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Imperial Occupation of Edan II
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 2:28 pm    Post subject: Imperial Occupation of Edan II Reply with quote

This uses the Star Wars Introductory Adventure Game as its starting point. It begins shortly after the destruction of the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin. The Rebellion has a hidden base on the planet Edan II, (Edan Base) which is where the player characters are stationed.

Episode 1: “Escape Pod Down”
Rojo was sent to search for a crash-landed escape pod nearby Edan Base. He clumsily stumbled onto an Imperial probe droid, but was able to dodge a shot from the droid’s blaster cannon and nailed it with a shot from his own blaster pistol, causing the droid to explode.
PLAYER(S): Rojo (Scout).

Episode 2: “Assault on Edan Base”
An Imperial ship attacked Edan Base, forcing the base commander to order an evacuation. One group of Rebels was forced to flee into the forest when the passage to the hangar bay was hit by a turbolaser blast and collapsed. They encountered a squad of scout troopers, which they quickly defeated, though Jynna was wounded during the fight. Khorde used the medpac to apply first aid and bandage the wound.
PLAYER(S): Khorde (Outlaw), Elen (Rebel Sergeant), Lowbar (Wookie), Jynna (Young Senatorial).

Episode 3: “A Base in the Wilderness”
After a few days of hiking through the forest, the four rebels came across a small Imperial camp. Instead of sneaking up on and ambushing them, the group decided to just walk into the camp, guns blazing. Their brash plan worked, easily overwhelming the scout troopers and officers before a distress call could be made, or escape attempted. They ransacked the camp - stealing supplies and weapons - and headed for the nearest settlement in an armored landspeeder. After a few kilometers, Lowbar (who was piloting) noticed that they were being followed by a pair of Imperial speeder bikes. He tried to shift the landspeeder into reverse, but destroyed the repulsorlift engine in the process. The group was forced to abandon the vehicle and flee into the forest to escape the speeder bikes. Khorde and Lowbar got separated from Elen and Jynna.
PLAYER(S): Khorde, Elen, Lowbar, Jynna.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome summaries, antiforce! Smile

Makes me realize I'll have to consider using the stuff out of the Introductory Adventure Game at some point (my players/campaign is currently about 1 BBY).

Welcome to the Rancor Pit, btw! Very Happy
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

DougRed4 wrote:
Welcome to the Rancor Pit, btw! Very Happy

Thank you for the warm welcome. Smile

Episode 4: “The Farm”
Khorde and Lowbar found an isolated farm which appeared to be abandoned. On closer inspection, they found signs of a struggle, with blaster impact marks and overturned furniture. When they checked the barn located nearby, they found a landspeeder under a tarp. Suddenly they were attacked by a knife-wielding Rojo, but Lowbar easily disarmed him and threw him into one of the barns’ support beams, causing an avalanche of wooden planks and other sundry debris to fall upon Rojo. Once they were properly introduced, they began to plot what their next move would be. Khorde and Lowbar wanted to make it to the settlement to find survivors of the attack, but Rojo disagreed, thinking that the Imperials would be watching the settlements for survivors, and suggested that they head to Fortuna City, the largest city on the planet, where they could more easily blend in with the populace and avoid unwanted Imperial entanglements. They decided to follow Rojo’s advice and head for the Fortuna City.
PLAYERS(S): Khorde, Rojo, Lowbar

Episode 5: “Stakeout”
After a several days of wandering in an eastward direction, Elen and Jynna found the settlement they had originally set out for. They met Otis - a mechanic - who told them about the recent abduction of forty or so settlers at nearby farming circles located to the east of the settlement by the Empire. Intrigued - but without transportation - they left the village and headed for the nearest farming circle on foot. They made it several kilometers when they heard the sound of landspeeders coming from the direction of the settlement. They observed two old Mobquet landspeeders puttering along the dirt path. The first was packed with several sturdy-looking farmhands sporting hunting rifles, while the second landspeeder had a lone occupant dressed in the garb that would befit a colonial lawman. They decided to tail the landspeeders to see where they would go, and their destination turned out to be a farming circle. Unlike Rojo’s painful introduction to Lowbar and Khorde, Elen’s rebel uniform is a clear indication of whose side they are on. The pair joined the stakeout, hiding at the edge of the forest overlooking the farming circle.

As darkness fell across the land, the Imperial threat was close at hand. A convoy of two transports escorted by two speeder bikes entered the farming circle. Two squads of Imperial stormtroopers disembarked from one of the transports, systematically pacifying each farm in a matter of minutes. When the stormtroopers emerged from the farmhouses carrying unconscious bodies over their shoulders, the lawman signaled to commence the attack. Five farmhands, along with Jynna and Elen, begin advancing across the field toward the farmhouses. They completely suprised the stormtroopers, blasting several in a matter of seconds. A sixth farmhand and the lawman moved quickly toward the stormtroopers in a landspeeder. The lawman - with his dual blaster pistols - picked off both scout troopers on their speeder bikes in mid-flight, causing one of the bikes to careen into a transport, destroying both vehicles in a big fireball. The fight continued to go badly for the Imperials - and with their numbers dwindling - the surviving few retreated into the remaining transport and beat a hasty retreat.
PLAYER(S): Elen, Jynna
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 2:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Another great recap, antiforce! Smile

Did you have players to play the parts of the lawman and farmhand(s)? Or were they just NPCs?
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 4:47 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Good memories of this campaign. Just started a fourth playthrough (just made it past the snowcats, which already puts it as more successful that my one-on-one campaign for a young Jedi character Wink ), so I'll really look forward to seeing how this unfolds in parallel to replaying it as well.

(The first time went so well that, years into the campaign, Scrutts and Dantaree were married and having their first baby aboard the medical frigate during the Battle of Endor. The last time, meanwhile, went just a little ca-ca, as all the cool holograms used to say, with both Jalahaffis being sniper-stunned but left alive, Jarus Kai being battlefield-executed while bound and gagged (and botched at that), and generally being potent fodder for both Domain of Evil visions and an ongoing Dark Jedi vendetta against the PCs- while the Vindicator was absolutely obliterated with all hands but the escape-pod-diving PCs, more or less wiping out the supporting cast, as the PC droid died trying to escape the Havoc! Hopefully, both your players and mine will fare a little better than THAT this time around!) Smile
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2014 8:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

For my group, I ran Assault on Edan Base with three players (Aiden (Bothan Scout), Doon (Duros Pilot), and Gand (Gand engineer, who has chosen not to reveal his name even to me yet)).

They got blasters from the security locker and encountered a cave-in... which all three of them initially failed to dig out of... but the fracturing roof above their heads motivated them to try harder and escape the second time. At the back door, they encountered scout troopers... whom Doon and Gand engaged, while Aiden ran for the trees. Upon reaching the tree-line, he turn and snapped a shot off behind him... instantly killing a Scout Trooper. Turned out he was the only competent combatant in the group. He dispatched two troopers, while Gand took a leg-wound... and in the end, the remaining two were dispatched when a wounded-twice trooper was shot to pieces (literally, kill shots to the arm and leg) while attempting to throw a grenade- blowing himself and his fellow wounded trooper up. Since this was a trial run for the group, I let Gand's leg-wound heal naturally in the several days between this and starting the adventure proper.

A Base in the Wilderness began, but only got up through the snow-tigers before stopping. Aiden got dual complications as he felled a tiger leaping at him, ending with him pinned to the ground by its corpse (like Gimli in the Two Towers film)... and then dealing with a jammed blaster after he threw it off. Doon was also pounced, but avoided a clawing by killing the tiger atop him by such a wide margin that it was physically thrown off him and into the underbrush by the force of the blaster shot. Aiden tried to take a vengeful potshot at the remaining two fleeing tigers, then skinned one of the dead ones. (He did this jokingly, so I assume he butchered it so badly that the snow tiger pelt he wrote on his equipment sheet is bloodstained and mangled, useless for trading or bartering). That's where we left off...

However, two other players asked to join the group, so I wrote short mini-adventures for each of them to 'replace' Assault on Edan Base.

I Have A Bad Feeling About This
Ko'akora (Twi'lek Quartermaster/Con-man) ran through a brief adventure in which he was wakened by his droid to check out anomolous transmissions in the comm. room, which turned out to be an Imperial Spy that had infiltrated the base, calling down the airstrike. With Ko'akora as a bit of a coward, he sent the droid in first, who promptly got blasted. Ko'akora ran away for help (intercoms were down) and found a pilot who was going to be introduced later anyway. After a good speech at the doorway (ending with "Kick your blaster out and we can still offer you peace"- and replied-to with a fusillade of blaster-fire), the pair breached the door and took down the spy, briefly interrogated him... and were forced to run as the bombardment started (the spy being crushed to death). They ran for the hangar, Ko'akora had to fix a ship with a broken hatch by overriding the safeties that prevented it from taking off with the main hatch open. (In the style of his character, he solved this puzzle by rolling Very Difficult persuasion to convince one of the other evacuees to try it!) The ship lifted off- and was blasted in half by the Havoc as soon as it emerged from the bay. As the rear half of the ship plunged into the forest, Ko'akora lept out of the flaming, twisted-metal breach. He hit a VERY solid tree trunk and blacked out- when we get to 'A Base In The Wilderness,' the group will find him captured and tied up in the camp.

The other player, as-yet-unnamed, will be created on Tuesday. His story will involve being out on patrol, and being attacked by a lightning-snake (an indigenous serpent with a crystaline head and tail-rattle, with the body in-between made of electrical energy only. Drawn by the nearby power generator, these serpents can bite with poison, or constrict causing electrocution, and only take physical damage- blasters are useless. Stats are equivalent to the snow-tigers). Following this, he'll witness the bombardment of the base from the hillside- and have to flee the vicinity of the shield generator as it comes under fire, too. Driven into the underbrush, he'll hear a ship land nearby and encounter a 2-person scout-trooper patrol... after which he can either continue on his way, or try to board the landing craft (where he can loot a locker and engage the sketelon crew before the ship is set to self-destruct to keep it from falling into rebel hands...) In the denouement, several days later, he'll wake to hear voices- a cliffhanger which will turn out to be the original three-person team, and lead into their joining up at the start of the next full session.

Meantime, with so long between sessions, I decided to run Escape Pod Down as the first in a series of between-session mini-adventures by email (1 between each session) for each player, with the player who handles the adventure best winning a few bonus character points for the main sessions. So far, only Aiden's player has run through the scenario... and after deciding to chase down the probe droid on his speeder, promptly rolled terribly, lost control of his speeder, and went into a spin, shooting past the bewildered probe droid. He elected to remain in the spin as a form of evasive- and following the probe droid getting a 6 on the wild die for blaster and THREE SIXES IN A ROW on the wild die for damage... Aiden's player got a 1 on the wild die resulting in a Strength roll of 4. Shot dead through the back, out the chest, and into the speeder's control panel (someone should make a movie about the crack-shot probe droid), he died in a spectacular wreck as his spinning speeder hit the tree-line. So, anyone else that actually gives it a try is almost a shoe-in to win... Smile

The next one will probably involve an Edan outpost falling to walker assault, with the player having to escape crushing and then run a gauntlet of AT-STs on speeder... but first, we'll have our session and the rest of A Base in the Wilderness...
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 1:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Awesome summary, Zarm!
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 22, 2014 3:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks! Next segment will be run on Tuesday tonight, so hopefully coming soon...
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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nothing terribly exciting, I'm afraid- the last player created a human male rebel soldier (about as generic as possible), ensign Horatio Gates. His first outing in Prey went decently enough- attacked by a lightning-serpent, he fired a blaster, discovered that was useless... and ran away. the serpent pursued, and he turned to brawl with it, stunning it momentarily... and then ran away again. the serpent lost interest.

When the bombardment of Edan Base began, to his credit, his initial plan was to speed towards it to look for survivors... until it was made clear to him that going back into that area would be suicide. He fled by speeder bike, which was destroyed in the bombardment (throwing him clear) and retreated into the forest. After hearing a ship land some time later, he hid- but upon seeing that the forthcoming pair of patrolling scout troopers had a lifesigns detector, he went on the offensive- dropping both troopers in a 2-round, one-sided ambush.

He didn't loot the corpses (lack of foresight or a focus on something other than loot, I don't know) and investigated their ship; after spectacularly failing to open an equipment locker, he went for the cockpit- and the pilots that had discharged the patrols set the ship to destruct rather than letting it fall into enemy hands. Net result... no new gear, no particular gains- but the Empire was deprived of a pricey chunk of hardware and a handful of personnel... not a bad personal avenging of the loss of Edan Base.

Meanwhile, a second player completed the e-mail Escape Pod Down- while he neglected to sneak and caught the probe droid's photoreceptors immediately, and promptly tried to run (got a cautious bunch, this batch) and was shot and wounded, to his credit, he decided to make a stand there- lifting his blaster in a shaking arm (his detail, not mine) as the droid closed in for the kill and shouting defiantly "You haven't bested Rojo Barant!" His blaster was 12 and his damage 9, both shots that should have failed- but with the probe closing in, and a spectacular failure of its strength roll (perhaps to compensate for spectacular successes in blasting and damaging both players that've tried this), he managed to damage the probe droid enough to trigger its self destruct anyhow.

Next Monday, all five players come together for the first time...
Star Wars: Marvels, the audio drama:

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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

One thing confuses me. In the intro to the beginning of the adventures, the book notes "By the end of the fifth scenario, the characters may have as many as four starfighters at their command."

I keep wondering if I'm missing something. I count the salvaged Y-wing, the Y-wing aboard the Bothan Whale, and the X-wing aboard the Last Hope. Maybe this little blurb is just an error, or they're considering a Lambda class shuttle as a starfighter and including the possibility that it could be seized in the second scenario? Otherwise, I don't know where they came up with 4.
Star Wars: Marvels, the audio drama:

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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:28 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

The last player to venture into Escape Pod Down performed almost identically to the second- but improved on that performance in A. Rolling knowledge to see if his character would suspect a droid or significance with the pod, B. Actually sneaking up to the droid, and C. Taking the initiative is shooting it first (even if he missed and ended up shot and wounded just like the last guy; making distance-shots are the achillies-heel of this player batch, it seems). Based on these subtle improvements, Gand's player won the bonus points.

Continuation of A Base In The Wilderness went well; after a somewhat lame-duck scene with Horatio meeting up with three original players (it took Ko'akora later to suggest 'do you even know you can trust this guy you just met?') the group encountered the Imperial camp. Ko'akora, tied to a tree, was being interrogated- his responses were a highlight, ranging from "(laughter) Hit me again!" to "I was in a place, once, in a bar, where I thought I saw a man that looked like you... but it turned out to just be a Hutt's backside."

The group was given until the interrogator ran out of questions to plan the attack- at which point the frustrated Imperial officer was ready to 'pick Ko'akora's brain' with a vibroblade to the Leku.

The group's ambush was a spectacular failure, with two opening fire and missing, a third hitting a doing 0 damage, and Aiden failing his diversionary grenade throw (enough to land it too close and momentarily dazzle himself). He charged in screaming to create a distraction, and the others, missing another round of long-range shots entirely (as did the Scout troopers; it was noted that 'the distances involved in this combat to outstrip the skill level of the combatants involved- recognizing this, the scouts advance.') Doon and Horatio took cover behind the tents, while Gand advanced without dodging- and was promptly shot in the head, incapacitating him.

Half-blind Aiden was almost ambushed by a trooper emerging from the tent, but a shouted warning from Ko'akora gave him a chance to dodge. Ko meant to call him "Creeper" because he'd snuck all the way around the camp, but in his excitement, the player yelled "Hey, Creepy- look out!" and the name stuck. As Ko (a gruff-voiced Twi'lek male) is supposed to have somewhat effeminate features, Aiden took to calling him 'good-looking,' and the semi-sardonic double-act of gruff-talking Creepy and Good-Looking was the highlight of the evening.

Aiden shot the Imperial officer (wounding him and knocking him back against Ko'akora, who used pickpocket to snag the vibroblade) while Doon ran to Gand to administer medical aid (discovering in the process Gand's secret, that his breath mask is just for show and he doesn't respire).

After lobbing a grenade that only stunned and wounded the 4 clustered scouts, Aiden became a target- dropping prone behind the patrol speeder for cover and blasting the wounded officer in the kneecap, double-wounding him (and finishing him off when the collapsed man fell fully into his line of fire). Doon finished off all four troopers with a terrifically-lethal second grenade as Ko'akora finally cut himself free.

After 20 minutes of chaotic roleplaying, everyone was introduced, Gand was healed to wounded, Ko joined the group- and after looting the camp, they all took off in the patrol speeder with an incapacitated Imperial officer prisoner for later interrogation. Since Horatio's alliance uniform was fairly conspicuous, they stuck it on the slumbering Imp, while Horatio (the only human in the group) put on the Lieutenant's uniform they found in the camp. the clever bluff (include pilot and passenger switching seats mid-flight when the speeder bikes arrived) was in vain when the bikers attacked, but Horatio pulled a dead-stop as Ko and Aiden blasted the bikers, mortally wounding one and heavily damaging the other speeder. Ironically, the 6D speeder-mounted canon did nothing to finish off the bike against a strong NPC soak- but Aiden, unintentional sharpshooter of the group, down the other biker with hand-blaster fire as well.

With the next chapter barely started, Gand, Aiden, and a very-persuasive Ko (who actually talked Watchman Wiley into letting them keep their blasters in town, albeit with regulators fixing them on stun, as potential 'defenders' using the patrol speeder as proof that they'd already dispatched Imperials) are heading into Southview, while Doon and Horatio remain with the speeder and their stirring prisoner (whose interrogation and possible escape-attempt will have to give them something to do while the others explore the town next session).

All-in-all, not a bad premiere for the new 5-player group.
Star Wars: Marvels, the audio drama:

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Zarm R'keeg

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 31, 2014 4:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Incident At Outpost 47, our bonus email adventure, had a fairly simple premise- set during the initial Imperial assault that begins the Edan II adventures, the players controlled Brin Trallus, a Gran in the rebellion bored by monitor duty... whose lighthouse-esque outpost is nearly trampled by an AT-AT. If he and his colleagues (Calvus and Dar, a Corellian and a Pacithip) make it outside, they'll have to divide up on the 2 speeder bikes parked outside and try to escape the clearing... past the pair of AT-STs walking escort, as well as the AT-AT's inexorably advancing footpads.

Aiden's player fell down the stairs, hurting himself, and barely made it out in time, only managing to get Dar out (while Calvus was crushed with the outpost). Each boarded a speederbike and evaded the AT-STs... until, just a round before ducking in the woods, Brin was blasted- hurling his battered, injured carcass into the woods, where he played dead until the AT-STs left and then limped off to rejoin Dar.

Ko'akora's player got Calvus and Dar clear, set them on a speeder bike, and launched himself at the AT-STs as a diversion on the other. Blasted off, he continued the attack on foot (managing to land a shot in an AT-ST viewport) and eventually ran after Calvus and Dar got clear. After several near-misses and a hit with the AT-STs' light repeater, the badly-injured Brin hurled himself in an overly-optimistic suicide under the AT-AT's foot at the edge of the clearing, a desperate bid for survival... and managed to soak enough of the damage from the AT-STs' chaser grenade-attack for the shockwave to blast him out the other side, just clear of being trampled. Picked up by Dar and Calvus on their bike, this badly-wounded Brin was carried off to safety. (A theme of badly-injured Grans being hurled to safety by explosions seemed to be the norm here).

Gand's player (the winner-by-points of the scenario) thought to turn the holocams that the outpost monitored back on the outpost when he first felt the ground shake, and became aware of the approaching peril several rounds earlier. After getting Dar and Calvus out, he shared a bike with Calvus... and all three of them were thrown clear of demolished bikes by an AT-ST grenade barrage. While Dar ran for the tree-line, Calvus and Brin charged on foot... sustaining a barrage from the AT-STs whose light-repeaters badly injured Brin while the main guns killed Calvus. Brin continued a staggered charge (aided by a complication which saw the AT-STs tangle their protruding side guns and get locked together) long enough for Dar to escape- but his plans to use a rope to trip the scout-walkers came too late, and when they broke free, his strength roll of 3 was insufficient to keep him from being shaken loose from the footpad and shot to death.

Meanwhile, in the main adventure, Chapter 2: Salvation On Silver-Tipped Wings, went a little sideways. While Doon and Horatio waited in the speeder with their reviving Imperial prisoner (still dressed in a rebellion uniform, while Horatio was dressed in Imperial garb), Ko'akora, Gand, and Aiden proceeded into the KO Bar, the requisite fight (with an unplanned running gag of Ko repeatedly trying to speechify their innocence to the surrounding patrons to maintain their good image, and being continually interrupted by being punched in the face, accidentally being thrown to the ground by one of his comrades with a complication, etc.), and an introduction to Dantaree.

However, back at the speeder, after conducting the most incompetent interrogation of all time, the duo waiting their were ambushed by a trio of local resistance fighters- teenagers who saw an imperial in a speeder (and an apparent Imp collaborator Duros) interrogating a rebel prisoner and set out to free him. Well... attempted ambush, as Horatio spotted them at a distance and immediately shot one... prompting a stun attack from the other, and several shots from the concealed third... who Doon threw a grenade at, before both Rebels were stunned by the angry third brother.

Dantaree and the remaining, cooler-headed Rebels returned to the speeder, revived their stunned comrades, and followed the trail- with a stricken Dantaree realizing as they drew close to the youths' hideout that these were people she knew. Inside the makeshift clubhouse, the group found the shot and burned teens (both only incapacitated by the attacks, thankfully, and neither killed)- with the third missing. While Gand and Doon stayed behind to tend to the wounds, the rest of the group pursued- and found the injured Imperial forcing the third brother to help him walk at blasterpoint- holding him hostage when the group called out to the pair. Ko'akora worked to talk the man down while Aiden edged closer- but an extreme mishap on the Imperial's part ended with the teen's attempted breakaway and jostling of the blaster resulting in the Imp shooting himself in the face, mortally wounding himself. After trying (and failing) to heal the man's mortal injuries, Ko'akora managed to talk him into spilling a little of the Empire's purpose here... giving the group knowledge of the slave-labor situation (both tying neatly into Dantaree's resistance storyline, and triggering Ko'akora's deep-seated hatred of slavery, fairly well ensuring their involvement) as well as a dire warning about the Jalahaffi siblings and their terrible powers.

The PCs met with the resistance, staked out the farm circles- and the same groups split off, with Doon and Horatio heading off to retrieve the Y-wing while the remainder accompanied Dantaree and the resistance (including the three youths, now obsessed with explosives and relationship-mended with the group after being gifted with one each by Doon and Gand) to follow the captives.

The battle at the landing pad was fairly chaotic. The group started by blasting the occupants of one of the patrolling speeders, which the youths eagerly commandeered- as the other 3 resistance members rode in on the PCs' stolen speeder. Both engaged the armored transports while Aiden and Dantaree blasted stromtroopers from the cover of the barracks building. Gand and Ko'akora didn't much know what to do with themselves, communicating poorly (Ko'akora blasting the hydrogen cells Gand planned to use as a diversion at a later time due to difficulty understanding the Gand's stilted, basic-challenged chatter) and eventually hitched a ride with their own Patrol speeder. In the interim, the 3 Patrol speeders engaged in a cat-and-mouse that nearly ended up killing the youths several times, but the imperial-controlled speeder was sent careening (with a dead pilot at the controls) into the base of the landing pad, exploding very close to where the hydrogen cells already had, and convincing the Lambda shuttle parked roughly above them to get out while the getting was good.

Dantaree was apparently killed by one of the armored transports as they lumbered into battle, but showed up again moments later to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Aiden, the two scouts standing together against the stormtroopers... while a well-timed grenade throw by Ko'akora peeled one of the armored transports open for the speeder-youths to blast. (An explosion which knocked Gand, leaping out of the speeder and charging with a grenade to sink it in the breach Ko had created and destroy the transport, onto his rump- once again disrupting his plans.)

Doon and Aiden arrived in the Y-wing, ordering the Lambda shuttle to power down (with designs on capturing it) and blasting the AT-ST with a proton torpedo just before it could reach the battle (those things are slow, and the map started it way too far out on the perimeter; it would've taken about 6 rounds to reach the main battle! Oops!). Between their intimidation and authoritative commands by the stormies, the shuttle stuck around to begin loading prisoners... and to discourage this, Doon and Horatio made a run on the shuttle (directly in line with the main ramp where the prisoners were being loaded). It did little damage to the shuttle but killed 4 of the 40 captives they were there to rescue... and convinced the Lambda shuttle to run for it. The duo stuck obsessively with the shuttle, abandoning the winding-down battle (with the rebel speeders blasting the final armored transports and Dantaree and the resistance herding the formed captives into the woods on foot). Doon and Aiden chased the shuttle up to dangerous heights, nearly to the Havoc's detection range, and used up the Y-wing's entire complement of non-replenishable torpedoes to destroy the fleeing, non-combat craft... earning them (alongside the lethal force used preemptively against teenagers and the needless death of the civilians in the strafing run) Dantaree's fury; she now considers them dangerously childish and irresponsible, unthinking and untrustworthy- but is sticking with the group and its new goal of destroying the Havoc for the sake of the other 3 (whom she has formed a bond with)
Star Wars: Marvels, the audio drama:

Hard core OT, all the way!
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks for sharing all this. Great stuff!
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 2:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great summary, this is definitely one of the best introductory adventures. A testament to the genius of Peter Schweighofer, one of the "giants" of D6 and Star Wars Gaming. I have run this one several times, and it is always a pleasure. Its great to hear such a detailed "after action report". Thanks
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Sat Nov 01, 2014 3:35 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

klhaviation wrote:
A testament to the genius of Peter Schweighofer, one of the "giants" of D6 and Star Wars Gaming.

I couldn't agree more. Schweigh is the man!
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