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Imperial Star Destroyer Deckplan?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 7:49 pm    Post subject: Imperial Star Destroyer Deckplan? Reply with quote

Does anyone know where I can find an Imperial Star Destroyer deckplan? Or the deckplan for another Imperial capital ship?

I have the version in the old Technical Journal, but I'm hoping to find something that shows the corridors and rooms.

So far, the closest thing I have been able to find is the partial deckplan for the Nebulon B Frigate in "The Far Orbit Project."
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Imperial Star Destroyer Deckplan? Reply with quote

Guardian_A wrote:
Does anyone know where I can find an Imperial Star Destroyer deckplan? Or the deckplan for another Imperial capital ship?

I have the version in the old Technical Journal, but I'm hoping to find something that shows the corridors and rooms.

So far, the closest thing I have been able to find is the partial deckplan for the Nebulon B Frigate in "The Far Orbit Project."

The full deckplans for an Imperial Star Destroyer is far beyond the capabilities of the fandom. The closest anyone has come is the classic adventure Starfall, which includes a basic deckplan of a Victory-Class Star Destroyer, with key locations connected by generic lengths of corridor.

If you are willing to be creative, the deckplans in The Far Orbit Project and Death Star Technical Manual could be patched together to make something approximate, as the Technical Manual stated that many starship components (including habitable spaces) were modular and mass-produced, so that rooms and complexes on the Death Star could also be found on other space stations or capital ships.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 8:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thats kind of what I planning if I couldnt find anything. The Starfall adventure has some good stuff, and the Death Star manual has a lot of great stuff. If I cant find anything better, I'll likely draw heavily from both.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 1:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There are maps of the correlian corvette and the Farstar from the Darkstryder game.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Those I have seen. For that matter, both have seen plenty of use in my games. The FarStar is quite possibly my favorate ship from the EU.

The reason I want to get my hands on a copy of the ISD blueprints is because I am planning something of a dungeon crawl aboard one.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:50 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I am not aware that there are any SD plans other than what has been mentioned. Now there was something useful that WotC could have done...
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 6:29 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

You could always play the Jedi Academy game. There is a level o that that takes place on a dreadnaught. You would have to map it out as you go but it was a cool level.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:31 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
I am not aware that there are any SD plans other than what has been mentioned. Now there was something useful that WotC could have done...

Useful, but way too massive of an undertaking to be practical. I've never needed a full deskplan of any capital ship, but then again I've never ran an adventure on one without plot driving where the PCs go. (By "dungeon-crawl" I assume the idea is a shipwrecked ISD floating adrift in space where the PCs just free-will explore it with no overarching plot guiding how they travel through it.) If there is a plot or mission then you only need to have certain parts of the ship mapped out.

I only remember running one adventure set on an ISD where a group of highly experienced PCs snuck aboard one and split up to perform specific acts of sabotage that were orchestrated to send the ship on short hyper-jump to a location where the Rebel fleet was waiting to enforce the surrender of the Imps on board. I used some of the resources I had for inspiration, but I just made up what I needed and the adventure worked out pretty well.

It seems to be an rediculously massive undertaking, but if you are devoted to the idea of having the entire ISD available for the PCs to wander around in, then keep in mind that it has been established in the EU that the Empire is fond of using modular technology ("insert here"). So just use the Death Star guide, Starfall, the Imperial garrisons, Incredible Cross-Sections, and any maps available of Imperial technology and just extrapolate, mass-produce and jigsaw it all together to make your deckplan. Still a lot of work but that is the easiest possible way I can even imagine undertaking that immense endeavor.

And if you're worried about contradicting EU canon, then just make up your own star destroyer class and create an original ship (and I recommend smaller ship). It is not without reason that the Empire may posess other types of star destroyers not appearing in the films or EU.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:
Bren wrote:
I am not aware that there are any SD plans other than what has been mentioned. Now there was something useful that WotC could have done...

Useful, but way too massive of an undertaking to be practical. I've never needed a full deskplan of any capital ship, but then again I've never ran an adventure on one without plot driving where the PCs go. (By "dungeon-crawl" I assume the idea is a shipwrecked ISD floating adrift in space where the PCs just free-will explore it with no overarching plot guiding how they travel through it.) If there is a plot or mission then you only need to have certain parts of the ship mapped out.

It seems to be an rediculously massive undertaking, but if you are devoted to the idea of having the entire ISD available for the PCs to wander around in, then keep in mind that it has been established in the EU that the Empire is fond of using modular technology ("insert here"). So just use the Death Star guide, Starfall, the Imperial garrisons, Incredible Cross-Sections, and any maps available of Imperial technology and just extrapolate, mass-produce and jigsaw it all together to make your deckplan. Still a lot of work but that is the easiest possible way I can even imagine undertaking that immense endeavor.

Actually, what I have in mind is a short story where my players are members of the crew of the Imperial Star Destroyer Vector before the events of Death Troopers. By having a full deckplan, I could let them choose their own course through the ship so they have a sense of being in control. I'm planning the story as a two part game. The first session would have the crew dealing with every day life on board the ISD and the early outbreak. The second session would be essensially a doungeon crawl from one end of the ship to the other while trying to take care of certain objectives.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Even if you had a full deckplan, all you would end up with is one of a thousand different variations on "do we go down this dark hallway or that dark hallway." Just invent some sort of technobabble reason as to why the characters must choose from the short list of options that you have prepared and plan accordingly.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 11:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I ran an adventure on an Imperial Star Destroyer. One player wanted to be a captain that defects to the rebels and takes his ship with him. He wanted to do it with a star destroyer. I made the other players key officers in charge of certain areas, captain's choice, and all other key officers were NPCs. Some of them would side with the captain depending on how he phrased his defection plans. Some would side with the Empire to fight against the attempt at defection. A couple would remain neutral and wait to see how things developed and then join the winning side.

The stormtroopers and their officer were completely loyal to the Empire.

Rather than mapping out the the whole star destroyer, I basically had the key areas plotted. The bridge. Engineering. Docking bay. An armory. Places like that. Combat wasn't likely to revolve around every place on the ship. It's just too big to work like that. They would move to key places in an attempt to take control of those areas and isolate the other side.

I just used map templates out of the Death Star techical companion and said "this is the bridge" and so on. The parts in between I simply described rather than mapping out. I kept notes to maintain believability, though. If I said you needed to take the turbolifts down 12 levels, exit the lifts and head 5 sections aft, then get on the second bank of turbolifts and go down 4 more levels, I kept that so it would work in reverse getting back to the starting point.

As for the adventure....well, midway through the game the other players were telling the captain that he screwed up in his planning. The stormtrooper major proved to be a thorn in the side of the captain that wouldn't go away and the defection attempt failed.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I once did a 'overview' version of a star destroyer. Much like the Starfall version, but instead from a top down point of view. I think I divided the ship into 6-8 general levels with the SF side view as a starting point. I also used the cut through pictures from one of the art books. Then I filled in crew areas, hangar areas, main transport corridors (the main transport arteries of the ship), command areas (in the 'tower part') etc. Still no complete deckplan, but together with the SF side view you got a general 3d idea where the characters were. You could tell that if they moved forward they would come into the hangar area, but if they moved starboard they would end up in a weapons array area. The details I then took from the Death Star adventure book.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 5:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Grimace and ZzaphodD have it right. Plan out the ship by sections and points of interest. Let your players choose their path(s) and write detail into the sections to accommodate anything reasonable. ("No you can't go through there. That's a reactor. The walls are solid durasteel 30 meters thick, and the inside is 25 milllion degrees kelvin!" "Sure. You can sneak through engineering in the ventilation ducts.") I recommend looking at incredible cross-sections to figure out your sections in 3 dimensions. Keep it on hand so you can look up details you may have forgotten.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2011 10:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I'm sorry I don't have my sketches or notes from my ISD adventure (lost to the ravages of time). But everyone else, please share what you came up with! It could only help Guardian_A and us other gamers. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Just a short update.

The way I am planning to handle things is that I am going to take several sheets of graph paper with the basic outline of an ISD. Each block will have a number written in it. These numbers will corrispond with different sector maps in the Death Star Technival Companion (And likely other sources as well). 1 = Crew Living Quarters p44, 2 = Crew Mess Hall p44, 3 = Rec Room Facilities p46, etc. While this wont be anything near scale, it will at least set a consistant method of mapping the entire ship with a minimum of effort and serve as a guide for any of the characters who actually want to plot a course through the ship. This will also allow me to give them the same map if they decide to cut back through an area they had been in before.

Thoughts? Comments? Constructive Critisism?
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