garhkal Sovereign Protector
Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14247 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:13 pm Post subject: Are they up to specs??? |
Bringing this argument/discussion over from the holonet. Do you think the rebel special force templates/npcs in the book are up to snuff?? TO me their base stats, with most being about the same as a stormtrooper/army trooper (IF THAT) does not co-inside with them being 'supposed special'... So i have done my own revamping of them, to give them back the special...
Space Ops Trooper
Dex: 2d+2. Brawl parry 4d, dodge 4d+2, blaster 5d+1, melee combat 3d+2 (S) zero grav 6d, melee parry 3d (S) zero grav 5d+2
Know: 2d+1. Survival 3d, (S) space 5d, tactics 3d
Mech: 2d. Cap ship gunnery 3d+1, starship gunnery 4d, power suit operation 4d
Per: 3d. Command 3d+2, search 4d
Str: 3d. Brawl 4d+1, stamina 3d+2
Tech: 2d. Cap ship repair 3d, security 4d, space transport repair 3d+2
Character points: 4 base, add 3 per rank
Force points: 0 for recruits. Add 1 per 2 ranks gained
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Blaster pistol (4d), blaster carbine (5d), 2 light stun grenades (blast radius of 0-3/6/10, for 5d/4d/3d damage. Can be thrown 12/24/36), space suit (+1d physical, +2 energy, NO Dex penalty), Vibro knife (str+1d), comlink,
SpecForce Pathfinder
Dex: 2d+1. Blaster 3d+1, (S) rifle 5d+2, blaster artillery 4d, brawl parry 3d+2, dodge 6d, grenade 4d, vehicle blaster 4d+2,
Know: 3d. Alien species 3d+2, cultures 3d+1, languages 3d+1, survival 3d+1 (S) wilderness 6d, tactics 3d,
Mech: 2d. Beast riding 3d+2, repulsorlift operations 4d+1, sensors 4d+1,
Per: 3d. Bargain 3d+2, hide 4d, search 4d, (S) tracking 5d+2, sneak 3d+2, (S) wilderness 5d+1,
Str: 2d+2. Brawl 3d+2, climb/jump 3d+2, stamina 4d, swimming 3d+2
Tech: 2d. Demolitions 4d, first aid 4d,
Character points: 5 Base. Add 2 per rank level.
Force points: Recruits start with 1. Gain 1 per 3 ranks.
Move: 10
Equipped with: Blaster rifle (5d), 2 grenades (5d, std fragmentation), camouflage poncho (+1d sneak), survival pack, lowlight capable binoculars, comlink, flac vest (+1d physical, +1 energy), flac helmet (+1d physical, +1 energy),
SpecForce Urban Combat Specialist
Dex: 3d. Blaster 3d+2, (S) pistol 6d, brawl parry 4d, dodge 5d+2, grenade 4d, melee 3d+1, (S) Vibro dagger 5d+1, melee parry 3d+1, (S) Vibro dagger 5d+1,
Know: 2d. Languages 3d+1, streetwise 4d+2
Mech: 2d+2. Repulsorlift operations 4d+1,
Per: 2d+2. Command 3d+2, hide 3d+2, search 4d+2, sneak 4d+1,
Str: 2d+2. Brawl 4d, climb/jump 3d+2, lift 3d+1, stamina 3d+1
Tech: 2d. Demolitions 3d+2, first aid 3d+2, security 4d+1,
Character points: 4 base, add 3 per rank
Force points: 0 for recruits. Add 1 per 2 ranks gained
Move: 10.
Equipped with: blaster pistol (4d), 2 grenades (5d), Vibro dagger (str+1d), comlink, flac vest (+1d physical, +1 energy), flac helmet (+1d physical, +1 energy),
Cont next post... _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
garhkal Sovereign Protector
Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14247 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Sat Mar 18, 2006 8:14 pm Post subject: |
Concluding the templates...
SpecForce Wilderness Combat Specialist
Dex: 2d+1. Blaster 3d+1, (S) Pistol 5d+2, blaster artillery 4d, brawl parry 3d+2, dodge 5d, grenade 4d, melee 3d+2, (S) Vibro dagger 5d, melee parry 3d+1, (S) Vibro dagger 4d+2, vehicle blaster 4d,
Know: 2d+2. Cultures 3d+1, languages 3d+1, survival 3d+1 (S) wilderness 6d, tactics 3d, (S) Guerilla warfare 4d+1,
Mech: 2d+1. Beast riding 3d+1, repulsorlift operations 4d,
Per: 2d+2. Command 3d+2, hide 4d, search 4d, sneak 3d+2, (S) wilderness 4d+2,
Str: 2d+2. Brawl 3d+2, climb/jump 3d+2, stamina 4d, swimming 3d+2
Tech: 2d+1. Blaster repair 3d+1, demolitions 4d, first aid 4d,
Character points: 5 Base. Add 2 per rank level.
Force points: Recruits start with 1. Gain 1 per 3 ranks.
Move: 10
Equipped with: Blaster pistol (4d+2), flac vest (+1d physical, +1 energy), flac helmet (+1d physical, +1 energy), 2 grenades (5d, std fragmentation), speeder bike, survival pack, Vibro dagger (str+1d), comlink
SpecForce Infiltrator
Dex: 3d. Blaster 3d+1, brawl parry 3d+2 (S) RSFMAP 4d+2, dodge 4d+2, firearms 3d+1, (S) pistols 4d+2, melee 4d, (S) Vibro dagger 5d+2, melee parry 3d+2, (S) Vibro dagger 5d+1, thrown weapons 4d+2,
Know: 2d. Streetwise 3d+1, survival 3d+2, tactics 3d+1,
Mech: 2d. Communications 3d+2, repulsorlift operations 3d+2, sensors 3d+2,
Per: 3d. Con 3d+2, hide 4d, search 5d, sneak 5d+2,
Str: 3d. Brawl 3d+2, (S) RSFMAA 5d, stamina 4d+1,
Tech: 2d. Demolitions 3d+2, security 4d,
Character points: 5 Base. Add 2 per rank level.
Force points: Recruits start with 1. Gain 1 per 3 ranks.
Move: 10
Equipped with: Silenced slug thrower pistol (3d+1), 2 spare clips of ammo (30 spare shots), Vibro dagger x2 (Str+1d), garrote (str+1d), sound baffled head-strap comlink,
SpecForce Heavy Weapons Specialist
Dex: 3d. Brawl parry 3d+2, blaster artillery 3d+2, dodge 5d, grenade 3d+1, vehicle blasters 3d+2, AND EITHER “Blaster 3d+2, (S) repeating blaster 5d+1, missile weapons 4d” or “blaster 4d, missile weapons 3d+2, (S) flechette launcher 5d+1”,
Know: 2d. Survival 3d+1,
Mech: 3d. Capital ship gunnery 4d+1, repulsorlift operations 3d+2, starship gunnery 4d+2,
Per: 2d. Command 3d+1, search 4d,
Str: 3d. Brawl 4d, lifting 4d, stamina 4d,
Tech: 2d. Demolitions 4d, first aid 3d+1,
Character points: 4 base, add 3 per rank
Force points: 0 for recruits. Add 1 per 2 ranks gained
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Blaster pistol (4d), comlink, blast vest and helmet (each provide +2 phys and energy protection to the head, and chest/back), heavy weapon (varies by mission, e.g. light repeater).
SpecForce Technicians
Dex: 2d. Blaster 3d+1, brawl parry 4d, dodge 4d, melee parry 4d, running 3d+2,
Know: 2d+2. Bureaucracy 3d+1, languages 3d+2, law enforcement 3d+1, streetwise 3d+1, survival 3d+2,
Mech: 3d. Capital ship shields 4d, repulsorlift operations 4d, starship shields 4d,
Per: 2d+1. Command 3d+1, hide 3d+2, search 3d+2,
Str: 2d. Lift 3d+1, stamina 3d+2,
Tech: 3d. Pick 3 of the following skills to be 4d+1, each with 1 specialty at 5d+2. All the rest are at 3d+1. IF goes with medic option, gets only first aid 5d+1, (A) medicine 2d) and 2 other skills at 4d.
Armor repair, blaster repair, capital ship repair, capital ship weapon repair, computer programming/repair, droid programming, droid repair, demolitions, first aid, hover vehicle repair, missile weapon repair, repulsorlift repair, space transport repair, starship weapon repair, walker repair.
Character points: 6 base. +5 per 2 ranks earned.
Force points: 1 base. +2 per 5 ranks gained.
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Repair tech - heavy blaster pistol (5d), comlink, technical tool kit, 2 data pads, field service kit (Grants 1d bonus for weapons repairs, for 20 repairs).
Combat engineer – heavy blaster pistol (5d), 12lb detonite, 3 chargers, 6 detonation timer units, 2 remote detonation units and switch, data pad with technical specs on explosives (adds 1d for disarming only).
Medic – hold out pistol (3d+1, STUN SETTING ONLY), medical back pack (contains 8 med packs, splints, and 2 pints blood/saline), advanced medical kit (contains medical scanner which adds 1d to diagnostics and 4 additional pints of fluids).
SpecForce Drivers/Pilots.
Dex: 2d+2. Blaster 4d, dodge 4d, vehicle blasters 4d
Know: 2d+1. Alien species 3d, cultures 3d+1, languages 3d, planetary systems 4d+1, streetwise 3d+2, survival 3d+1,
Mech: 3d. Pick 2 of the following operator skills, they will be at 5d, one with a 6d specialty. All other operator skills will be at 3d+2. The 2-skill pick can include weapons or shields.
Ground vehicle operation, hover vehicle operation, repulsorlift operation, walker operation, star fighter piloting, space transports operation, starship shields, starship weapons,
Per: 2d+2. Con 3d+2, search 3d+1,
Str: 2d. Stamina 3d+1, (S) zero gravity 5d,
Tech: 2d+1. Grab 1 repair skill linked to the vehicle operation focused in at 4d+2. Other vehicle skills will be at 3d+1.
Character points: 4 base. +3 per rank.
Force points: 0 base. Gains 1 at the second rank, and one every 3 ranks after.
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Blaster pistol (4d), comlink, data pad, and a vehicle/ship appropriate to the mission. If space transport or star fighter is given, will also have an armored vacuum suit (+1d physical and energy, -2 dex and related skills).
SpecForce Scanner/communications Operator
Dex: 2d. Blaster 3d+2, brawl parry 4d+2, dodge 4d+1, melee parry 4d+2, running 3d+2,
Know: 2d+2. Bureaucracy 3d+1, languages 3d+2, law enforcement 3d+1, streetwise 3d+1, survival 3d+2,
Mech: 3d. Communications 5d+1, sensors 5d+1,
Per: 2d+1. Search 3d+2,
Str: 2d. Lift 3d+1, stamina 3d+2,
Tech: 3d. Communications repair 4d, computer programming/repair 3d+2, first aid 3d+2, sensors repair 4d,
Character points: 6 base. +5 per 2 ranks earned.
Force points: 1 base. +2 per 5 ranks gained.
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Blaster pistol (4d), Back pack communications set (OR) field scanner (as appropriate), flac coat (arms, neck, torso, hips and upper legs all protected with +2 physical and energy protection).
SpecForce Interrogator
Dex: 2d+1. Blaster 3d+1, brawl parry 4d+1, dodge 4d+1, melee parry 4d+1,
Know: 3d. Alien species 4d, bureaucracy 4d, cultures 4d, intimidation 5d, languages 4d, law enforcement 4d, streetwise 4d, survival 3d+1, willpower 4d,
Mech: 2d. Communications 3d+1, repulsorlift operations 3d,
Per: 3d. Command 4d, con 5d, persuasion 3d+2, search 4d+1
Str: 2d+2. Brawl 4d+2, stamina 4d+2,
Tech: 2d. First aid 4d,
Character points: Initial 6. Gains 5 cp per 2 ranks earned.
Force points: Initial 1. Gains 2 per 3 ranks earned.
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Data pad, comlink, blaster pistol, crisp looking uniform (will always look his or her best), portable uniform refresher, wash up kit, interpretation droid (occasionally), recording rods (usually 3).
SpecForce Procurement Specialist
Dex: 2d+1. Blaster 3d+1, brawl parry 4d+1, dodge 4d+1, pick pockets 4d+2
Know: 3d. Bureaucracy 4d, business 4d+2, cultures 4d, languages 4d, streetwise 4d, value 4d+1,
Mech: 2d. Repulsorlift operations 3d+2,
Per: 3d. Bargain 5d+2, con 4d, investigations 4d, persuasion 4d, search 4d,
Str: 2d+2. Brawl 4d+2, lifting 4d, stamina 4d+2,
Tech: 2d. First aid 3d, security 3d+2.
Character points: 5 Initially. Earns 3 every rank.
Force points: Initial 1. Gains 2 per 3 ranks earned.
Move: 10.
Equipped with: Blaster pistol (4d), lock breaking kit (adds 1d to security for lock picking), flac vest (+1d physical, +1 energy), comlink, data pad (with latest trading information on). _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |