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Tramp Freighters; PCs with Two transports?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 9:26 am    Post subject: Tramp Freighters; PCs with Two transports? Reply with quote

Quick GM question. Running a game of Tramp Freighters and my murderhobos in space are about to cleanse a ship of it's slaver crew and take it for their second ship.

Granted, I could list any number of reasons why they couldn't take a second ship for their own, but it might be interesting to see the players try to pay for the upkeep and maintenance on two freighters, but aside from gamemaster fiat saying they can't (by way of some random lockdown that was put into place, or other prohibiting factor that prevents the PCs from taking the second ship) What are the pros and cons that other GMs have seen with their PCs obtaining a second vessel?

What interesting ideas can you throw my way to spice up the game and make it more interesting with this new wrinkle?

Again, the short version: PCs about to get a second ship, and I feel hesitant to say "nope, you can't do that" just because. Looking for feedback and advice on where to move forward from here.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had a group that was aiming to become a smuggler/pirate guild, they actually in the end got a small base up and running and three ships.
It was upkeep, but in the end it became too detailed and we made it all into NPCs, only using command to boost things as needed, if needed
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 10:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Mamatried wrote:
I had a group that was aiming to become a smuggler/pirate guild, they actually in the end got a small base up and running and three ships.
It was upkeep, but in the end it became too detailed and we made it all into NPCs, only using command to boost things as needed, if needed

Oh awesome. Do you still have any of your notes/adventure ideas from when they were playing? I'd love ideas for contracts or jobs they took as a small guild.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

LTAaripJasall wrote:
Mamatried wrote:
I had a group that was aiming to become a smuggler/pirate guild, they actually in the end got a small base up and running and three ships.
It was upkeep, but in the end it became too detailed and we made it all into NPCs, only using command to boost things as needed, if needed

Oh awesome. Do you still have any of your notes/adventure ideas from when they were playing? I'd love ideas for contracts or jobs they took as a small guild.

I don't have much, and it was a campaign running or years.

it actually began with the players doing odd smuggler jobs and the occasional bounty job.

The idea to begin getting a base and such came from quite a large amount of accumulated credits , as the players at times did steal ship and sell them, cheap but still at a to them 100% bonus profit.

The first real smuggling mission was actually running guns for a corrupt imperial governor to some pirates in the sector.
Naturally the group ran off with all and gave the rebels enough info to strike at the imperials and the pirates.

They were then actually captured by the empire and forced to work for them as bounty hunters, with very little pay, but naturally stealing ships and gear from their marks and their allies still paid off, on the corrupt black imperial marked.
When the empire eventually fell the group knew of several more or less abandoned bases and arsenals all over the place having "worked" to transport wepons to several of them.

It was here they actually found their third ship, and turned one of the garrisons into a base.

so it was a long thing. I'll see if I can find the notes and PM them to you
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

naturally if the ship is large enough it can serve as a mobile base, and hold fighters/shuttles/auxilliay crafts.

And it does not have to be enormous.

Then it should be reasonable that a ship the rough size of an yt 1300 could be fitted in an existing hangar at the cost of enough smaller craft to allow the space and weight etc.

Look at minstrel space yacht, it holds 6 fighters and shuttles and is 130 meters, I think there are ways to reduce crew, buy droids if not....etc.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 11:52 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm nice, but not THAT nice. We're talking about two beat up freighters, like Ghtrocs or YT-series.

Since posting this morning I've come up with a list of ideas that may not prohibit the PCs from having a second vessel, but certainly give it character and might offset some of the bonuses of having a second vessel:

- Controls juryrigged over the years and malfunction on a regular basis.
- A constant reek from the former occupants
- The ship could marked as wanted by several police forces across the sector, being owned by former slavers.
- Paying closer attention to skeleton crew difficulties.
- I could be less married to the idea of their first ship as a "character" and having plot armor, if they have a second...
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Wajeb Deb Kaadeb

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:06 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sounds like the crew of the second ship was up to no good. I'd make sure of some of the various criminal organizations that are detailed in the various D6 supplements.

Just think...what if some group of murderhobos took out Han and Chewie just after ANH...or even during ANH. They wouldn't know that Jabba had a price on their head (Han's and Chewie's), and there this new crew goes gallivanting across the galaxy in the Falcon.

Think Jabba will say, "Oh, OK, Han's dead. Debt forgiven?"

Or, do you think Jabba would be gunning for the new owners of the Falcon?

Turns out their free ship ain't so free.

Ancient Gungan saying: You-a pays for its now-a-days, or you-a pays for it later-days. But, you-a always pays for it one ways or another!

Last edited by Wajeb Deb Kaadeb on Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:07 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wajeb Deb Kaadeb wrote:
Sounds like the crew of the second ship was up to no good. I'd make sure of some of the various criminal organizations that are detailed in the various D6 supplements.

Just think...what if some group of murderhobos took out Han and Chewie just after ANH...or even during ANH. They wouldn't know that Jabba had a price on their head (Han's and Chewie's), and there this new crew goes gallivanting across the galaxy in the Falcon.

Think Jabba will say, "Oh, OK, Han's dead. Debt forgiven?"

Or, do you think Jabba would be gunning for the new owners of the Falcon?

Now there's an idea.
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Wajeb Deb Kaadeb

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And, when the murderhobos take the ship, they won't have a clue...

"Why are those guys chasing us?"
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 12:44 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I remember a campaign like that.

Link to research material.

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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 1:36 pm    Post subject: Re: Tramp Freighters; PCs with Two transports? Reply with quote

LTAaripJasall wrote:
Quick GM question. Running a game of Tramp Freighters and my murderhobos in space are about to cleanse a ship of it's slaver crew and take it for their second ship.

Granted, I could list any number of reasons why they couldn't take a second ship for their own, but it might be interesting to see the players try to pay for the upkeep and maintenance on two freighters, but aside from gamemaster fiat saying they can't (by way of some random lockdown that was put into place, or other prohibiting factor that prevents the PCs from taking the second ship) What are the pros and cons that other GMs have seen with their PCs obtaining a second vessel?

What interesting ideas can you throw my way to spice up the game and make it more interesting with this new wrinkle?

Again, the short version: PCs about to get a second ship, and I feel hesitant to say "nope, you can't do that" just because. Looking for feedback and advice on where to move forward from here.

The biggest issue is crew requirements. Do they have enough crewmen to man both ships and still fly them?

The ship is a known pirate/slaver vessel, they run into an imperial patrol and now have to deal with the Empire taking a good long look at them.

The easiest way for them to be able to do it, is if the new ship is big enough to carry the old one.

If the characters are working for the rebellion, if they show up with the 2nd ship, the Rebels might offer to buy it off them, or their old ship.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slave rigging?

If the Katana fleet can be slaved then I am equally sure a freighter ot three as well can be slave rigged
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yes we have about seven players. I only worry about splitting the group onto two settings and then the added difficulty of making sure each player feels that they are making an impact, or getting a turn.
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Wajeb Deb Kaadeb

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I ran a group with 10 players one time. I would not call it a success. People always trying to hog the spotlight. Otherwise, it was a long, long time before the GM (me) got around to you.

I tried to give everybody equal time, but it felt like I'd stay a few moments with someone, then move to another, and it was back to waiting for those not in the action.

I really prefer smaller groups today. My idea group is one GM and three or four players.

Plus, I have a rule that everybody has to show up and play, or I don't run the game. I had that rule for a long time, and it tends to help players prioritize the game and get to the sessions. Everybody's life always gets in the way, even if you play once a month, so I think the game should be at least as important as going to a college class or going to the gym. With less players, it makes getting together easier.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LTAaripJasall wrote:
Yes we have about seven players. I only worry about splitting the group onto two settings and then the added difficulty of making sure each player feels that they are making an impact, or getting a turn.

I would agree with others here that a group of 7 players, 8 with GM could be very hard to handle.

If you want to scope it big, and you and the players have time, devide them in two groups, each working for a common goal.
With each group doing a mission, and in the end one group will depend of the other group's results etc.

But the easiest is groups of 4-6 including GM
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