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Force power to augment armors and weapons that isn't dark?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:39 am    Post subject: Force power to augment armors and weapons that isn't dark? Reply with quote

I know that by the eu Sith Alchemy is used for not only creating monstrosities but also the sith armors and sith swords.

Is there a force power that isn't dark sided that can create or at least augment armor and or weapons? And by this I mean the item itself, not the user.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:03 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Nothing official, although I recall something along those lines in the homebrew section of the Force Powers Compilation netbook. There are two powers which do something similar to what you describe on pg. 38: Create Force Talisman and Force Weapon. Nothing stopping you from making up your own power if you can't find what you like, though...
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:44 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

We had a Strengthen Object power that I grabbed from somebody's home brew.

Strengthen (Weaken) Object
Alter Difficulty: Based on the strength added and the object.
Added ..... Difficulty
..... 1D ..... Very Easy
..... 2D ..... Easy
..... 3D ..... Moderate
..... 4D ..... Difficult
..... 5D ..... Very Difficult
.. 6D-8D ... Heroic

Size Modifier ..... Add to Difficulty
¼ cubic meters .... 0
1 cubic meter ..... +10
2 cubic meters ..... +20
4 cubic meters ..... +30

Time to Use: 1 round, may be "kept up"

Effect: This power strengthens and reinforces the structure of an object. Some Jedi have discovered that is can also be used to weaken objects in a similar manner.

Using the Force, the Jedi reinforces the inter-molecular and intra-molecular bonds in the object. (Amplification of the strong and weak nuclear forces, I guess Smile. The object has the same density (more or less), volume, and mass as before, but it takes more energy to break the bonds holding the object together. This is a relatively basic skill and is usually taught early in a Jedi's studies.

This reinforcment strenghtens the object versus shearing forces, stress, or disintegration/disassociation by high energies. Thus, a 1D staff Strengthed at the Very Difficult level would now have a Strength of 6D--enough to resist a lightsaber, most of the time. Note: This does not effect the objects ability to do damage. It just increases its resistance to breakage or destruction and severely limits chemical reactions (such as oxidation).

This Force Power may be used on living matter. However, because the various enzymatic and chemical reactions, and protein interactions in living tissue are strongly inhibited, use of this Force Power on living tissue is very damaging. For example: Oxygen (or other vital gases) no longer dissassocites from carrier molecules, causing oxygen-starvation. Hormones and neurotransmitters will not disassociate from receptor proteins. Blood cells will coaggulate on the blood vessel walls. DNA strands cannot be separated for transcription to RNA--thus halting protein synthesis. There are very few organisms that can withstand such inhibition of chemical reactions. Use of this Power on living tissue is thus grounds for a Dark Side Point.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 9:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think that one can be found in the Jedi Handbook netbook. Copies of it are drifting around the internet. Maybe Cheshire has a copy on his 4shared account...
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:04 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks. I couldn't remember the attribution just that it came from something someone else did. I pulled it from a Force Powers list I created for our house campaign. Since it wasn't for external use and it contained a mix of official, internally house ruled, internally made up, and stuff grabbed from others, I didn't include the attributions.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 10:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
Thanks. I couldn't remember the attribution just that it came from something someone else did. I pulled it from a Force Powers list I created for our house campaign. Since it wasn't for external use and it contained a mix of official, internally house ruled, internally made up, and stuff grabbed from others, I didn't include the attributions.

That's cool. I'm always on the lookout for new and interesting Force Powers, so if you would be willing to forward me that Force Powers list (assuming it is compiled in transmittable form), I would appreciate it.
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 12:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

It's not comprehensive. It's intended as a player aid, so it only lists powers that the playes have. But send me a PM with an email and I'll send you an MS-Word file or two with what I have.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 2:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Our Sparks group also has a Strengthen object force power..

Strengthen Object
Alter Difficulty M (15) – +1D
D (20) – +2D
VD (25) – +3D
H (30) – +4D
Every additional +10 – additional +1D
Required Powers – Telekinesis
Power may be kept ‘up’
Time to use – 1 round
Effect – This power strengthens and reinforces the atomic structure of an object. Some Force-users have discovered that it can also be used to weaken objects as well. The object retains the same density, volume and mass, but it takes more energy to break the bonds that hold the object together. Note that this does not affect the object’s ability to do damage; it just increases its ability to resist destruction and severely limits chemical reactions (such as oxidation). To utilize this power on an object one scale bigger than the Force-user requires a Moderate (15) Willpower roll to overcome the mental block, which says that it would be impossible to accomplish. Also add one level of difficulty to the Willpower roll for each additional scale level difference. If this Willpower roll succeeds, the above difficulties are not modified. But if the Willpower roll fails, then the base difficulty is raised one level for each scale difference.
{The Force-user wants to use Strengthen Object on a starfighter hull. This comes out to three scale levels above character. So the Force-user needs to make a Very Difficult Willpower check or the base difficulties are bumped up three levels. Then a Heroic roll would only add +1D to the starship.}
When this power is kept up it causes stress on the Force-user. The Force-user can maintain the power for a number of rounds equal to their Alter die code (i.e. 6D to 6D+2 = 6 rounds) without any stress. After that the Force-user must make a Very Easy Stamina roll on the following round. Each subsequent round the power is kept up the Force-user must make another Stamina roll with a +5 difficulty added cumulatively.
Once the power is dropped or let go, the Force-user must wait a number of rounds equal to double the number of rounds the power was maintained before attempting to reactivate it.
Anytime the Strengthened Object is dealt damage, the Force-user must make a Stamina or Willpower roll with the difficulty equal to the damage taken (on the scale of the resisting object) above the base objects resistance (i.e. base object has 2D resistance, strengthened at +3D and hit by 8D; the player must resist the 6D {8D – 2D}. If this roll is made, the power can be maintained. If this roll is failed, it blocks that attack and then immediately drops.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:01 pm    Post subject: Re: Force power to augment armors and weapons that isn't dar Reply with quote

tetsuoh wrote:
I know that by the eu Sith Alchemy is used for not only creating monstrosities but also the sith armors and sith swords.

Is there a force power that isn't dark sided that can create or at least augment armor and or weapons? And by this I mean the item itself, not the user.

Isnt there a power called Force Weapon?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 3:56 pm    Post subject: Re: Force power to augment armors and weapons that isn't dar Reply with quote

ZzaphodD wrote:
Isnt there a power called Force Weapon?
Not familiar with that. Sounds kinda kinky. What are you forcing the weapon to do and to whom? Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 5:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

LOL. It's in the Force Powers compilation book. It's basically Strengthen Object with a focus on weapons only.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Sorry I guess I should have a been a bit more clear.

Sith Alchemy is a permanent change to a being or object.

It's used (in eu canon) to create the sith armor and sith swords from the books. The sith sword is indestructible and as such can withstand lightsaber blows. The sith armor is generally light padded armor but as strong as a stormtrooper's, etc etc.

This generally requires the creator to invest a part of themselves into the objects. (Force Points/Dark Side points)
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:10 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is no Force power that I am currently aware of that has the permanent effect you desire. However, as certain Jedi artifacts (specifically holocrons) have the permanent Force traits you seem interested in, there is no reason you couldn't make a power of your own. Transfer Force would be a good starting point. You might also want to put limiters as to what kinds of material the Force can be transferred into (such as crystals and such)...
"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Yeah. What he said. Smile
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:12 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

crmcneill wrote:
There is no Force power that I am currently aware of that has the permanent effect you desire.

Well beside Sith Alchemy, which gry did a write up on the biological side and hinted at the material side, but I just don't like the idea of a non harmful (in fact exact the opposite in terms of the armor) power being a dark side only power.

crmcneill wrote:
However, as certain Jedi artifacts (specifically holocrons) have the permanent Force traits you seem interested in, there is no reason you couldn't make a power of your own.

The artifacts are one of the reasons why I'm surprised that there wasn't a power printed already, thought I do see why when there are similar sustainable powers.

My character probably will end up making the power on his own in game, though sadly our GM requires you knowing a similar power to adapt from. And sadly since we use the force powers net book, the large number of prerequisites for sith alchemy will probably play a role on how easy it will be on my character. Oddly enough one goal of his already is a version of force lightning that isn't so evil as well.

I think my character may end up having a walk with the dark side if he doesn't learn to control his curiosity, which may prove interesting.

If anyone has more input on the subject though, I'm interested on opinions and what other people have come up with as well, like Gar's power and the like (which is interesting, ty Gar.)
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