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Brand new Blastech sniper for that Sudden Death game..
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 7:47 pm    Post subject: Brand new Blastech sniper for that Sudden Death game.. Reply with quote

Over a decade ago I ran a SW game, and now we have now started a new campaign.. From those days of mayhem I bring you the updated Blastech S-Web Mk II heavy sniper rifle. This is basically a rebuilt E-Web. Combine the original E-Webs single heavy blast with the accuracy of a sniper rifle. The weapon is ususually used by infiltrating elite units like the Storm Commandoes. The weapon is constructed so that it is easily broken down into two parts. Usually a sniper and a spotter carry one piece each for ease of movement. The weapon can then be set up, primed and charged in less than a minute. For single infiltrating units like Imperial Assassins the weapon is usually to heavy and cumbersome to carry while infiltrating. The blaster pack is actually a miniature power generator with energy for only 6 shots. The generator takes one round after each shot to recharge the weapon.

Model: Blastech S-Web Mk. II Heavy Sniper Rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: Blaster Rifle
Ammo: 6
Cost: 9000 Cr
Availability: 3, X
Range: 3-100/300/900
Damage: 8D
RoF: 1/2
Game Note: Scope adds +2D to hit if one round of aiming. Custom made 'blaster packs' cost 500 Cr. Because of weight and bulk, this weapon must be fired using the bipod.

Edit: Sorry if you dont like the look of the weapon. It took me two hours to make so either make your own or just ignore it. Also, updated text and tweaked specs.

My Biggest Beard Retard award goes to: The Admiral of course..

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Grand Moff
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

What is this,crack the engine block of a speeder at a quarter kilometer time? Wow this thing is seriously powerful.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hellcat wrote:
What is this,crack the engine block of a speeder at a quarter kilometer time? Wow this thing is seriously powerful.

Yeah, its the SW equivalent of the Barret M82 .50 used in the Swedish Army (among others)

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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:49 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could see maybe a medium eweb equivelant. But a heavy... too much imo.
A) the heavy has a bigger barrel than what this even comes close to looking like.
B) it is tripod fired, not bipod and
C) where is the power generator?
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:54 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
I could see maybe a medium eweb equivelant. But a heavy... too much imo.
A) the heavy has a bigger barrel than what this even comes close to looking like.
B) it is tripod fired, not bipod and
C) where is the power generator?

The IRL weapon I was inspired by was a HMG sniper variant, so why should SW tech with hand held gatlings not be able to pull this off?

A) Its not the same weapon you know.
B) So?
C) There is no 'real' power generator. In such a case it would have unlimited ammo which this weapon really do not have. I have updated the text above regarding the 'blaster pack'/generator.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 7:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think I'd use it in my game, but in Zzaphod's defense, the thing only get six shots before its out.

I don't have anything against what Zzaphod is trying to do, but the biggest problem is that D6 doesn't deal with automatic weapons well. We generally feel like the e-web is okay simply because it requires a power generator and is terrible to transport.

Hand-held gattlin guns are troublesome in terms of mechanics and balance, one reason why we had some trouble in the conversion guides. It would be nice if we had some way of working toward developing better mechanics for them.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:03 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, the look of the weapon is pretty nice, IMO. The damage is bit higher than I'd want in my game, but I can appreciate what the weapon is designed to do.

I'm not sure if you're set on how the stats are, but I'll offer some changes:
The range is great. You're designing a blaster sniper rifle. So being able to reach out and touch someone at 900 meters is good.

Ammo is fair. I would say that if you're going to have a damage of 8D, you trim the shots back even further. Perhaps 4 shots instead of 6. With as much power as that thing is putting out, and the fact that it's man portable, I don't see it being able to much in the way of multiple shots. Besides, sniper weapons aren't meant to be fired more than a couple times total anyway. If you're shooting that many times, your sniping was lousy and the enemy knows where you are. (Note: it's even worse with a sniper BLASTER rifle, because you can see the bolt coming contrary to a bullet)

Availability: The X is good. Maybe bump it to a 4. Otherwise, not too bad.

Damage, like I mentioned, I feel is a bit high. Sniping is designed to kill a person. 8D is enough to fillet a person. The point of the Barrett is to punch through obstacles that the target may be behind. 8D for a Blaster would have a harder time punching through someting simply because of the way blasters work. They don't make Armor Piercing blasters, really. So if you keep it at 8D, maybe drop the ammo down like I mentioned. Or if you want to keep the ammo up at 6, drop the damage down to 7D or 7D+1. You've already got massive range, which is what snipers do. You don't need massive damage to take down a person.

The rate of fire is great. Stops the rambo character from taking one of these and blasting away with it instead of an E-Web.

Not too bad of work, though. Just a bit more powerful than I'd want in my games. If it works for you, though...then use it and enjoy it!
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:26 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Please note my updated text. Its meant to be moved by two people, setting it up before firing (which takes just under a minute).

Heres some thoughts I had about the different stats.

Damage: Regarding the power of the weapon, perhaps you could tone it down for 'game balance' if that is an issue. I dont feel that its 'unrealistic' given its limitations and also other SW tech. This weapon is as mentioned modelled on the Barrent M82 .50 caliber sniper rifle and compared it with an E-web (I assume an E-Web is the SW equivalent of a M2HB .50 Heavy Machinegun. Looking at muzzle energy of a Barret and comparing it to other guns (and also the M2HB) I think the damage is about right. Of course, just lower it if you want to have the concept of the sniper in your games but feel its to powerful.

Price: Perhaps the weapon should cost a bit more.

Range: The range of the S-Web is actually considerably lower than todays heavy snipers. However, the system would require some kind of 'extreme' range to have it fire further without hitting everything within range.

Ammo: Please note that this is no ordinary blaster pack. I would put its weight at around 3-4 kg so carrying around 10 of them would slow you down. I dont know how you handle encumberance but there should be some limitations imo. Also, as Grimace points out, you are not meant to be firing away with this weapon all day anyway.

Some general thoughts: I think that this weapon has a very limited areas of use given its limitations (mobility, set-up time, cost, ammo). So far no player has bought one (I think they have had the opportunit two times). The price of 9000 Cr is on the 'open market', and as you will not be able to get one unless you are sponsored by the Empire, this price will be multiplied by whatever black market cost you use.

And again, just modify it to fit your games. To be honest, I used it in my last campaign with very experienced players with both good damage soaks (not enough for this though) and good ways of detecting 'normal' snipers. I had two Storm Commando sniper teams (With 7D in Blaster) sniping the characters which had been lured into a trap. Luckily I rolled the first target randomly and it came up the Jedi (with Danger Sense), otherwise I think it would have been a force point down the drain... It was fun to see the rather overconfident players suddenly start getting concerned about the characters lifes.. Twisted Evil
My Biggest Beard Retard award goes to: The Admiral of course..

Last edited by ZzaphodD on Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Also, it must stay competitive against this weapon

Model: Exotac Arms EXP-7(a) Predator
Type: Precision hunting blaster rifle
Scale: Character
Skill: Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo: 8
Cost: 7,000, 175 (power pack)
Availability: 4, X
Fire Rate: 1
Fire Control: 2D (dual-laser targeting beams)
Range: 3-30/80/350
Damage: 7D
Game Notes: Each time this blaster is fired, the user must
make a Moderate Strength roll to contain the recoil and be
able to fire it next round.
My Biggest Beard Retard award goes to: The Admiral of course..
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZzaphodD wrote:
I used it in my last campaign with very experienced players with both good damage soaks

Hee hee... this'll tame that bulletproof Wookiee.
Before we take any of this too seriously, just remember that in the middle episode a little rubber puppet moves a spaceship with his mind.
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Raven Redstar
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 4:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could see this weapon being used by a small spec force sniper squad. I may actually use it, just given limited ammo, and a heavily armored target. 2 men equals 1 escort/spotter, and the sniper himself. With the thing being a large as it is, it would make for some nice sneak penalties. Not to mention if it's broken down, setup time could be an issue for a time sensitive mission.

6 rounds with heavy blast packs is definitely a limiting factor for a human character, though maybe not so much for a non-human.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Grimace wrote:
Damage, like I mentioned, I feel is a bit high. Sniping is designed to kill a person. 8D is enough to fillet a person. The point of the Barrett is to punch through obstacles that the target may be behind. 8D for a Blaster would have a harder time punching through someting simply because of the way blasters work. They don't make Armor Piercing blasters, really. So if you keep it at 8D, maybe drop the ammo down like I mentioned. Or if you want to keep the ammo up at 6, drop the damage down to 7D or 7D+1. You've already got massive range, which is what snipers do. You don't need massive damage to take down a person.

But if you're going to shoot at a person behind a wall you have 2d-3d or so cover to shoot through which would reduce the weapons damage to 5d-6d. And lets not forget that, for argument's sake, one could and should use this weapon to disable speeders and starfighters that are on the ground.

I like the gun, and will probably use it (or tweak it somewhat...)
Good job.
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Arbiter-General (Moderator)

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

And, btw, pimpmygun is totally wicked fun.... Very Happy
Blasted rules. Why can't they just be perfect?
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 1:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZzaphodD wrote:
A) Its not the same weapon you know.

But if it is based on the same weapon,, with BETTER range and the same damage, the focusing lenses and all the other stuff that went in the barrel should be the same if not MORE thereby making it bigger, not smaller.

ZzaphodD wrote:
B) So?

its like me taking a 30 mil phalanx and making a 'man portable' version just cause i like the concept. Does not work.

ZzaphodD wrote:
Damage: Regarding the power of the weapon, perhaps you could tone it down for 'game balance' if that is an issue. I dont feel that its 'unrealistic' given its limitations and also other SW tech. This weapon is as mentioned modelled on the Barrent M82 .50 caliber sniper rifle and compared it with an E-web (I assume an E-Web is the SW equivalent of a M2HB .50 Heavy Machinegun. Looking at muzzle energy of a Barret and comparing it to other guns (and also the M2HB) I think the damage is about right. Of course, just lower it if you want to have the concept of the sniper in your games but feel its to powerful.

I have posted stats for a .50 cal barret before, on this site (as well as the holonet). That gun does 5d+2 damage.. MORE than enough to simulate the punch a 50 has.. AND to simulate its punch against armor/targets, it ignores the first D of physical armor protection/scale.

ZzaphodD wrote:
Some general thoughts: I think that this weapon has a very limited areas of use given its limitations (mobility, set-up time, cost, ammo). So far no player has bought one (I think they have had the opportunit two times). The price of 9000 Cr is on the 'open market', and as you will not be able to get one unless you are sponsored by the Empire, this price will be multiplied by whatever black market cost you use.

That makes it even worse. You are taking a mil weapon, suping it up, and making it free range... Why not just have it empire only. And the only way a pc can get it is to steal one.. Heck that could be the impetus for a mission.

ZzaphodD wrote:
Game Notes: Each time this blaster is fired, the user must
make a Moderate Strength roll to contain the recoil and be
able to fire it next round.

And i note yours (which is better both in range and damage) does not have any comparable 'recoil' strength requirement.

For note Z.. this is the .50 i have made up (and been using for over 12 years of playing sw).

Sniper Rifles.
God Gun
Model: T.pakh enterprise heavy hunting rifle.
Type: Large bore big game hunting Slugthrower rifle.
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms (s) Rifle (sniper rifle also will work).
Ammo: Single shot, bolt action. Has an external 5 round clip attached.
Cost: 1200 credits. Ammo – see below. Spare barrel – 480 credits.
Availability: Pre empire – 2F or R (core) Rise of the empire and beyond – 3X.
Damage: 5d+2.
Range: 50-750/1.5km/2.25km
Fire rate: 1.
Recoil value: +10 without support, +5 if using Bipod.
Notes: Requires 3d+2 strength to use without support. 2d+2 if using bipod.

The God gun, as it is commonly known, is one of the 2 largest bore Slugthrower rifles in existence. The Tirchtrans, on the core world of Varyr, made it, while their planet was still pre-space age (their own tech level). For almost 90 years, these rifles were one of the planet’s biggest exports. With the corruption of the old republic, the weapon started to loose favor, until just before the battle of Naboo, where it enjoyed a resurgence.
Interest in the rifle, for big game hunting excursions, for high paying corporate executives, was high. Then the clone wars hit, and that resurgence died off. With the end of the clone wars, and the naming of the first Galactic Empire, interest died. When the Empire was still in it’s infancy, one of their first orders, was to put out a ban on making more of these, and even owning one. This was done, due to the fear of what these rifles can do to a trooper (well deserved though) if they ever got into the wrong hands. Though many of the higher up political owners, managed to get ‘grand fathering of the law’, many others were not so lucky. Eventually almost 38 made their way in to the hands of the fledgling Rebel Alliance. At the battle of Endor, 31 were still in use.

Standard shells ignore 1d of physical armor (or scale difference). Armor pierciers ignore 2d. Heavy target interdictors, which drop the range to 50-500/1km/1.75km ignore 3d of armor.. but they also cost a heck of alot each.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 6:26 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
ZzaphodD wrote:
A) Its not the same weapon you know.

But if it is based on the same weapon,, with BETTER range and the same damage, the focusing lenses and all the other stuff that went in the barrel should be the same if not MORE thereby making it bigger, not smaller.

ZzaphodD wrote:
B) So?

its like me taking a 30 mil phalanx and making a 'man portable' version just cause i like the concept. Does not work.

ZzaphodD wrote:
Damage: Regarding the power of the weapon, perhaps you could tone it down for 'game balance' if that is an issue. I dont feel that its 'unrealistic' given its limitations and also other SW tech. This weapon is as mentioned modelled on the Barrent M82 .50 caliber sniper rifle and compared it with an E-web (I assume an E-Web is the SW equivalent of a M2HB .50 Heavy Machinegun. Looking at muzzle energy of a Barret and comparing it to other guns (and also the M2HB) I think the damage is about right. Of course, just lower it if you want to have the concept of the sniper in your games but feel its to powerful.

I have posted stats for a .50 cal barret before, on this site (as well as the holonet). That gun does 5d+2 damage.. MORE than enough to simulate the punch a 50 has.. AND to simulate its punch against armor/targets, it ignores the first D of physical armor protection/scale.

ZzaphodD wrote:
Some general thoughts: I think that this weapon has a very limited areas of use given its limitations (mobility, set-up time, cost, ammo). So far no player has bought one (I think they have had the opportunit two times). The price of 9000 Cr is on the 'open market', and as you will not be able to get one unless you are sponsored by the Empire, this price will be multiplied by whatever black market cost you use.

That makes it even worse. You are taking a mil weapon, suping it up, and making it free range... Why not just have it empire only. And the only way a pc can get it is to steal one.. Heck that could be the impetus for a mission.

ZzaphodD wrote:
Game Notes: Each time this blaster is fired, the user must
make a Moderate Strength roll to contain the recoil and be
able to fire it next round.

And i note yours (which is better both in range and damage) does not have any comparable 'recoil' strength requirement.

For note Z.. this is the .50 i have made up (and been using for over 12 years of playing sw).

Sniper Rifles.
God Gun
Model: T.pakh enterprise heavy hunting rifle.
Type: Large bore big game hunting Slugthrower rifle.
Scale: Character
Skill: Firearms (s) Rifle (sniper rifle also will work).
Ammo: Single shot, bolt action. Has an external 5 round clip attached.
Cost: 1200 credits. Ammo – see below. Spare barrel – 480 credits.
Availability: Pre empire – 2F or R (core) Rise of the empire and beyond – 3X.
Damage: 5d+2.
Range: 50-750/1.5km/2.25km
Fire rate: 1.
Recoil value: +10 without support, +5 if using Bipod.
Notes: Requires 3d+2 strength to use without support. 2d+2 if using bipod.

The God gun, as it is commonly known, is one of the 2 largest bore Slugthrower rifles in existence. The Tirchtrans, on the core world of Varyr, made it, while their planet was still pre-space age (their own tech level). For almost 90 years, these rifles were one of the planet’s biggest exports. With the corruption of the old republic, the weapon started to loose favor, until just before the battle of Naboo, where it enjoyed a resurgence.
Interest in the rifle, for big game hunting excursions, for high paying corporate executives, was high. Then the clone wars hit, and that resurgence died off. With the end of the clone wars, and the naming of the first Galactic Empire, interest died. When the Empire was still in it’s infancy, one of their first orders, was to put out a ban on making more of these, and even owning one. This was done, due to the fear of what these rifles can do to a trooper (well deserved though) if they ever got into the wrong hands. Though many of the higher up political owners, managed to get ‘grand fathering of the law’, many others were not so lucky. Eventually almost 38 made their way in to the hands of the fledgling Rebel Alliance. At the battle of Endor, 31 were still in use.

Standard shells ignore 1d of physical armor (or scale difference). Armor pierciers ignore 2d. Heavy target interdictors, which drop the range to 50-500/1km/1.75km ignore 3d of armor.. but they also cost a heck of alot each.

-Yeah, but with less cooling because of less need (due to slower firing rate). Also, dont get totally stuck up on exact dimensions. Just make your own if its that important to you. There are a lot of 'weird' pics in the SW D6 game, but you generally get the idea what its supposed to look like. I assume the range difference is mostly from how the weapon is being fired and the scope set up. A M2HB bullet will travel far longer than its 6-800 m effective range, I assume the same thing with the E-Web.

-No its not. An E-web needs stability for repeated firing, which is what a tripod delivers. You could actually fire most tripod weapons using a bipod as long as you can handle recoil from single shots.

-Just because you have posted stats on .50 cal dont make them 'canon'. IMO those stats are totally unrealistic even within the rather loose concept of realism that SW RPG uses. Compare muzzle energy between a .480 caliber pistol round (look at the in game Morellian .48 Enforcer at 6D+1 damage) and a .50 BMP round fired from a Barrett M82. The .475 Magnum has a TKOF (Taylor KO factor) of 40,6, the .50 BMG has 160!

-It says you have to be sponsored by the Empire or resort to the Black Market (if you can find it). Thats really in the realm of indivudual GMs really. I really dont get what you are after here.

-If you bother to take a more detailed look at both weapons youll notice that the Exotac can be fired once each round, the S-Web cant. So your point is void. Also, the S-web is heavier which makes managing recoil easier.

And the rather weak stats (except the range which I feel dont work in the current game mechanics as discussed above) of your heavy hunting rifle is perhaps reflected in the fact that its really cheap.

Edit: I dont claim TKOF to be scientific, which it is not. Its a way to represent the effect of velocity, weight and caliber of a round and transform that into what could be viewed as 'stopping power'. For this rather non-professional forum its good enough though.
My Biggest Beard Retard award goes to: The Admiral of course..
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