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scott2978 Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 02 Jun 2005 Posts: 220 Location: Arizona, USA
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:33 pm Post subject: Scott's game |
Part I - The Characters meet
Ketuin Gosolar - A female human machanical genius and pilot from Corellia. The family business is oversector wide bulk overage transport. Her father inherited the business from his father. During the Clone wars he was a gunrunner for the Confederacy.
Trey Starfire - A human male Jedi-wannabe. Having begun his training as a teenager, his master was killed by a mysterious dark jedi while the two were on Nar Shadda. Trey barely escaped with his life and has been on the run ever since. Trey was once engaged to Ketuin, but his jedi training made him decide to break it off. Ketuin never really understood and has been angry at him ever since.
Karsh Vesputin - A male human ISB agent specialized in the tracking of force users. Karsh is tracking Trey Starfire, and having found him, has joined his group to keep tracking him with the intent to let Trey lead him to other Jedi. Karsh is a truly vile backstabbing evildoer wolf in sheeps clothing.
Denel Oceen - A male human computer wiz. An expert in fogery, burglary and droid programming, Oceen started life as an Imperial navy officer, took part in a mutiny, became a thief on board a luxury liner, and eventually fell in with some rebels who made a name for themselves by tricking the Imperial governor of Brak Sector into destroying himself in his own gas chamber on live sector wide holovision. He has tangled with Black Sun a few times, and they are actively looking for him, unbeknownst to him. Oceen is the only PC to have direct ties to the Rebellion, and the only PC to have been played in a previous SW campaign of mine.
The adventure begins with Karsh Vesputin hiring Ketuin to haul a cargo from Gerenthum to Umgul. Karsh is trying to get in Ketuin's crew and makes the deal anonymously through a rather shady third party that has done business with her family in the past. He knows Ketuin used to be quite close to Trey and that Trey, now on the run for his life, may try to contact her. So, when she arrives on Gerenthum, Oceen, who cooincidentally happens to be on Umgul for a Sabbac game, offers to accompany her.
On the way to Umgul, Ketuin gets a message from an old girlfriend - it's actually Trey disguising himself by only sending a text message - asking her if she would please help her get off Svivren because she's in some trouble. Ket decides to help and detours to Svivren. When she arrives, She finds that it's really Trey who needs her help and she almost leaves him there. But, her desire for revenge makes her think that taking him on board might give her an opportunity to really hurt him later. (She doesn't want him to die, she wants him to suffer like she suffered when he left her at the altar.) She puts on her best fake smile and takes him along to Umgul.
Upon arrival at Umgul, Karsh, who is actually on Bespin, makes another anonymous deal to bring her there. Needing cash after losing some by detouring to pick up Trey and delivering her cargo to Umgul behind schedule, Ket decides to go for it. When she puts down at Bespin however, her ship is immediately locked down. For several hours bespin security only says that they are not to leave their ship. In the mean time, Karsh contacts Ket directly. He tells her that he is a very anxious businemssman and has a cargo of "galaxystation" entertainment systems that must get to Malastare quickly, and he tells her that he can get her ship released if she agrees to help. In reality Karsh has made a side-deal with a crime lord on Malastare to deliver several tons of Glitterstim space from Bespin to Malastare. He really does need to get there fast! So he has hidden his spice in a shipment of galaxystation systems. Ket, having little choice, agrees. The shipment is loaded and Ket is allowed to leave.
Ket decides to make a slight detour along the way to Malastare though. She stops at Yagdul to pay a visit to an old family friend, one of her fathers gunrunning buddies from the Clone Wars. The old guy has been hired by a Givin corporation to perfect his plans for a Hydronomic Fluxer he designed for gunrunning back in the old days. He gives Ket a warm but slightly distracted greeting, they have a nice sit-down dinner and Ket makes a little money by selling him one of her designs for upgrading improved x2 hyperdrive from old x3 ones. Needless to say Karsh is getting REALLY impatient by now. The crime lord threatens to "break all his human appendages" if he doesn't deliver.
Last edited by scott2978 on Fri Mar 23, 2007 6:42 pm; edited 3 times in total |
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scott2978 Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 02 Jun 2005 Posts: 220 Location: Arizona, USA
Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:42 pm Post subject: Scott's Game - Part II |
Part II - Yagdul and Friends
Oceen hits the nightlife, which is pretty strange except in the starport (Givin ideas about fun are not exactly up his alley). While out and about, he is identified by a local crime lord who sends a pair of falleen women to get him blasted and unconsious so he can implant a subspace transponder in his head. Only too eager to make out with 2 beautiful aliens, Oceen completely falls for it. They get him hammered and then drug him. After he passes out, a cybernetics hacker come up o the hotel room and triesd to implant the device in Oceen's head - which turns out to be unsuitable, so he implants it in his fleshy bottom - his left @$$ cheek - instead. For several weeks Oceen has no idea he has a cybernetic subspace transponder in his @$$. A little GM inside joke :)
The group turns out to be a little suspicious of Karsh's cargo because of the circumstances on Bespin. Trey arranges for a little "lightsaber accident" while practicing in the cargo bay and slices into one of the crates. He totally botches his search roll however and doesn't find any of the spice. He and the crew are none the wiser.
On Malastare, the group discovers the place abuzz with news of the pending "Phoebos Memorial Run", a highly anticipated landspeeder race. Trey immediately has aspirations of entering the race. Though he is relatively experienced with speeder bikes, he's not really in the same league as the competitors of this galaxy-wide invitational. The Phoebos Memorial Run, sponsored by Vinta Harvest Ale, has a large entry fee, and renting a racing class speeder turns out to be cost prohibitive. But Trey, undaunted, decides to poke around at the pit and see if he can concoct a plan.
Ket finds out that a local Sector Moff needs his pet Nexu delivered to the Hekaras Regional Zoo on Kinyen. The job pays a staggering 20,000cr so Ket immediately agrees. but she quickly finds out just why the fee is so large - there is really no such thing as a "trained" or "pet" Nexu. This Nexu is just as wild and wickedly dangerous as the day it was captured. Also, feeding it for the 2 week trip to Kinyen turns out to be difficult too. Ket finds herself turning into a "spacefaring Nuna farmer". Nonetheless, Ket really wants that 20 G's so she starts making modifications to the cargo bay of her ship.
Meanwhile, Karsh decides that Trey doesn't really have much in the way of jedi friends, so he decides that turning Trey in would be the best course. So he plans to inform his superiors that Trey will be delivered to Kinyen in a few days. He waits for an opportunity to be alone to make the call. |
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scott2978 Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 02 Jun 2005 Posts: 220 Location: Arizona, USA
Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 7:39 pm Post subject: Part III - Races, Chases and Death |
Part III - Races, Chases and Death
Gavin Sortai - A former ISB hit man gone rogue (Bourne Identity style). This PC is played by the player of Oceen in this adventure, but is the intended permanent PC for the player of Karsh Vesputin. We agreed before the campaign started that his first PC would be killed early on to freak out the other PCs (our usual GM doesn't allow PC deaths!). So Gavin is intended to be his permanent PC. To maintain secrecy, he is played in this session by Oceen's player, after I gave him a note card with stats, and the motivation "MUST kill Karsh Vesputin at ANY cost!!!" Of course I never told anyone that this NPC was actually Karsh's replacement... hehehehe The same NPC comes back later as Gavin, but nobody is the wiser because he's in disguise at the time of this encounter.
The favored frontrunner in the Phoebos Memorial Run (Sponsored by Vinta Harvest Ale!) is a female Brosin Freeracer named Graeme Sartori. She's won 7 of her last 9 Imperial Sanctioned Speeder races in her fire red "Lamborari Firex" landspeeder. The Phoebos Run, being a non-sanctioned event, allows aliens to compete, so the other frontrunners are Vyn Mugvi (a Kubaz driving a Rendili XR700a Turbo Shrike painted Blue and Gold), Lunus Trillion (a Givin driving a Mobquet GSX-12 Flame Hawk pinted Yellow and Red), and Kree Vox (a Verpine driving a XySpeeder 9R Eliminator painted Green and Black). The only other human frontrunner is Thon Febri, a male human from Gyndine flying an Aratech Shockwave Mk I painted cobalt blue. Thon has a reputation of being a troublemaker outside the racetrack. The competition is sure to be tough!
Oceen hits the bars and nightclubs as usual, and picks up some valuable info while chatting up the ladies (some rather unatractive Gran ladies that is!) He learns that the driver of the Aratech speeder, Thon Febri, is about to get his legs broke. Aparently he's made someone rather angry, and a hulking blue alien has been hired to "make him hurt". Oceen makes friends with the big brute, and after buying him a few drinks talks himself into getting to watch (!). So the alien (who's name escapes me ATM) drives over to the Aratech pits and sure enough, Thon ends up with two broken legs. Oceen uses his comlink to call Trey with the good news, trying to make it sound like he only heard about it...
Meanwhile, Trey and Karsh are cruising the hangars looking for some way to get into the race. After some refusals by the other crews, Trey finds the Malastare police outside the Aratech hangar. The race manager of the Aratech team aludes to the possibility that an Aratech official might have been the one to have Thons legs broken, and when Trey mentions his racing credentials (while slightly playing himself up in the process) The manager agrees to hire him on just to pretend to be Thon so his team isn't disgraced. Thon is whisked away secretly while Trey takes his place in the Aratech speeder. Karsh heads back to the ship where he makes a slight modification to the ship's IFF signature, and loosens the connector on the negative power coupling to make it easier to keep Ket from taking off when the Imps come for Trey on Kinyen.
The next morning, the race begins with Ket, Karsh and Oceen in the hoverstands watching. Trey gets off to a slow start but uses his speeder bike skills to good effect. The race has 10 markers, each one must be reached in order. The course looks like this:
Marker 1 – Straight, paved road, base DC 5
Marker 2 – Curving, building lined road base DC 8
Marker 3 – Weaving through huge trees, base DC 11
Marker 4 – Hairpin turn among huge trees, base DC 15
Marker 5 – Winding, tree-lined river, base DC 12
Marker 6 – Curving, underground river tunnel, base DC 22
Marker 7 – High-dive (500') waterfall, open air - loss of repulsorgrips, base DC 18
Marker 8 – Straight, lake run (waves, roostertails, jumping fish, sailboats), base DC 13
Marker 9 – Tight climbing loop, hillside to open-air inverted flight, base DC 25 (marker held aloft with repulsorlifts)
Marker 10 – Straight, paved road, base DC 5
When Trey has reached the 6th marker, Karsh excuses himself and heads for a pubcoms kiosk to call his superiors. He takes a robohack to the 152nd floor of an office building downtown to use the pubcoms there. However, while he is walking to the kiosk, his danger sense tells him he's being watched. Indeed he is. Gavin Sortai is right behind him. A desperate knife fight breaks out!
At the same time Trey Starfire is desperately racing for his life against killer aliens bent on winning at any cost, Karsh is in a desperate running knife fight through the upper stories of the office complex!!!
The knife fight ends with Karsh being pushed off the 152nd story of the building to plunge to his death on the hood of a passing robohack 250' below, while Trey comes in 3rd (but still alive!) in the race.
Ket quickly finishes the modifications to the cargo hold and takes on the Nexu on board, along with about 50 Nunas for food. The group investigates Karsh's dissapearance and comes up blank. There were witnesses, but nobody really saw anything because the two were expert assasins and kept it all on the DL whilst fighting for their lives in public!
So, the session ends with the remaining PC's preparing for takeoff to head for Kinyen. |
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scott2978 Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 02 Jun 2005 Posts: 220 Location: Arizona, USA
Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:36 pm Post subject: Part IV - Voyage to Kinyen |
Part IV - Voyage to Kinyen
Before the ship lifts off, Thon Febri contacts the ship on holo and asks to talk to Trey. He tells Trey that he’s been given a new lease on life by coming in third in the Phoebos Memorial. He says that “They probably would have had me killed if I’d raced with broken legs and come in last, if I had survived at all that is. And if I hadn’t run the race I’d have been in breach of my contract and Aratech could have fired me. But now that I’ve… err I mean you’ve come so close to winning again I have a new lease on life. I should be healed up in time for the Desilijic race on Boonta this year, maybe you’d like to come see the race, or better yet, be my backup driver, this time officially! I really owe you one pal, take care and if you ever need anything, let me know.”
During the trip to Kinyen, the Nexu and Ketuin begin to form a bond. She builds him a special “hunting grounds” in the cargo bay, and the Nexu gets playful with her whenever she is around, chucking live nunas into the cage she built him in the cargo bay.
The trip to Kinyen is interrupted by the Hyperdrive going out near Suntir Station. The negative power coupling has finally worked loose. After an hour or so of diagnostics it's determined that the coupling simply worked itself lose, since there are no signs of damage. the group desides to make a stopover at Suntir Station to do a complete top to bottom check of the ship's systems. While on the station, Ket and Trey go over the ship with a fine toothed comb while Oceen hits the gambling club. He gets into a high stakes game with a wealthy female twilek. She turns out to be pretty good, and after a few hands Oceen sees his fortune starting to turn. He decides to make a risky play by slipping in a cheater chip. With a sharp eye, she catches him and he admits defeat. Instead of having him spaced however, she invites him to dinner and gives him back half his lost credits.
Later in a very high class restaurant she admits to being a Rebel operative. She's had dealings with the same rebels that Oceen has hung around with, and she tries to recruit him back into the ranks. Oceen takes the offer under advisement and returns to the ship to help with the shakedown.
the shakedown goes quickly and no other anomolies are found. The group lifts off and finishes the trip to Kinyen. Upon arrival it's clear they are expected. A platoon of Stormtroopers with E-Web heavy repeating blasters are there to greet them! After some tense negotiations though, it's revealed that the troops are only there as an escort for the extremely valuable Nexu (trained Nexu go for around 250,000cr). So the group reluctantly turns over the Nexu (Ket has become quite fond of the creature and vice versa). The destination is revealed to be not the Hekaras Regional Zoo however, but an encampment in the forest of Kinyen where a grand hunt gala spectacle called "The Great Houjix Hunt" is about to begin in honor of the newly promoted Captain Aban of the ISD Bellicose. Ket decides to try to steal the creature back from the Empire before something ill befalls it, and heads off into the city, leaving the rest of the group to greet their latest new crewmember... |
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