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Brand new Blastech sniper for that Sudden Death game..
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

What both of you seem to be missing is that with the slugthrower the ammo makes the gun more powerful. Which makes alot of sense.

Standard ammo makes the gun effectively 6D+2 against larger or armored targets.

Armor piercing ammo makes the gun effectively 7D+2 in the same situation.

Super-duper happy ammo makes the gun effectively 8D+2 but it lowers the range to only twice the range of ZzaphodD's gun. What's the deal here garhkal, heavier bullets?

Reloading the slugthrower would count as a multiple action penalty, the blaster can only be fired once every other round. With the scope, the rate of fire means that the blaster can theoretically be fired with a +2D bonus each shot.

In the US military, both the Barrett and the Browning .50 are anti-vehicle weapons. You don't even need to hit someone to do them damage. US military personel are not allowed to aim either at living human beings. As such I would consider it a speeder scale weapon.

If I were to hazard a guess at the damage dice for a weapon that can crack a V8 engine block everytime, I'd say it was 5-6D speeder scale damage, if not higher. Which is 7-8D human scale. I wouldn't go over 9D.

I'd also make it illegal to aim it at a sentient being for any reason except self defense. I'd have it be a law under the Republic that was carried over to the Empire and something Palpatine didn't get around to changing in the three years he operated without the senate. Excessive force. Which makes for a good plot hook. Anyone using one of these against people would be a higher priority target for the police, CorSec, Sector Rangers, etc then a normal murderer. And raise the reward on bounties, making them a more lucrative target for bounty hunters.

ZzaphodD, I'd also bump the range up a bit. For the most part blasters and slugthrowers have similar ranges.

I like the weapon design ZzaphodD but I'd make the scope bigger if you're making it a +2D bonus instead of the standard +1D.

Last edited by Kytross on Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:47 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Sniper Rifles.
God Gun
Model: T.pakh enterprise heavy hunting rifle.
Type: Large bore big game hunting Slugthrower rifle.
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms (s) Rifle (sniper rifle also will work).
Ammo: Single shot, bolt action. Has an external 5 round clip attached.
Cost: 1200 credits. Ammo – see below. Spare barrel – 480 credits.
Availability: Pre empire – 2F or R (core) Rise of the empire and beyond – 3X.
Damage: 5d+2.
Range: 50-750/1.5km/2.25km
Fire rate: 1.
Recoil value: +10 without support, +5 if using Bipod.
Notes: Requires 3d+2 strength to use without support. 2d+2 if using bipod.

If it's a God gun.... should Wookies be able to laugh this thing off?
When I read this I thought this was a .308 or .30-30 sniper rifle, not .50 cal.

Great, now I'm pouring gas on the fire.... Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Seems more like a civil debate then a flame war jmanski. We're just trying to get ZzaphodD some good stats for his sniper rifle, right?
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kytross wrote:
What both of you seem to be missing is that with the slugthrower the ammo makes the gun more powerful. Which makes alot of sense.

Standard ammo makes the gun effectively 6D+2 against larger or armored targets.

Armor piercing ammo makes the gun effectively 7D+2 in the same situation.

Super-duper happy ammo makes the gun effectively 8D+2 but it lowers the range to only twice the range of ZzaphodD's gun. What's the deal here garhkal, heavier bullets?

Reloading the slugthrower would count as a multiple action penalty, the blaster can only be fired once every other round. With the scope, the rate of fire means that the blaster can theoretically be fired with a +2D bonus each shot.

In the US military, both the Barrett and the Browning .50 are anti-vehicle weapons. You don't even need to hit someone to do them damage. US military personel are not allowed to aim either at living human beings. As such I would consider it a speeder scale weapon.

If I were to hazard a guess at the damage dice for a weapon that can crack a V8 engine block everytime, I'd say it was 5-6D speeder scale damage, if not higher. Which is 7-8D human scale. I wouldn't go over 9D.

I'd also make it illegal to aim it at a sentient being for any reason except self defense. I'd have it be a law under the Republic that was carried over to the Empire and something Palpatine didn't get around to changing in the three years he operated without the senate. Excessive force. Which makes for a good plot hook. Anyone using one of these against people would be a higher priority target for the police, CorSec, Sector Rangers, etc then a normal murderer. And raise the reward on bounties, making them a more lucrative target for bounty hunters.

ZzaphodD, I'd also bump the range up a bit. For the most part blasters and slugthrowers have similar ranges.

I like the weapon design ZzaphodD but I'd make the scope bigger if you're making it a +2D bonus instead of the standard +1D.

-mm, yeah I noticed the -1D armor, which kind of didnt make sense given that it wasnt armor piercing rounds (which were better). However, my point is not to get too involved into what damage level a .50 caliber weapon should have in an individual GMs games. If someone wants to have it even at 4D thats fine with me of course. Regarding the super-duper bullits I assume Gharkal is talking about depleted baradium bullets or something like that.

-Regarding the +2D bonus for aiming. I assume that you have a fire-ready weapon while aiming for that bonus. Even if you 'game-mechanic-wise' have to aim for one round extra, what you are really doing is taking your time and waiting for the opportunity. In real life you might get that dead-on aim the first round. This means that you can fire at +2D bonus every third round.

-The main role for the S-Web would be anti material. However, the nature of the SW 'fantastic' universe means that some targets may merit such a weapon for anti personell missions. Taking down wookies with the above 5D+2 weapon might for example be a bit futile. An armored Barabel might also need some heavier fire power.

-Id say that Imperial authorities would take ownership of this weapon as proof of either conspiracy to terrorism, murder or rebel activities.

-Regarding range, I find that the game mechanics dont handle extreme ranges that well. If you have long range up to 2 km for example, you will with aiming scope hit everything up to that range routinely. Im working on an 'extreme range' rule, so well see if I update this then. Even if the M82 has made kills at around 2 km, that is not something that happens very often. The gun had a range of 1200 meters when first posted here though.

-Hmm, yeah the scope. Unfortunately I screwed up while exporting the gun, so I cant reload it into Pimp my Gun. I have to redo the whole gun to add a scope (I dont have any image software). Anyone up to this if I supply a pic of the new scope?
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 4:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

An earlier version. This one has a larger scope but I dont like the proportions of the gun (too small).

The larger scope. If anyone wants to switch please go ahead. Perhaps I make a third version sometime and includ this.

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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 5:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Heavier design, larger scope..
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 7:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kytross wrote:
Seems more like a civil debate then a flame war jmanski. We're just trying to get ZzaphodD some good stats for his sniper rifle, right?

I aplogize to all if my post seemed to be a flame. I just disagree with the wookie being bullet-proof and with a .50 cal having only 5d+2 damage.

Sometimes text versions of conversations don't translate well, I hope this isn't one of those times (although I can be quite disagreeable in person, as well... Laughing )
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZzaphodD wrote:
-Yeah, but with less cooling because of less need (due to slower firing rate). Also, dont get totally stuck up on exact dimensions. Just make your own if its that important to you. There are a lot of 'weird' pics in the SW D6 game, but you generally get the idea what its supposed to look like. I assume the range difference is mostly from how the weapon is being fired and the scope set up. A M2HB bullet will travel far longer than its 6-800 m effective range, I assume the same thing with the E-Web.

Fare enough.. (and i slap myself as i did not see the 1/2 fire rate. Apologies)

ZzaphodD wrote:
-No its not. An E-web needs stability for repeated firing, which is what a tripod delivers. You could actually fire most tripod weapons using a bipod as long as you can handle recoil from single shots.

And i am not seeing one listed for this.. You would think something that large with that much power behind it would generate a BIG chunk of recoil.. much like that above posted Predator blaster rifle does. Or the Morellian Enforcer does.

ZzaphodD wrote:
-Just because you have posted stats on .50 cal dont make them 'canon'. IMO those stats are totally unrealistic even within the rather loose concept of realism that SW RPG uses. Compare muzzle energy between a .480 caliber pistol round (look at the in game Morellian .48 Enforcer at 6D+1 damage) and a .50 BMP round fired from a Barrett M82. The .475 Magnum has a TKOF (Taylor KO factor) of 40,6, the .50 BMG has 160!

I never tried to pass it off as being canon. BUT when somethig has a lot of people using it, liking it and it has longevity behind it, it is a lot more 'official' than something just made up on the fly.
BUT i do give you perhaps i should have made the weapon's base damage 7d vice 5d+2, since the Morellian Enforcer is 6d+2.. BUT in my defense, i made that up before i even knew of Gundarks book of tech....

krytross wrote:
What's the deal here garhkal, heavier bullets?

A mix of that and the bullet has a hollow core that has been half filled with liquid mecury. So as the bullet flies through the air, the mecury is 'squished into the rear' and as soon as it stops (hits a target) that mecury is forced to the front giving it a bigger punch through.. AND that info came from 2 marine snipers, one who did that on some of his rounds. Effective- yes. Authroized - hell no.

If it's a God gun.... should Wookies be able to laugh this thing off?

No. Most critters hunted (from what i have read in Gry's creature catalog) have around 3d+2 to 4d+1 str, with 1d or 2d of phys armor protection. So this gun as is with reg bullets is 'adequate' for hunting them, which is what it was made for. NOT hunting sentients which is what wookies are.

If you have long range up to 2 km for example, you will with aiming scope hit everything up to that range routinely. Im working on an 'extreme range' rule, so well see if I update this then. Even if the M82 has made kills at around 2 km, that is not something that happens very often. The gun had a range of 1200 meters when first posted here though.

That is a good point. Most seem to say they give +2d or +3d for percepion and search rolls.. don't see why they would not also add in that bonus d for shooting.

I aplogize to all if my post seemed to be a flame. I just disagree with the wookie being bullet-proof and with a .50 cal having only 5d+2 damage.

Would making it 7d (1 pip more than the Morellian enforcer) be more to your liking?
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Random Numbers

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I wouldn't use a 'sniper' with tracer ammo...better call it a support weapon.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Maybe "Pin-point support weapon system" Or Precision Support Weapon?
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Random Numbers wrote:
I wouldn't use a 'sniper' with tracer ammo...better call it a support weapon.

Its not the traditional 'sneaky' sniper operating on his own as such no...

But there are several sniper rifles already, without the power to be called support weapons without stretching it..
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Garhk, I see your point about the critters.

And the more I think about it, the more I like 7d for damage.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2010 11:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

So anyone else have a thought on me shifting the god gun to 7d damage?
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Change it, garhkal. Personally, I put the .50 cal. at higher damage, so 7D is fine for something if you're also adding in the reduction for armor protection.
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