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Freighter in Your Campaign
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Admiral Tolval

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:08 am    Post subject: Freighter in Your Campaign Reply with quote

I'm sure I'm not the only GM out there that used freighters from other books as the players main ship. I made sure that my group didn't have the YT-1300 starting off. The Imp. smuggler of the group did want one but agreed that its used too much in the game. So I used an alternative that he fell in love with, the HT-2200. The first part that won him over was that it was Corellian. The second was the cargo holds. For those that are not familiar with the HT-2200, it has four seperate cargo holds capable of holding 200 tons each. This is a 800 ton medium freighter. It worked well with our group. At the beginning of the campaign, the NPC Captain the players reported to had modified it for the smuggler for special ops runs. The ship is a U or horseshoe shape. 2 cargo holds on either arm. The forward, starboard hold was modified as a hanger bay capable of holding 2 starfighters. Which the TIE pilot parked his TIE/In into. The forward, port hold had a folding down ramp and room for ground vehicles. Only time we really used this was to pick up a squad of Storm Commandoes on speeder bikes. The aft, starboard hold was actually for cargo. Once we did transport a Hutt in it but that's a story in itself. The aft, port hold was called the "junk room". It contained spare equipment and other parts that was supposed to be delivered to the Captain's dreadnought in the 3rd adventure but Bel Iblis attacked the shipyards it was in destroying it and really started the campaign to rebuild the Empire. The last starting modification was in the common area. A holoprojector w/holonet hookup was installed for briefings and communications.

It was a nice ship. The smuggler stayed around at first since the Captain was his sponsor and he owed his money to but later saw how his fortunes could rise. The players had 3 core members; smuggler, TIE pilot, and ISB agent. The Imp. scout would join later and bring his Lone Scout with the group. After some adventures, the smuggler talked the rest into putting credits into his ship to make it more battle worthy. The ISB agent actually paid for turbolasers for it. Which later down the road threaten to rip them out when he got into an argument with the smuggler. They later obtained a Z-95 for the hanger. Than later another TIE/In when the Z-95 was taken off the ship and installed at their hidden base at Darknon Station.

Blackrazor was the name of the HT-2200 if I remember right. It had some good adventures. Once, after they finished Sarne, the players were on a scouting mission to a suspected shipyard that Sarne had built in the Qektoth Confederation. Their orders were to scout the systems and report back any information about Sarne's forces as some ships had escaped back through the Kathol Rifts after the battle including a ISD. And they were not to engage rebel forces. Report back with the information so the fleet (which consisted of the damaged Bastion and a few smaller ships like Marauder Corvettes) could move in. The players charted out the systems and actually found information leading to the shipyards. They jumped in at the edge of the system, started toward the inner planets than cut speed and main power. Not long they discovered patrols of Qektoth cruisers in the area and the location of the shipyards. Wanting to verify the ISD's condition and location, the smuggler proformed a short, in system jump (his rolls were incredible and yes, for lots of actions, players are required to roll in the middle of the group on a table top to reduce chances of cheating). They found the ISD and a Corona-class Frigate. So after verifying the location of the shipyards, the number of rebel ships in the area, Qektoth ships, and the location and status of the ISD, what do my players do? Do they jump out and report this? Of course not! They're players! The TIE pilot got to his TIE and launched, the ISB agent took the gunnery controls, and the smuggler turned on full power and turned toward the ISD. Of course, my players being lucky sobs survived to brag about their successful attack on the ISD which with no shields and being damaged (not to mention Force &character pt spending by the players and a critical failure on the ISD's part of absorbing damage) was destroyed. They had a public ceremony to honor them for their attack which saved countless lives for their side and a private butt chewing for disobeying orders even if things turned out right.

So, what freighters did your players use?
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Joined: 24 May 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I have to confess that I have a fondless for the HT-2200 too. Over the years, they have graced several of my campaigns.

I'm not sure if we have ever had a character owned YT-1300 in one of our games.

Our group tends to put together their own templates when creating characters, as such, they choose their own equipment. Sometimes that equipment includes a starship (Either heavily damaged, or with serious strings attached.) Because of this, our characters have owned a wide range of ships through the course of several campaigns. There have been a few custom built ships early on, but by the time GG6 and later Stock Ships came out, we drew most of our ships from those sources. We've had almost as many ships as we have had campaigns.
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We have a plan to use an HT-2200 for a new series of adventures. Our thoughts were similar to your Imperial group. We connected the starboard side cargo bays into a single long bay so that we could fit a pair of X-Wings. Still hoping we get a chance to play that.

Other groups have used the Ghotroc 720 and the YT-1300. One of the more unusual ships was the single wing Rendili-Surron Starlight-class Freighter. They named it the Lame Duck for obvious reasons.

I like having floorplans for the ships as it makes the ship itself a real thing and a setting in and of itself. We even mapped out key areas like the bridge for the captured Imperial Vigilance-class Corvette that one group of PCs commanded.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Big thing is, do you compensate giving him such a larger and more expensive ship, by upping his bounty/debt he owes?

I mean i have often used a house rule that any template, even those not normally starting with a ship can start with one, by taking on the debt of owning it like the 1e smuggler did (to a hutt).. But it is kind of off, if you give someone a 4x more expensive ship (yt-1300 compared to ht-2200) with around 8 times the cargo capacity, without having something offset the increase.
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Kaloth Varsk
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 5:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

County me in the 2200 fan club as well. I "acquired" one playing a pirate way back in the day modifying the heck out of it.

As a GM, I used one for a recurring villain's ship (and am actually updating that campaign to possibly run online at some point in the future.)

I did have a group with a YT-1300 at one point when I was running a campaign based on the materials in GG6. I actually had dozens of freighters designed during that campaign and the PC's actually lost 2 ships during it, having to acquire new ones. (So they had 3 ships during the course of the campaign, and the middle one happened to be a YT-1300. Although that ship is a little cliche, GG6 is what really made me fall in love with it. The multiple designs based on the same model is really what got the creative juices going when it came to modifying "stock light freighters". I probably still have a photoshop file with a couple dozen freighters used in that campaign. (Worked in lots of layers to modify ships as I went.)

Edit: Side note on the YT-1300, I remember it completely drove a couple of my players nuts because it was "left handed". I don't know why having the cockpit on the opposite side was so hard for them to accept.
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 6:40 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
Big thing is, do you compensate giving him such a larger and more expensive ship, by upping his bounty/debt he owes?
Well a bigger ship is more expensive to run so it is not all beer and skittles. But to answer you question, it depends. The HT-2400 was for a group of established Rebel characters. They would be assigned the ship. They wouldn't own it. So no I wouldn't charge them extra any more than I would charge the X-wing pilot for 'his' X-wing.

Now if they were a group of independent traders or smugglers who owned their own ship, sure I'd probably charge them if being in debt to a loan shark seemed fun. Our group with the YT-1300 started out owing Ploovo-Two-for-One 40,000 credits for their ship. After paying Ploovo tens of thousands of credits they now owe him 52,425 credits. Loan shark rates of 10% per 10-day is pretty expensive.* Twisted Evil

Kaloth Varsk wrote:
Edit: Side note on the YT-1300, I remember it completely drove a couple of my players nuts because it was "left handed". I don't know why having the cockpit on the opposite side was so hard for them to accept.
Why should a left HANded ship bother them? Wink

* Try googling Loan Shark and look at the real world rates. The vig is brutal.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yea.. we breaka da legs when you don't pay da boss
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Admiral Tolval

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 9:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote
Big thing is, do you compensate giving him such a larger and more expensive ship, by upping his bounty/debt he owes?

He owed the debt to the NPC Imperial Captain in which he gave his services in exchange on paying the interest. The debt was more to keep over the smuggler's head. The smuggler went one time to the Captain with a break down of services he had done and the equivalent payments. He had came up with a figure close to 500,000 credits or more. He stated that all of that should have paid off his debt. The Captain looked over the list, nodded a couple of times, and handed it back to the smuggler. He smiled and stated it was a good thing that he had a written contract with the smuggler about principal could only be paid by credits and any services would pay toward the interest only at an amount determined by the Captain. The other players just smiled as the smuggler turned and walked away mumbling.

I would use different tactics to insure loyalty from the smuggler. Once he landed at a starport and was going to go back to the life of a smuggler. At this time, the Captain was now an Admiral and the smuggler had a rank of Captain in the Imperial Navy but was in the reserves at that point. An ensign meet him at the hanger with a datapad. The smuggler told the ensign he wanted his ship fueled and ready to go in a hour. The ensign handed over the datapad casually and said just sign here. When the smuggler signed and handed it back, the ensign suddenly snapped to attention and saluted. He said, "Captain, the Admiral sent orders for you to report to his office once you arrived." The smuggler just shook his head and said, "Easy ensign. I'm no longer active duty." The ensign held up the datapad and said, "Not any longer sir." With that he saluted, turned and walked away as the smuggler started cursing and heading to the Admiral's office. His character's word was his bond. So when he signed something, he tried his best to work it his way but would always follow through.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 2:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Dat will teach him to read before he signs!
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 5:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Im going to have this famous ship 'forced' upon the characters... Laughing

Here are some deckplans (allthough not very good ones)

The idea is that its a freighter model produced by some insect species as a failed attempt at pleasing the galaxy market..
My Biggest Beard Retard award goes to: The Admiral of course..
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If only you could change the letter for "STARBUG 1" into Aurabesh. Smile
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 11:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

lol, I like the way you think
Blasted rules. Why can't they just be perfect?
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Fallon Kell

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:57 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I built a class of medium light freighter for my player, and expect he'll take up residence in one at some time or another.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I tend to keep away from the classic ships like the YT-1300. The ships I've used and had used in my games that I can remember are:

Gozanti Cruiser
Crinya Light Freighter
Kazellis Light Freighter
Deep Water Light Freighter

Each one has it's own charms. I like the aesthetics of all but the Deep Water, and that one was picked because it has individual state rooms for each passenger along with backup shields.

I try not to use the same ship more than once or twice, otherwise it feels too much like I'm playing the same character with a different name.
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Jedi Skyler

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Raven Redstar wrote:
I tend to keep away from the classic ships like the YT-1300. The ships I've used and had used in my games that I can remember are:

Gozanti Cruiser
Crinya Light Freighter
Kazellis Light Freighter
Deep Water Light Freighter

Each one has it's own charms. I like the aesthetics of all but the Deep Water, and that one was picked because it has individual state rooms for each passenger along with backup shields.

I try not to use the same ship more than once or twice, otherwise it feels too much like I'm playing the same character with a different name.

I used a YT-1930 in a game; I'm actually going to be doing so again. I fell in love with the hull design; I didn't want to use the cliche' YT-1300, but I really appreciate the flexibility of the stock light freighter, especially the Corellian ships.

The new game I'm going to be in will actually be a Rebel unit in the Outer Rim, based on a large freighter. I forget the model at the moment...but this is going to be a fun, different game. Each of the players is working up five different characters; one character HAS to be part of the command crew, and so won't be going out on each of the missions. However, there will be a good bit of ship combat, which will bring our command crew into play. (Personally I'm running the Chief Engineer). Some of our characters will come into this unit individually; others will come in as a group. My character with the 1930 is actually part of a smuggling crew; my character is a slicer. I'm really looking forward to starting that game.
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