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Firefly Class transport
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Joss has said many times that the techno stuff just gave him a headache and so he never really worried about it. He's said at one point a few systems close together, and one point he's said one system with many planets. He doesn't personally care, just wants to tell an intruiging story and makes up planets if the story needs one. For example, look at the Better Days comic series he just wrote. The crew goes to a previously unmentioned "vacation/resort" planet called Pelorum.

Check out the map on . That seems to be the relatively accepted map amongst most gamers. A tight cluster of systems that is reachable with sublight drives.


EDIT: Here's the image for your convenience (sorry it's so big):

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great to see someone put the stats together for the best ship in the 'Verse.

My only comments would be:

Length should be closer to 83 metres. The Official Serenity blueprints list her length at around 290 feet.

3D maneuverability seems high. I know Wash could do some amazing feats with her but I don't think a stock freighter that almost doesn't fit on a football field should be able to turn like an X-wing. The highly modified Millennium Falcon only has 1D.

Also Joss Whedon, when asked how fast the ships move, said they move at the speed of plot.
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Darth Dahpluth

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:20 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There was a while since I was here last time.
The Waves in the Black board has benn down for some time. But has been replace by which happens to have a Serenity section and is hosted (afaik) by the same fellow that hostwed WitB.

Anyway, Full burn is not some kind of hyperdrive, it's only some kind of afterburner, making the ship go faster, burning up lots of fuel and give another reason to break the ship in half, especially in atmosphere, but can give an edge in ship to ship fight (or flight).

For longer trips another system is used, but isn't explained (afaik) either in the series or in the movie. In the Serenity RPG book there is some kind of gravitational field that reduces the ships mass to a very small number and thereby granting it very fast travel times. It doesn't provide FTL though.
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not that it is 100% on topic, but as an aside, we at Fandom Comics recently put up our latest chapter in our Clone Wars Fan Sourcebook (Saga Edition) and used the Ariel Ambulance as our medlifter, just as an homage.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2008 1:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

shnar wrote:
He's said at one point a few systems close together, and one point he's said one system with many planets.

Actually, it's both. The 'Verse is a trinary star system. Subjectively, you can think of it as a primary star with planets in orbit, and then a secondary star orbits the primary star far outside of the primary's planetary orbits. The inner planets of the primary star are the core or central planets. That secondary star also has planets orbiting it. All of the worlds on the show and in the movie are all worlds that orbit one of these two stars. There is a tertiary star that also orbits the primary star, far outside the system of the secondary star. That one hasn't been explored, and was probably just put there to make Joss' comment about "few systems" also true (few meaning at least 3, but defintely more than 2).

So anyway, the 'Verse is one trinary star system, which means it is one big system composed of 3 sub-systems. And like in Star Wars, many of the terraformed, earth-size worlds were actually moons of gas giants (Yavin, Endor, etc.).

I think if you wanted to adapt the 'Verse to Star Wars, you could add FTL and spread it out to a sector if you wanted. But not in my game. What modern astronomy is teaching us is that multi-star systems are actually very common in the universe, and actually single-star systems like our own is actually more the exception then the rule. They say that there are a great many star systems like Tatooine in the universe. But that binary star system is more like a single-star system, because the movies portray that the planet Tatooine orbits around both stars, which orbit around each other. When you think about it, the 'Verse is a very complex system, but not impossible.

In my game, the 'Verse is one mega-system near the edge of the galaxy, cut off from the Empire and the rest of the galaxy. It is the result of a long-lost human settlement from during Old Republic. It has the great multitude of terraformed worlds all in one (trinary) system, just like in Firefly/Serenity. They don't have FTL. And maybe the extreme local gravimetric forces/hyperspace shadows caused by the 3-star system and other intersteller phenomena prevent safe hyperdrive travel into and out of the 'Verse, so maybe that is why it has remained cut off from galactic society (well that and it's extreme remoteness).

Maybe some characters will have astrogation mishap and end up there? Maybe their hyperdrive is damaged and there are no replacement parts, so they have to carve out a living there for awhile. Maybe it will take a long sublight journey through the 'Verse and eventually heroic astrogation to get back to the galaxy proper? Or maybe the character have to intentionally brave the intersteller dangers and make heroic astrogation to get into the 'Verse for a specifc mission/purpose?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:20 am    Post subject: For my game... Reply with quote

I made stats for a Light-freighter version of the firefly for a friend's game (my Cousin 'Dude' played the smuggler...) and found maps and pics...mind you its not the full sized ship, but rather our love letter to the series that was taken from us way to soon...

The base stats...
Craft: Baivan-Burton "Whedon-class" Skyfire model-081382
Type: Corellian Light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 40 meters
Skill: Space transports: Baivan-Burton Skyfire class freighter
Crew: 2 (skeleton of 1/+10)
Passengers: 8
Cargo: 275 Metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 195,000 (NEW), 25,000 (VERY USED)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x3
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 650 kmh
Hull: 4D
Shields: 0

Passive: 20 / 1D
Scan: 50 / 2D
Search: 80 / 3D
Focus: 4 / 4D


The Skyfire Freighter is made by the Baivan-Burton freighter manufacturing company in the Corellian system and is known for its enlarged cargo bay and its opulent interior. It never sold as well as the YT-series and was eventually phased out of the market place due to its cost and general size. One of the many design features that made it great was the option of purchasing small atmosphere shuttle craft that could be docked in place of escape pods. This option was rarely exercised due to the costs (an additional 25,000 credits each) and the loss of maneuverability (-1D for each shuttle). The Skyfire, much like its YT cousin is highly modifiable and has its share of hidden cubby holes that make it highly sought after by smugglers, rascals and gun-runners of all shape and sizes.

And now the version (after much modification...) that was used in the game...

The Icefire
Craft: Baivan-Burton "Whedon-class" Skyfire model-081382
Type: Corellian Light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 40 meters
Skill: Space transports: Baivan-Burton Skyfire class freighter
Crew: 2 (skeleton of 1/+10)
Passengers: 8
Cargo: 242 Metric tons
Consumables: 2 months
Cost: 195,000 (NEW), 25,000 (VERY USED)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive Backup: x12
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 3D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Hull: 5D+2
Shields: 3D

Passive: 20 / 1D
Scan: 50 / 2D
Search: 80 / 3D
Focus: 4 / 4D

2 Turbo Lasers
-Fire Arc: Turret
-Skill: Starship Gunnery
-Fire Control: 3D
-Space Range: 1-15 / 35 / 70
-Atmosphere range 6-30 / 72 / 150 km
Damage: 7D

1 Heavy Ion Cannon
-Fire Arc: Front
-Skill: Starship Gunnery
-Fire Control: 4D
-Space Range: 1-3 / 7 / 36
-Atmosphere range 100-300 / 700 / 3.6 km
Damage: 4D

Concussion Missile Launcher
-Fire Arc: Front
-Skill: Missile Weapons
-Fire Control: 1D
-Space Range: 1 / 3 / 7
-Atmosphere range 50-100 / 300 / 700
Damage: 7D
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 11:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

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