evil (going to the darkside) makes him an NPC, where as in KOTOR, etc, you still play them, just with a different ending.
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