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Bringing Jedi Masters into the Rise of the Empire Era
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Joined: 15 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 1:57 pm    Post subject: Bringing Jedi Masters into the Rise of the Empire Era Reply with quote

So I have the following Force users:
1) Force-Sensitive character who's father is Obi-Wan Kenobi and her mother is Siri Tachi. She has no idea who her parents are, in character and out of character. She has seen a print out of her mother and this is used as flashbacks.
2) A Twi'lek girl who is a young Jedi. We haven't fleshed out her background enough to establish the how's and why's for her. Yet.
3) A Human girl who is also a young Jedi. Her father was a Jedi who hid, adopted the life of a Farmer/craftsman and never told his family who he was. Until he discovered he was dying of a disease even the Force couldn't help him fight. He then entrusted his favorite child with his secret and taught her until his death. He had no lightsaber and did not pass any information on creation of such devices to her.

We currently have these fine ladies all with powers(with the exception of #1-she has "bad feelings" about stuff) and no one to teach them.
Along comes the GM with railroading.
During the adventure Tatooine Manhunt, the group splits up. I use this opportunity to have some fun with #1's character and have her meet an old lady (similar to Vima) who tells her she "feels like the old hermit who lives out in the wasteland". Well... taking the bait that group does some searching and finds out clues to old Ben's place.
(BTW #2 and #3 did not participate in that adventure)
I have the party find his place, break into it, and encounter two different groups.

A band of superstitious Tusken Raiders led by a force-sensitive shaman, who has Siri Tachi's warming crystal. Kenobi had strained relations with this group, but made a connection with this shaman(who had a protocol droid strapped to his back, to do his translation and "speak to spirits he did not understand") and he had a vision of this girl coming and entrusted(long winded sorry) the shaman with the crystal and give it to her. man... run on sentence heaven.
This was happening outside while the girl(I say girl when its actually a woman... geez)makes contact with person who introduces himself as Qui-Gon. No last names, she is so taken back by his prescence she fails to notice his ghost-like appearance.
He tells her she most go to the Bespin system and find Djinn Altis. He would be able to help her find out who she is and what her future holds.

They then negotiated with the Tuskens and got the warming crystal. Which sent another wave of flashbacks to her.

Anywho... I have wrangled up info on Master Altis.
Here's the link.

Reading about him, he's human and would be well over a 120 years old.

But if he used one of his unorthodox methods to stay alive and hidden, he could be in an inanimate object.

So we now have a reason for the "jedi" to find him, and I can use him as a teacher, to get these gals going.

I just have no idea how. Again... yet.

What boggles my mind is why Vader didn't detect his presence when he went to the Bespin System. Was he so engrossed with Luke that he didn't notice? I mean, Altis is supposed to have his own praxeum hidden there.

In my mind, that think would be glowing like no one's business.

So my plot idea is this:
The group finds it, and the master. The master is infused with the ship. Keeping his spirit there.

A Dark Jedi or Emperor's Hand finds them and discovers the praxeum himself(this all happens over the course of a few adventures). He challenges/attacks/whatever with the group. He's defeated and leaves/escapes. At least twice. Ah... reoccuring bad guy. And eventually we'll have a show down on the praxeum with the bad guy and his minions. The only way to defeat him is to destroy the praxeum.

Altis could use his "forbidden" force power(s) to inhabit the body of a defeated enemy and follow the pc's teaching the force users. But having a Jedi Master in this area, other than Yoda/Obi-Wan makes things... interesting. I'm worried about balance in the era. Now I know "its your game", but... still...

So what do you think? To cheesy? Its still rough, and I need to flesh it out more, but ... what do ya think?

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Sovereign Protector
Sovereign Protector

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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The chessey part to me, is the character who is the daughter of obiwan... i have never seen anything showing he had a kid.

What boggles my mind is why Vader didn't detect his presence when he went to the Bespin System. Was he so engrossed with Luke that he didn't notice? I mean, Altis is supposed to have his own praxeum hidden there.

Perhaps he is both light and darkside tainted, so shows up as neutral... Something he tries to keep from those around him.

Altis could use his "forbidden" force power(s) to inhabit the body of a defeated enemy and follow the pc's teaching the force users.

Sounds definatly dark side...
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the way i read into the whole universe at the time is that there was only luke, yoda, and ben. Yoda had one other pupile, ben did not to my knoledge. now the game let people make jedi that could eventually defeat Vader for breakfast and i never found that in the spirit of the rebellion. so the way i play my games, is no fore users. some force sensitivity and some "bad feelings" or general nudges in the right direction.

the other force users that were around were hermits that never left their planets (and were mostly evil oriented) and luke found most of them but that leads you to belive that you can have other encampments. So if a player comes to me and says "but star wars is all about jedi" i return with "ok, but if you do anything overly good, or significant, or even progress in power to above barley trained, Darth Vader will come for you. Because that is what would happen, he would sense them, or the emperor would sence them. and any jedi would have poor, crude training, or even been trained improperly and have a lot of things wrong.

So, with all that in mind, adding jedi is possible, and i think what you have is prety interesting. i think i would personally go with the holocron approach. but it would be fun if master was one of the Dathmorr (sp?) witches (use the force, but dont really have a side, but probably more towards dark) or something along thoes lines. perhaps a certain person, who has lets say a crystal that detects the spirit of the person who killed his Great Great... Grandfather and has sworn revenge is tracking that sprit. it will start out as if this person has it out for them, but once or twice have him interact with them in a friendly manner when the spirit is elsewhere. you know have him run at them attack when its there, and not even notice them if its not there. the finding bens hut is fun and all, but i dont like messing too much with the plots of hte movies too much, because i think that they would do something stupid and mess something up so bad that it would have impacted the movies.

So, all in all i am against jedi, but if one is to come in my party, i love to make it difficult. the dark side is one think that you should be afraid of. and without a formal teacher, its grasp is so easly won.
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PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 5:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The player doesn't know Kenobi is/was her father. Her husband suggested it, and since our games in no way, shape or form run into canon, I didn't see a problem. Kenobi and Tachi trained together, adventured together and even fell in love. What they did with their love is ... a mystery.

Altis is responsible for teaching
Geith and Callista Ming, who was with him for five years.

From wookiepedia:
Altis was a maverick, allowing Jedi Padawans to become romantically attached, and he taught techniques — such as the ability to preserve one's consciousness after death by transferring it to an inanimate object — which were lost to, or condemned by, the mainstream Jedi Order.

He operated his Jedi academy on a praxeum ship named Chu'unthor after the original and better-known praxeum ship which crashed on Dathomir. He kept Chu'untor hidden near the gas giant of Bespin.

Altis had arrived on Bespin as of 118 BBY and stayed there at least as of 18 BBY. There, in contrast with the normal Jedi process of separating trainees from their parents and training them at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, he recruited and trained multiple Padawans as adults, most of them from worlds outside the Galactic Republic, including Chadra.

Calista is portrayed as being more of an ethereal being when Luke meets her. And when of the Jedi with him on the mission dies, she takes over her body.

Here's the passage that intrigued me with her:
Djinn Altis, Callista, and Geith survived the Great Jedi Purge, and remained in contact with other survivors such as Master Plett, who was sheltering a group of Jedi children on the remote world of Belsavis. But they discovered that the newly-formed Galactic Empire had built the massive dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine to attack Belsavis — a sort of proto-Death Star armed with super-heavy experimental turbolasers. Callista and Geith attempted to sabotage or destroy the massive ship, but were only partially successful, and both died in the attempt. Callista, however, used her talents in the Force to essentially 'haunt' the battlemoon's gunnery computer.

and then
She remained there for thirty years, until Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and several other New Republic Jedi discovered the Eye of Palpatine and assisted her in destroying it. During the process, the two fell in love, and just prior to the station's destruction, Callista transferred her spirit into the body of Cray Mingla.

I'm thinking of doing something similar with Master Djinn Altis, when the party finds "him".

As far as the Trilogy characters, they have script immunity. I don't care how their stats in the rpg are listed, they are more powerful than they are listed, IMO.

Having said that, in my game, the group will NEVER encounter them. Hear about them, maybe have email or communications relayed to them, yes. But come face to face. Nope.

The game takes place in a galaxy. Not a planet, country, state or town. A galaxy and as being that big has room for escaped Jedi who can ... ahem... arise from the ashes to help.

I guess, I was posting more in the vein of "thinking out loud". I agree with watching Force Sensitive characters and their power. The Emperor has other agents beyond Vader. And I will, and fully intend to, have his Hands seek the wanna-be Jedi out.

As far as the Crystal, Siri Tachi gave him her warming crystal and he kept it to remember her by. Luke(in Shadows of the Empire) finds Ben's hut, and in the chest where his father's LS was kept is a book that has Jedi teaching in it. No holocron, or mystical teacher. Albeit, that Qui-Gonn gave her a nudge to find one.

The player has no idea of all these trappings that are behind the scenes. Her character is more of a female Han than Luke. She's intrigued by her sixth sense and more interested in finding her past. Whether or not she'll go down the Jedi path remains wide open. But I have two other players(girls, 13 and 10) who wanted to play Jedi. They are both aware of how dangerous it is to attempt to be one, not just from me but from the other adults in our group. So they have attempted to use their powers only once in the seven sessions we've played.

Anywho... I digress. I like the idea of Altis fitting a more neutral teacher. What I've been thinking the last day or so is that he's going to teach them rudimentary stuff, and in the background he's planning on taking them over. His spirit warped by being contained within ship, and not being in contact with anyone after the Purge. Basically his sanity broken, and the lure of the Darkside calls to him. Again... thinking out loud.

Thanks for the feedback, it is appreciated. Gets me thinking. Thanks again!
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As far as these individuals actually becoming trained in the Force, you could, if you wanted, have them stumble upon a nexus of the dark side. This would hide them while they trained, allowing them to progress in their powers unmolested. However, once they left that secure location, they would be even more easily detected, unless they were constantly practicing Force-damping that would not only prevent them from being detected, but would also keep them from using the Force to its potential. An interesting dilemma, wouldn't you say? To have that power, but be unable to use it for fear of discovery? Delicious irony there.

There was a reason Vader had to search for Luke, after all! Wink
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