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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 11:45 pm Post subject: Various NPCs I've created |
This character is something I'm preparing as a guest villain for a friend's game. I'm going to run part of the night's adventure and created a bounty hunter that is searching for the player character. I wanted to create something a bit different. Vic conforms to RAW for new character creation. I'd throw a few extra skill points around, especially in knowledge skills like Tactics and Perception skills like Search and Investigation.
Feel free to use him if you like him.
Victory “Vic” Hunter
A Jawa, Vic was in Mos Espa with his parents when they were killed in a barroom brawl. He ran and hid, stowing away on a light freighter. The crew found him and dropped him off at an orphanage on Denon, a large system that sat on the Hydian Way and the Corellian Run at the border between the colonies and the inner rim. Victory Hunter is his name translated into Basic. He went through schooling, a wizard with technology and surprisingly good at sports and piloting.
After graduating from college at a young age, Vic joined the Denon military as an officer. He breezed through most of basic and was initially assigned to desk work. He transferred to the anti-pirate corps and made a name for himself doing field work and as a fighter pilot and gunner. Vic had his own style, some call him unconventional, others called him nuttier than a pecan log. He jury-rigged things in the field, used engineering solutions where others didn't see them and had a sense of tactics that never came close to fair play. Consequently he often butted heads with his commanding officers. Unsatisfied with protecting only one system, Vic looked into the Sector Rangers and CorSec, but he eventually decided he could do the most good as a Bounty Hunter.
Some people consider bounty hunters to be scum, only mildly better than the fugitives they bring to justice. There's a certain amount of truth to that. Most people, especially understaffed and underfunded police forces, are grateful for the help and willing to look the other way if bounty hunters violate a few criminal's civil rights while apprehending them.
Vic brings in the bad guys, usually alive. He's providing a public service. He doesn't take bounties for personal vendettas, only criminals. If Player characters can convince him that they're framed or on the side of the angels he'll quit the hunt.
Vic's tracking and investigation skills aren't high. But he can slice into most computer systems and get information that he needs on his quarry, as well as flag them in systems and cause all sorts of problems for them, including ruining bank accounts and credit ratings. He sets traps and ambushes and likes to use droids and common objects in unusual ways. If he can find his quarry's ship he will sabotage it or, at a bare minimum, set a tracker on it.
In personal combat Vic's stats aren't particularly high. His weaponry and armor, however, has been highly modified to make him a particularly dangerous adversary. None of his gear has been modified more than the limits laid out in the 2nd Edition R&E. As an NPC, should he be defeated the Players can upgrade their weapons by taking his. When playing Vic keep in mind that he is focused on capturing his foes alive. He prefers a stun setting on his weapons and uses incapacitating gasses which his helmet and armor protects him from. He loves dropping an ion flare to blind his foes while protected by the attack with his helmet. He doesn't bring all of his gear with him on every hunt.
Jawa Bounty Hunter
Dex 4D
Mech 4D
Tec 4D
Armor Repair 6D
Blaster Repair 6D
Starship Repair 6D
Starship Weapons Repair 6D
Computer Programming/Repair 6D
Know 2D
(A) Engineering 2D
Per 2D
Str 2D
Move 8
Height 0.8m
Model: Modified Standard Stormtrooper Armor
Type: Military armor
Scale: Character
Game Notes:
Armor Protection: +3D physical, +2D energy.
Comlink: Tongue-activated helmet comlink.
Sealed Body Glove: Climate controlled body glove and
breath mask allows operation in uncomfortably cold or
warm climates and toxic-air environments.
MFTAS: Multi-Frequency Targeting Acquisition System;
adds +3D to Perception checks in low-visibility situations,
+3D to ranged weapon skill uses against targets moving
more than 10 meters per round; polarized lenses prevent
Utility Belt: Magna cuffs, spare
blaster power packs, ion flares for flash blinding, spare
comlink, water packs, 2 medpacs.
Model: Modified Palandrix Personal Protection Gear Stun Gauntlets
Type: Hand-to-hand stun gauntlets
Skill: Brawling
Ammo: 15 charges
Difficulty: Easy
Damage: STR+3D stun
Model: Modified vibroblade
Type: Melee weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat: vibroblade
Difficulty: Moderate
Damage: STR+4D (maximum: 6D)
Model: Koromondain PDS, Inc. Model SVT-300
Type: Stun cloak
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee combat
Ammo: 3 before power cell is temporarily depleted; holds a
total of 8 charges
Difficulty: Moderate (Easy if target is attacking)
Damage: 5D (stun damage)
Game Notes: The stun cloak has a micro cell that recycles in
three minutes after the initial charges are used. The cell can
be powered up from any external generator in two rounds. A
target must make a Difficult melee parry or brawling parry
roll to avoid contact with the cloak.
Model: Modified BlasTech HSB-200 Hold-Out Blaster
Type: Hold-out blaster
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: hold-out blaster
Ammo: 12
Range: 3-4/8/12
Damage: 5D, stun only
Additional Modifications:
Laser sight – adds +1D to hit at short range +2 at medium range and +1 at long range.
Quick draw wrist holder – reduces draw penalty in the same round from -1D to -1.
Model: Merr-Sonn Model 434
“DeathHammer” Blaster Pistol
Type: Blaster pistol
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster pistol
Ammo: 100
Range: 2-8/20/80
Damage: 6D, 7D stun
Additional Modifications:
Illuminated Holographic Optic – Adds +2D to hit at short range, +1D at medium range
Model: Modified Merr-Sonn Model G8 Blaster Rifle
Type: Blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo: 100
Range: 4-50/150/400
Damage: 6D
Model: Modified Merr-Sonn Targeter Ranging Scope
Type: Weapon-mounted image magnifier
Skill: Sensors
Game Notes: Adds +4D to medium- and long-range shots
from blaster and slugthrowing rifles and carbines. Requires
a Moderate sensors roll to sight-in a target.
Model: SonoMax 75
Type: Riot control weapon
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: sound pistol
Ammo: 20
Fire Rate: 2
Range: 0-3 (cone is 0.5 meters wide)/10 (cone is 1.5 meters
wide)/20 (cone is 3 meters wide)
Damage: 6D/5D/4D or 5D/4D/3D (stun) – damage
corresponds to range
Model: Modified Merr-Sonn C-14A
Stun Grenade
Type: Stun grenade
Scale: Character
Skill: Grenade
Range: 0-8/16/25
Blast Radius: 0-3/6/8/10
Damage: 7D/6D/4D/2D
Game Notes: Stun grenades
are rechargeable.
Model: Czerka T-289 Gas Grenade
Type: Stun grenade
Scale: Character
Skill: Grenade
Range: 0-8/16/25
Blast Radius: 0-2/20/40
Damage: 4D/2D/1D (stun)
Game Notes: Weapon is ineffective against targets wearing
breath masks or sealed suits.
Model: Merr-Sonn G-20 Glop Grenade
Type: Restraining explosive
Scale: Character
Skill: Grenade
Range: 3-7/30/60
Blast Radius: 0-1/3/5
Damage: 6D/5D/3D (Strength of glop; character must
make opposed roll to break free of glop; glop does not cause
Model: Modified Geonosian Beastwarden’s Shield
Type: Spike-rimmed shield
Scale: Character
Skill: Melee parry: shield/Thrown weapons
Range: 3-4/8/12
Damage: STR+1D
Game Notes: Blocks brawling, melee or ranged attacks on
a successful melee parry roll. The shield has a Strength of
5D. This bronze disc with sharp spikes along its rim can be
hurled as a thrown weapon.
Model: Corgorlath Leisure Articles Master-Grav 1000
Type: Grav boots
Skill: Powersuit operation
Game Notes: Move is
up to 20 meters per
round and maximum
altitude is 150 meters.
The unit is relatively
quiet. Various
difficulty maneuvers
may be attempted,
using the powersuit
operation skill.
Model: Iyranis
Gravitics Limited
Gravity Belt
Type: Gravity belt
Skill: Repulsorlift
Game Notes:
Slows free-fall velocity
to a gentle landing.
Model: Standard Handheld Computer 2D
Type: Computer
Skill: Computer programming/repair
Game Notes: Handheld computers can be used to access
public information networks, or even to slice into the
HoloNet or other secure networks. It can be loaded with as
many as 5 datacards simultaneously. Handheld computers
grant a computer
bonus to rolls relating
to calculation, or
involving information
download. The bonus
depends on the
computer’s power: 2D
Model: Idellian Arrays ILF-5500
Type: Lifeform scanner
Skill: Sensors
Range: 500/1/1.5
Game Notes: 4D alien species programming for
identification. If the species is unidentified, the user may
attempt an alien species roll.
Craft: Modified Ubrikkian Bantha II Cargo SKiff
Type: Cargo skiff
Scale: Speeder
Length: 9 meters
Skill: Repulsorlift operation: cargo skiff
Crew: 1
Passengers: 16
Cargo Capacity: 120 metric tons
Cover: 1/2
Altitude Range: Ground level-50 meters
Move: 70; 200 kmh
Body Strength: 2D
The Happy Bantha
Craft: Heavily Modified YZ-775 Transport
Type: Light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 52 meters
Skill: Space transports: YZ-775
Crew: 8, Modified to run everything from a single command seat
Crew Skill: 4D
Passengers: 14
Cargo Capacity: 400 metric tons
Consumables: 6 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x1
Hyperdrive BackUp: x12
Nav Computer: Yes, adds 1D to Astrogation rolls
Maneuverability: 2D
Space: 8
Atmosphere: 330; 950 kmh
Hull: 7D
Shields: 7D
Passive: 15/1D
Scan: 30/2D
Search: 45/3D
Focus: 4/4D
2 Turbolaser Cannons (fire-linked)
Fire Arc: Front/right/left
Scale: Capital
Skill: Capital ship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D
Space Range: 1-5/15/20
Atmosphere Range: 100-500/1.5/2 km
Damage: 4D+1
2 Twin Laser Cannons (fire separately)
Fire Arc: Turret
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 4D+2
Space Range: 1-5/15/30
Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 km
Damage: 6D+2
2 Proton Torpedo Launchers (fire separately, 12 torpedoes
each, 0 torpedoes in stock)
Fire Arc: Front
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 1/3/7
Atmosphere Range: 50-100/300/700
Damage: 9D
The Happy Bantha is Vic Hunter's pride and joy. It looks to all the galaxy to be a YZ-775 on it's last legs, which it used to be. Vic hauled it out of a squib floating junkyard and used all his savings to turn it into one of the finest ships in the galaxy. He purposely keeps a low profile. The name of the ship is designed to not draw attention to it and the heavy armaments come standard, though he did up the power on the laser turrets. He also upped the fire controls, but no custom agent ever inspects the targeting systems. He even takes on cargo runs between bounties. Two of the crew quarters have been retrofitted into his work space for tinkering on things.
Bounties rarely consider the rusty freighter to be a threat. He has taken down more than one quarry by simply looking innoculous and waiting for their ship to pass by and giving them a single, well-aimed disabling shot to the engines. |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:19 am Post subject: Krassroth – Vaathkree Infochant and Crimelord |
Edited out. Revealed secrets for my current game.
Last edited by Kytross on Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:28 am; edited 1 time in total |
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DougRed4 Rear Admiral
Joined: 18 Jan 2013 Posts: 2286 Location: Seattle, WA
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 7:05 pm Post subject: |
The idea of a Jawa bounty hunter is outstanding! I can imagine PCs very much underestimating him, too ("judge me by my size, do you?) _________________ Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:50 pm Post subject: |
Yeah, he's almost 3 feet tall, clad in modified Stormtrooper armor and a stun cloak and he's here to bring you in to face justice!
I may add in something about his success rate has built up a bigger than life reputation, literally. No criminal wants to admit they were brought in by a bounty hunter no bigger than an 8 year old, so they exaggerate. According to legend Vic is ten feet tall and can shoot bolts of lightning from his eyes and fireballs from his... bum. (What's the rating on this forum?) Vic encourages this. The more misinformed his quarry is, the better. Maybe make it a very difficult streetwise roll to get accurate info on him. |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:07 pm Post subject: |
Fido � Jedi Near-Shishtavanen
Near-species are variations on a species with the same basic stats, like a near human. In this case the near-shishtavanen looks like an anthropomorphic Border Collie with black and white fur rather than an anthropomorphic wolf. Since this Jedi entered the Jedi Academy on Coruscant as an infant and has finished his apprenticeship with a Master Jedi and passed the trials, I figure it was ok to give him his full attribute die. Plus, he's an NPC.
Fido is everything a Jedi is supposed to be, according to popular misconception. He is a fighter, a warrior and a master of the lightsaber. Unfortunately he is a just shy of a disappointment to his master and the council. Jedi are supposed to be peaceful, the more missions one can complete without drawing a lightsaber the greater your esteem amongst the Jedi Order. He is one of the few Jedi to carry a blaster. Fido has yet to complete an assignment without using his lightsaber, even as a padawan. On the other hand, he never draws his lightsaber without cause. Fido has taken down various criminal organizations, especially pirate groups. He works well with local military and police forces. Recently confirmed as a Jedi, and not highly regarded by the council, Fido was not given a command in the Clone Wars. Rather, he was assigned to dealing with normal Jedi business, dealing with pirates and other inter-sector criminals throughout the Republic. The council didn't much care for his style, and was constantly evaluating him to make sure he didn't fall to the dark side from his aggressive nature, they did like that he closed cases much faster than the average Jedi. This was especially useful while he handled a great deal more cases than the average Jedi during the clone wars.
For a fighting style Fido is quite aggressive. He uses force pull and force push seemlessly between directing blaster bolts, along with force jumps, and force speed. He carries his lightsaber in one hand, using a style closer to fencing then kempo. He uses his other hand for balance, and the occasional force push. He is one of the few Jedi to carry two lightsabers, the second is an old style lightfoil which he uses for duels.
Fido can be used as a foil to less than legal player groups, or a savior to rebellion groups or republic groups during the clone wars period. Since he didn't command during the clone wars he wasn't attacked during order 66. Fido was confirmed as active up until 3 BBY, attacking and harrying the Imperial war machine. He consistently evaded Vader and confronted the inquisitors who found him, easily dispatching them. It is generally accepted that the Empire finally caught up to him, though that has never been confirmed.
Dexterity 5D
Lightsaber 9D
Blaster 6D
Melee Combat 6D
Dodge 6D
Throw 7D
Grenade 6D
Running 6D
Knowledge 2D
Alien Species 3D
Languages 4D
Planetary Systems 3D
Streetwise 4D
Streetwise: Pirates 5D+2
Tactics 3D+2
Intimidation 4D
Mechanical 1D
Starship Piloting 2D
Astrogation 3D
Communications 2D
Perception 5D
Sneak 7D
Search 8D
Investigation 7D
Strength 4D
Brawling 6D
Climb/Jump 6D+2
Stamina 7D
Technical 1D
Lightsaber Repair 3D
First Aid 2D
Control 3D
Sense 3D+1
Alter 4D
Night vision
Equipment: Lightsaber (7D), Utility belt, Blaster Pistol (4D), Lightfoil (3D)
These stats are as of the start of the Clone Wars |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 8:28 am Post subject: |
The Stick - Neti Crime Lord
An orphan, found in Hutt Space as an infant, the Stick was sold into slavery. As a young teen he was entered into gladiator tournaments. He lost. Every single fight. But he kept coming back. Neti are shapeshifters, and only need sunlight to survive. Stick wasn't aware of that. He just knew that after he received wounds that should have killed him, he was back in fighting shape after a week, or so, of lying in the sun.
And so it goes.
Stick learned to win the hard way. But he learned to win. He was bought and sold as he got better and better in the arenas. After a century of fighting he ended up as the property of a young Jabba the Hutt. Jabba didn't just use the Stick in fights, he used him as a trainer for his other fighters, especially Wookiees. The Stick's skill in unarmed combat was already legendary across Hutt space. After a century of service, Jabba sold him. The Stick changed hands a few hundred times in the next fifty years, winning tournament after tournament until he finally won his freedom.
The Stick knocked around the galaxy for a decade or three, hiring on as muscle for whoever was hiring. He was a bouncer, a knee breaker, a pirate, a mercenary and even brought in a few bounties. The Stick decided he was done with working for other people. He decided to work for himself
So he went to school. He got advanced degrees in economics, accounting and business administration. He picked up a few more languages along the way.
When the Stick returned to crime it was on the Planet of Daalang, the border between the Republic and Hutt Space. He spent a long time learning the hard way how to run a crew. He lost a few crews and had to take out entire gangs on his own. 250 years in the gladiator arenas made the Stick nearly unbeatable. Once he mastered running a crew, he expanded into a variety of different types of crime. By the end of the Clone Wars he was the sole mover of glitterstim on Daalang. His main henchmen are Dugs.
The Stick is one of the greatest unarmed combatants in the galaxy. He doesn't do that much anymore, he is a mastermind now. The Stick is an honorable being. If he gives his word, then he lives by that commitment. He does not deal in slaves. He does deal in indentured servants, but as many can attest, once you've paid your debt, you are free to go.
Gameplay Notes: The Stick is NOT a starting character. He is a crime lord, a mastermind. He should be used as a plot device. If your game is set in the clone wars, it has been fifty years since the Stick was in a gladiator arena. It would take a very difficult knowledge roll to know about his past, or a difficult streetwise. A moderate research roll would find out about him on the holonet.
Dexterity 4D
Blaster 7D
Melee Combat 10D
Pickpocket 6D
Dodge 15D
Running 8D
Throw 9D
Knowledge 3D
Alien Species 3D
Languages 4D
Streetwise 5D
Tactics 3D
Tactics: Gang warfare 7D
Tactics: Gladiator Combat 11D
Intimidation 9D
Business: 4D
Mechanical 3D
Repulsorlift 6D
Beastriding 7D
Perception 3D
Sneak 5D
Search 8D
Command 4D
Command: Gangs 5D
Strength 4D
Brawling 15D
Climb/Jump 8D+2
Stamina 9D
Swimming 6D
Technical 3D
First Aid 5D
Security 5D
Security: Lockpicking 7D
Repulsorlift repair 4D
Note: I combine Melee Combat with Melee Parry, and Brawling combat with Brawling Parry. |
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garhkal Sovereign Protector
Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14230 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 6:55 pm Post subject: Re: Various NPCs I've created |
Kytross wrote: |
Dex 4D
Mech 4D
Tec 4D
Armor Repair 6D
Blaster Repair 6D
Starship Repair 6D
Starship Weapons Repair 6D
Computer Programming/Repair 6D
Know 2D
(A) Engineering 2D
Per 2D
Str 2D |
I note you have the (A) engineering under knowledge. BUT which of his TECH SKILLS is that engineering applying to? Armor? Starship? Or is it for 'all'"?
Also, where is his power suit ops, repulsor ops?
Kytross wrote: |
Armor Protection: +3D physical, +2D energy. |
What is the Dex mod on it?? _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 9:17 pm Post subject: Re: Various NPCs I've created |
garhkal wrote: |
I note you have the (A) engineering under knowledge. BUT which of his TECH SKILLS is that engineering applying to? Armor? Starship? Or is it for 'all'"? |
I'm not sure exactly where (A) Engineering goes. I think it should be under Technical, but I've heard some arguments for knowledge. Nowadays I always put it under Technical.
(A) Engineering is a general skill that can be applied to many technical skills. A specialization under Engineering would require specifying which skill the character is applying Engineering to. So yes, 'all' skills.
garhkal wrote: | Also, where is his power suit ops, repulsor ops? |
One of the design restrictions I used in creating Vic was that his stats were those of a starting character. His bonuses came from his gear. With 4D in Mec, Vic hasn't felt the need to improve his skills there.
garhkal wrote: | Kytross wrote: |
Armor Protection: +3D physical, +2D energy. |
What is the Dex mod on it?? |
Armor repair allows you to remove the negative Dex mod by fitting the armor to the person. Someone else wearing the armor would have a - 2D Dex mod. Of course, if they are bigger than a Jawa, the armor won't fit. |
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Whill Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)
Joined: 14 Apr 2008 Posts: 10449 Location: Columbus, Ohio, USA, Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way Galaxy
Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2018 11:54 pm Post subject: Re: Various NPCs I've created |
Kytross wrote: | garhkal wrote: | I note you have the (A) engineering under knowledge. BUT which of his TECH SKILLS is that engineering applying to? Armor? Starship? Or is it for 'all'"? |
I'm not sure exactly where (A) Engineering goes. I think it should be under Technical, but I've heard some arguments for knowledge. Nowadays I always put it under Technical. |
Advanced skills aren't based on attributes so it really doesn't matter where you list them. Just sayin'. _________________ *
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garhkal Sovereign Protector
Joined: 17 Jul 2005 Posts: 14230 Location: Reynoldsburg, Columbus, Ohio.
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:08 am Post subject: Re: Various NPCs I've created |
Kytross wrote: |
I'm not sure exactly where (A) Engineering goes. I think it should be under Technical, but I've heard some arguments for knowledge. Nowadays I always put it under Technical.
(A) Engineering is a general skill that can be applied to many technical skills. A specialization under Engineering would require specifying which skill the character is applying Engineering to. So yes, 'all' skills. |
Where are you getting that from?? there is to my recollection, no generic (A) engineering skill, that lets you apply it to all tech skills..
Kytross wrote: |
One of the design restrictions I used in creating Vic was that his stats were those of a starting character. His bonuses came from his gear. With 4D in Mec, Vic hasn't felt the need to improve his skills there. |
So if he needs to roll real good on that powersuit ops for the boots, or the grav belt, he's going to have to pop off cha points..
Kytross wrote: |
Armor repair allows you to remove the negative Dex mod by fitting the armor to the person. Someone else wearing the armor would have a - 2D Dex mod. Of course, if they are bigger than a Jawa, the armor won't fit. |
I've not seen anything in any book saying you can use armor repair to remove dex penalties.. Where's that coming from? _________________ Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk! |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:26 am Post subject: |
Page 3 and 4 of Hideouts & Strongholds details (A) Engineering and its specializations. If it has specializations then, ipso facto, the general skill can be applied to everything covered by the specializations.
"The rules for modifying weapons also apply for improving personal armor." Page 62, 2E R&E. If you can boost the defense of the armor, it stands to reason that you can reduce the dex penalty. There are suits of armor that have the same stats, or better, but no dex penalty. How did they get rid of it?
You can modify a blaster to reduce the draw penalty. Han Solo's blaster, for example. There is precedent.
Why am I doing your research for you? These are the defining areas in the books for each skill, why aren't you looking at these passages before asking me to do it for you? You're smart Garhkal, I've seen you do research before. I believe in you.
As far as skill choices, I made those choices. If you want to use the character, by all means, use him. If you want to change his skill allocations, that's fine too. Have fun gaming! |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 1:13 pm Post subject: |
Let me tell you the tale of Little Wook. I know more than most, I used to be in his crew. A more fearsome pirate this galaxy has never seen.
It begins, like most things on Endor, with Rockna Blue. The forest moon of Endor is one of the only inhabited systems in the outer Moddell subsector. No one went there for any reason until Bakura and the rest of the Shiritoku spur were settled. Endor was the only planet with a type 1 atmosphere between Annaj and Bakura. It was a (relatively) safe place to make emergency repairs, and free traders who supplied Bakura and the Shiritoku spur used it when they needed it.
Soon the few people who traveled the root found out about the deadly poison in the blue fungus that grew on Endor's trees. Eventually they found they could make one of the most euphoric spices from this deadly fungus. Soon, free traders were stopping every time they passed the planet.
Little Wook hid on one of their ships. He was adopted by the smuggler whose ship he stowed away on and soon learned his way about a ship and the galaxy at large.
Their ship was beset upon by pirates. The smuggler was killed, but the pirates took the midget Wookiee and made him one of their own. Little Wook became renown as a fearsome boarder.
Whether he took over the crew he was in or started his own, I don't know. But when I met him, he was running his own crew on his own ship, the Lumpy Bantha. Never heard of the Lumpy Bantha? How about the Trandoshan's Axe? That's his ship.
Three of his crew are Gamoreans. Smelly, and brutish, somehow Little Wook has taught them to man the ship's guns. One of them can even do some piloting in a pinch. Mostly, the Gamoreans do the boarding, covered in armor, wielding a vibro axe and a heavy blaster. Then there's me and the pilot. I'm the mechanic, I keep the ship running.
Little Wook usually waits for the Gamoreans to finish boarding before he goes on the prize ship. Once, and only once, did I see him lead the Gamoreans in boarding a ship. Him and his heavy blaster were death incarnate.
Little Wook
Dexterity 4D+2
Blaster 7D+1
Blaster: Heavy Blaster 10D
Pickpocket 6D+1
Dodge 8D
Throw 6D
Melee Combat 6D+1
Knowledge 1D+1
Value 5D
Languages 3D
Intimidation 3D
Mechanical 3D
Starship Piloting 4D
Starship Gunnery 5D+2
Sensors 4D
Beastriding 4D
Glider 4D
Perception 4D+2
Sneak 6D+2
Search 8D
Hide 7D+2
Command 6D
Bargain 5D+2
Bargain: Bribery 7D
Con 6D+2
Forgery 5D+2
Strength 3D
Brawling 5D
Climb/Jump 6D+1
Swim 4D
Technical 1D+1
Blaster Repair 2D
Starship repair 2D
First Aid 2D
Special ability: +1D to search with smell
Gear: 5D Heavy Blaster pistol, usually set to stun
Vibroblade Str+3D
Armor 2D Physical, 1D energy, fitted so no dex penalty
Little Wook has caused himself a great deal of trouble. He is operating near Hutt space and is taking ships that belong to various criminal organizations. These organizations have banded together to put out a 100,000 credit bounty.
Little Wook is a boss character. He should provide a frightening experience for your players, offset by his cute, teddy bear appearance and his sing-song voice. He takes prisoners. Those he can't ransom off he sells into slavery. Of course, they won't fight him until they face down his Gamoreans.
Dexterity 3D
Melee 5D
Blaster 5D
Strength 5D
Brawling 7D
Mechanical 2D
Starship gunnery 3D
Gear: Heavy blaster pistol 5D, usually on stun.
Vibro axe Str+3D, max 7D
Armor 2D physical, 1D energy, -1Dex
The Gamoreans love melee combat. But they realize that prisoners bring in more money. They will start combat with their heavy blasters. If you get past those then the vibro axes come into play.
Last edited by Kytross on Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 8:15 am Post subject: |
Irwin the Bith.
Irwin is the smuggler you've never heard of. He is discrete, and excellent at his job. Irwin got his start as a pilot, flying other people's ships. Even then he would take the odd private commission to smuggle something small past customs.
He was very, very good at it.
Once he had enough money to finance his own ship he also had enough contacts to make it as a smuggler.
Irwin is a consummate business man. He is frugal, focused on the bottom line, and polite. A jolly british accent would not be remiss. Pip, pip, cheerio and all that.
Irwin is one of the few beings in the galaxy that know how to make Rockna Blue and knows where to get the Rockna from. He flew the Bakura run many times throughout his career. This is one of the things that has staved him off from financial ruin when times were tough. A quick trip to Endor and he could be back in the black in no time.
It takes a very difficult streetwise roll to know that Irwin is a smuggler. He keeps up the appearance of a legitimate free trader willing to take practically any legitimate cargo. The truth is, he could have retired years ago. The only hint at his wealth is his factory new YT-2400.
Irwin the Bith
Dexterity 2D
Dodge 3D
Knowledge 2D
Value 3D
Mechanical 5D
Starship Piloting 6D
Astrogation 6D
Perception 5D
Hide 7D
Strength 2D
Technical 2D
Starship Repair 3D
I took the challenge in making Irwin to build him as a new character. If your game is farther along, feel free to pump his stats up a bit. |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:51 pm Post subject: |
Shal Lome - Duros Bounty Hunter
Lome is distinguished from other bounty hunters in his style. While he tracks and investigates like other hunters, when it's time to capture his prey, Lome waits until they have boarded their ship and enters space. He attacks, a few ion bolts from his ship and then Lome is towing his query, in their ship, to the local authorities.
Lome has a very high capture rate, but he tends to handle smaller bounties. He's not looking for the fame of Cad Bane or Boba Fett, he just wants a steady paycheck.
Lome tends to go after government bounties on violent criminals. He is not interested in getting in the middle of a Hutt Feud, or any other criminal organization. He sees his role as a bounty hunter as doing what the authorities can't do.
Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D
Dodge 4D
Knowledge 2D+1
Mechanical 4D+2
Starship Piloting 6D+2
Starship Gunnery 6D+2
Perception 3D
Search 4D
Investigate 4D
Strength 3D
Technical 2D
Starship Repair 3D
Again, this character was built as a starting character. Lome flies a modified MC-18. The turret laser has been replaced with a Comar f-9 Heavy Ion Cannon, fire arc front, that can be fired by him as he flies. He added in a tow cable, or later in his career, a tractor beam.
If you're looking for a bounty hunter with a different tactic, look no further than Shal Lome. |
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Kytross Line Captain
Joined: 28 Jan 2008 Posts: 806
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 7:45 am Post subject: |
Murk "Bub" Bubble - Mon Calamari Bounty Hunter
If you've ever heard about a loathsome, no good, law breaking bounty hunter, then you've heard about Bub. To say Bub has the morals of an alley cat is to insult alley cats. Bub's guiding moral principle is to not get caught. Breaking and entering, violating privacy rights, burglary, assault, kidnapping, extortion, blackmail, are all acceptable methods for bringing in a bounty.
Bub will take work from anyone, anywhere. Bub is not stupid. He is quite intelligent and is as likely to out think his target as outgun them. He is always going to take every advantage he can get. He stalks his targets and strikes at the most opportune time. On more than one occaison Bub has held a bounty's family hostage to get their cooperation. On bounties that want the being dead, Bub has drowned more than one target simply by keeping them underwater where he can breathe just fine.
Bub makes a solid foil for your characters. He is evil and smart.
Dexterity 3D
Blaster 4D
Dodge 4D
Knowledge 3D
Streetwise 4D
Mechanical 3D
Repulsorlifts 4D
Strength 3D
Brawling 4D
Technical 3D
Security 4D
Equipment: Heavy Blaster 5D. Armor +1D. |
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