Hellstorm Commander

Joined: 22 Dec 2003 Posts: 253 Location: Montreal, Canada
Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:19 am Post subject: |
Vartax wrote: | last gaming session I had the group vote for who they thought was best playing there character, and that person got extra points at the end of the gaming session. |
Thats a pretty good idea!
I might try that one with my guys 8) _________________ Tuco: "But if you miss you had better miss very well. Whoever double-crosses me and leaves me alive, he understands nothing about Tuco."
-The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
Peter Griffin: "Embrace The Fear." -Family Guy |
Firehawk0220 Lieutenant Commander

Joined: 22 May 2005 Posts: 151 Location: Dallas, TX.
Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:43 am Post subject: |
While I have no specific system for anything like that, when a player truely develops a character and goes farther to flesh it out, I generally am not quite so quick to kill the character off.
I also allow my players one or two redo rolls for a critical screw up per campaign. |
garhkal Sovereign Protector

Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14293 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2005 10:06 am Post subject: |
I will occasionally give a bonus CP on the fly, for a great idea, comical moment or other situation i liked IN GAME. But i do agree, giving out cp for OUT of character stuff should be kept out the game. Or at least to a minimum.
2. And Jedi characters are allowable, but when they use the force, if they roll a 40 or more, ALL force users on that planet will know of you. 60+ And all in the sector know you, and if you actually get 90+ then all Jedi in the galaxy know you.
3. To learn a Skill or specialty, the teaching character MUST have 2D in that skill higher than what the student will have once learnt. Learning a new skill, puts it to 1 pip higher than the base attribute.
6. Characters CAN start play with a ship, even if the template they use does not have one listed. Either they can work it through the background (get with the DM), or be in ‘hock’ to a crime lord.
8. If a character gains cybernetics, use the Shadow run cyber-ware book. For every 2 points of essence the cyber-ware is worth, the user has 1 essence value. Every time he gains a DSP, roll 1D6, and if the number is less than or equal to his essence value, he gains an additional DSP. Also, force users, to access their force powers roll their skill(s), against a gm difficulty rolled with 1D for each essence value point. EG john has 4 essence value points, when he wishes to use his control skills (this is all he has for force powers), he rolls his control against the gm who rolls 4d.
9. For weapons that contain acid or other substances, if the strength roll (PLUS) armor is more than the damage, the ‘weapon’ does not spill its contents. If the damage is higher then the strength roll but not above the armor, then it does break, but only the armor can be affected. If the target does not have any armor, then ignore this rule.
And i have my own system for Ionisation. Basically each bracket of 4 rolled over the ships hull roll for damage, shuts off 1 system for 1d rounds. Each ship will have their systems listed out, and the pc rolls for which is affected. If a shutdown system is hit again, it adds 2d rounds worth of being shut down for the second hit, 3d for the third etc. _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |