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Alternate character ages and # of years between films?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So the canon timeline is a little less than 36 years from Ep I to VI, and mine is now 40:

I (10 years) II (5 years) III (20 years) IV (3 years) V (2 years) VI.

I use the 10-month calender created by WEG and used for the news feed feature of the Adventure Journal that gives the in-universe dates for ANH and TESB. In that system, ANH happened in Year 35, but in my timeline that works out to be 35 years after TPM. That means that I can use those dates for the classic trilogy era events as is, and TPM happened in Year 0. As an in-universe dating system it makes perfect sense to me that why Empire would use that. After the Empire formed, I can see Palpatine wanting the calender to reference when he first came to power, which was his election to Supreme Chancellor in TPM. It was sometime in the middle of the year, so that year became Year 0. The first full year of Palpatine as Chancellor was Year 1. Palpatine was elected to his second term in Year 4. The Separatist Crisis and and extension to his second term began in Year 8. The Great Clone War began in Year 10, and the Empire was formed in Year 15. Palpatine and Vader died in Year 40.

Of course these things don't happen every January 1st or otherwise even on the year. Thanks to an excellent article in Star Wars Insider (that went through the EU continuity guru Leland Chee), we now have the exact dates in that WEG system for Palpatine's birthday and the events of the prequels films. I only have to perform minor adjustments before Ep IV and after Ep V to account for the extra four years I've added to the timeline between Eps II and VI.

To me, now it makes the most sense for both in-universe and out-of-universe for the dating system surrounding the time of the classic trilogy be based on Episode I as the starting point. I never liked using ANH as Year 0. For the novels taking place after ROTJ, I thought ROTJ should be used a reference point (they did at the very first but that didn't last long). I just like having a positive counting system for all the movies themselves, and my adding three years before ANH into WEG's system makes that work out right. Palpatine's egomania is a good excuse for having it be the offical Imperial dating system. In my canon, he kept the previous month/day system and only started over the years. The previous Year counting was based on the Rusaan Reformation and so was historically reflective of the Jedi's defeat over the Sith 1000 year ago. So Palpatine would also have that motivation to start the years over based on the Sith return to power.

And I guess I should add that in my canon, the defeat of the previous Sith Order and the formation of the modern version of the Rebublic was about 1000 years before Episode 1 instead of IV, so those thing happened about 1035 years before ANH. Based on the dialogue in the prequels it makes more sense to me that way.

And my extra three years before Ep IV makes Obi-Wan 60 in ANH, instead of only 57 as he is supposed to be in offical EU canon!
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Last edited by Whill on Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:17 pm; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
After the Empire formed, I can see Palpatine wanting the calender to reference when he first came to power, which was his election to Supreme Chancellor in TPM. It was sometime in the middle of the year, so that year became Year 0...
I wondered if anyone else used an new year 0. It always seemed to me that Palpatine would change the calendar to reflect the Founding of the Empire and the New Order. I use the date for him becoming Emperor/New Order rather than his election as chancellor which, prior to creation of TPM, we had set as year 0 with ANH happening year 18.03.

As a side note, though I see many parallels with Imperial Rome, this is one thing that I see differently. Augustus did not really create a brand new title, he just combined in one person a series of offices and he specifically did not want a brand new start date, but to continue continuity with most of the forms of the Republic.
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:51 pm    Post subject: Episode I = Year 0 Reply with quote

Yeah, I can see the Emperor starting over the calender with the establishment of his Empire (ROTS) too. That also makes a lot of sense to me from an in-universe perspective.

But making his election to Supreme Chancellor the starting point adds finesse and simplicity to my real-world out-of-universe chronology as well. And with my additional 3 years before ANH, it also salvages WEG's system filled with dates between including and between ANH and TESB as is. This swings the balance in favor of TPM as the starting point over ROTS. It is easy for me to make simple arguments for the case of TMP. It publically makes Palpatine seem more established as a galactic ruler by adding 15 years to the "Years of Palpatine". By including the the Seperatist Crisis and the Great Clone War in the calender, it suggests to galactic citizens a reminder that it was Palpatine's leadership (of his clone army) that saved the galaxy from the corruption of the Jedi and the Republic.

I realize that may not work for everyone but it works for me!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:52 pm    Post subject: Augustus and music Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
As a side note, though I see many parallels with Imperial Rome, this is one thing that I see differently. Augustus did not really create a brand new title, he just combined in one person a series of offices and he specifically did not want a brand new start date, but to continue continuity with most of the forms of the Republic.

Bren, I don't disagree with you. Don't read too many historical parallels into me giving Palpatine the first name of "Augustus". The Emperor is one of the most famous (and infamous) persons in the galaxy, so I just thought he should have a first name. And also for the sake of the detail I've added by giving Palpatine all these non-canon decendants.

As to what specific name, my primary motivation was out-of-universe, film-score inspired. Even amateur students of music such as myself realize that the triumphant celebration music played at the end of TPM was a turn-upside happy version of the Emperor's evil musical theme from the ROTJ film score (which was also used directly in the film for scenes involving Palpatine in his Darth Sidious identity). The augmentation of the Emperor's theme is intentionally used here has a musical hint of the identity of Darth Sidious (the phantom menace) and the ironic duality of how the seemingly joyous election of Palpatine to Supreme Chancellor is related to the return of the Sith and the eventual rise of Palpatine's Empire.

On TPM movie soundtrack, the name of the final Naboo celebration song is "Augie's Great Municipal Band". I thought it would be cool if the "Augie" was short for something that I could connect back to Palpatine, and thus Palpatine gained the first name of "Agustus". So the soundtrack named Palpatine for me! And "Augustus" just sounds like a good name for an Emperor, does it not?

And as a related side note, the iconic "Imperial March (Darth Vader's theme)" was also mutated into a beautiful yet sad motif knows as "Anakin's Theme" introduced and featured heavily in TPM but also quoted briefly in the other two prequels. John Williams is a musical genius, and yes, I am such a Star Wars nerd that I enjoy it on a musical theme level too. 8)
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 8:14 am    Post subject: Re: Augustus and music Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Don't read too many historical parallels into me giving Palpatine the first name of "Augustus".
Actually wasn't reading too much into the name. I had long ago considered the parallels. But I do think Augustus is a good name for Imperator. Wink

And Star Wars without John Williams would not have been a cultural icon. Very Happy I saw a show once that talked about his music and showed a scene from Jaws with and without his music. Shocked Totally different (and not very dramatic) a scene sans music.

I often put the sound tracks from the movies on as background music for Star Wars and have used a lot of music (including William's Dracula sound track) and various sound effects for Call of Cthulhu. Music adds a lot to movies and to RPGs. I once ran a mini-campaign that had scene/episode titles and theme music from the songs on a Pat Benatar album.
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