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The (Failed) Return of the Jedi
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:37 pm    Post subject: Re: The (Failed) Return of the Jedi Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Was this a plot device to destroy both the death star and the emperor??


The PCs were directed (by Leia, a secret Imperial agent/Vader's apprentice by this point) to discover and reach out to a fugitive Death Star engineer, so that he would aid the Rebellion.

This engineer, in my game, had designed four massive, prototype interdictor gravity well-generators within the Death Star. But during testing, at even moderate power levels, they were over-designed and threatened to vibrate the plating of the battle station apart. In the interest of expediency, the project was shelved and his budget cut - he smartly fled - and instead they doubled the number of tractor beam generators on the Death Star.

The PCs, after a riddle and "treasure hunt" for the engineer, successfully brought him aboard. They handed them over to what should have been agents of Rebel Intelligence, but failed all of their rolls to realize that they were actually giving the engineer directly to the ISB.

The ISB commander, following orders from Vader, handed the engineer to him for interrogation. The engineer gladly spilled the beans about the gravity well generators, and helped Vader re-engineer them into a devastating weapon: when powered with the energy surge intended for the superweapon, they speculated it would become a Mass Shadow Generator, a la KotOR II.

It worked.

So the PCs played a direct role in these events, without even knowing it, and yes - the Emperor is dead and the Death Star has been destroyed.

Really, the whole line of thought had stemmed from two moments, months ago:
1. If the PCs don't have the Falcon, how could they ever get to the Death Star in time to rescue Leia? What happens to her if she isn't rescued? Is she "terminated?" Or put on a show trial on Imperial Center and then executed? Blamed for the destruction of Alderaan? I ended up with Vader interrogating her one last time, invading her mind, and discovering that she was actually his daughter. Weakened by the grief and guilt she felt over the destruction of her homeworld and family, Leia was susceptible to Vader's manipulations. She came to see herself as the product of a lie she had been told since her birth, and accepted Vader as her Master and father.

2. The PCs decided very early into the game, against my recommendations, to infiltrate the ISB Headquarters within the COMPNOR Arcology. There was absolutely no way they could survive such a suicide mission - it's one of the best defended locations in the galaxy - unless (like in ANH), Vader got involved and intentionally let them live. But why? As in the movie, to return Leia to the Rebellion.

Once those plot points have been established, the rest flows naturally. Vader would be angry about having been lied to about Padme and his child (he doesn't know about Luke, yet), and wants revenge. Leia being his personal agent in the Rebellion serves as a means to that end, but using parts of the Rebellion as his own hand that the Emperor couldn't see.

Edit: It's a fun coincidence that Rogue One is all about the engineers of the Death Star. Back when I came up with the rogue engineer portion of the plot, we still didn't know that yet. I'm actually off to the theaters for the premier once I finish this edit. To all others seeing it tonight: enjoy!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 07, 2017 4:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Change whatever you want. It is your game, your world and their adventure. Once you have set up a reality, don't be a slave to someone else's (least of all Disney's).
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Urban Spaceman
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 5:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's still on the cards for me to do this. Biggest concern I have is if the players are going to go for it.

I think they'll be up for it, but I don't want to talk to them about it beforehand, as it kind of ruins the effect!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 1:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I would recommend trying it out on something smaller, first. Maybe your players could go up against known bounty hunters, like Zuckuss and 4-LOM, and kill them?

It would introduce the idea that their actions can change canon without having to invest in an entirely new version of RotJ yet. But depending on their reactions, you might be able to tell if they would be all for it or not.
Also known as Kiss My Wookiee on Discord and Reddit.
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Urban Spaceman
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 8:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That's a good idea.

Maybe not those particular hunters, but someone/something else that is part of established canon. I'll think on it. Thanks.
"The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't."
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 12:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

In one of my games, I flirted with the whole Butterfly Effect of the PCs doing (or not doing) something and it having far-reaching effects on the canonical storyline.

They were a bunch of swoop bike gang members on tatooine. Then one day they get asked by a woman who was fleeing from imperial troops to deliver a data pad for her.

They failed and it got recovered. They never found out what was on it aside from it containing a list of names.

So, unbeknownst to the PCs, the empire acquired a list of a large number of rebel spies within the empire. With those captured or eliminated it started a ripple effect.

The first time they knew something was up was 2 years later (in game time) when they heard through imperial holonet that a large superweapon was revealed. It's first major test was the destruction of Yavin which was wiped out the bulk of the rebellion.

My players were shocked. It was only then that it dawned on them that anything was possible; and they became low-key rebels against the local garrison.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 4:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dredwulf60 wrote:
In one of my games, I flirted with the whole Butterfly Effect of the PCs doing (or not doing) something and it having far-reaching effects on the canonical storyline.

They were a bunch of swoop bike gang members on tatooine. Then one day they get asked by a woman who was fleeing from imperial troops to deliver a data pad for her.

They failed and it got recovered. They never found out what was on it aside from it containing a list of names.

So, unbeknownst to the PCs, the empire acquired a list of a large number of rebel spies within the empire. With those captured or eliminated it started a ripple effect.

The first time they knew something was up was 2 years later (in game time) when they heard through imperial holonet that a large superweapon was revealed. It's first major test was the destruction of Yavin which was wiped out the bulk of the rebellion.

My players were shocked. It was only then that it dawned on them that anything was possible; and they became low-key rebels against the local garrison.

Sounds great. Some other possible ripple effects.. They could hear about some people quietly asking about freezing condition modifications to air speeders, and hyjack the shipment, interfere or otherwise stop the rebellion getting it, thus making hoth go even worse..
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