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Lostboy Commander

Joined: 22 Aug 2008 Posts: 384
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:55 pm Post subject: Xim era starships |
I'm looking to use a small capital ship from the era of Xim the despot but there is no information on them. i have found out that the starships frim that time were most likely very large fortress like affairs and that tey most probably used beam cannons.
Xims use of droids means they were probably automated(or at least to a large degree).
If any one has stats or info on that eras weapons can you please let me know |
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Lostboy Commander

Joined: 22 Aug 2008 Posts: 384
Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 8:31 pm Post subject: |
PS Xim supposedly use rackatan force energizers on some of his elite droids dose anyone have info on those |
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Lostboy Commander

Joined: 22 Aug 2008 Posts: 384
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 7:50 pm Post subject: |
Sorry i left no info on Xim the despot. Well he was a warlord that controled the tion cluster and got into a war with the hutts about twenty five thousand years ago. |
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FandomComics Ensign

Joined: 31 Jul 2008 Posts: 47 Location: Chicago
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:07 pm Post subject: |
Well, not that these are official, but I would suggest taking a look here:
Stirzy is a very talented fan-artist who has depicted a lot of Xim-era stuff that has never before been officially illustrated. You might be able to use the images to help your players visualize things in game and it may help you latch onto ideas for stats. |
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Lostboy Commander

Joined: 22 Aug 2008 Posts: 384
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:28 pm Post subject: |
Thanks i just checked it out and it was helpful but what i really need is stats for xim era ships and weapons. |
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Grimace Captain

Joined: 11 Oct 2004 Posts: 729 Location: Montana; Big Sky Country
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:48 pm Post subject: |
You want Xim...I'll give you Xim!
CRAFT: Sussua Stardrives Negater Frigate
TYPE: Interdictor
SCALE: Capital
LENGTH: 200m
SKILL: Cap Ship Pilot
CREW: 1230 gunners 26, skeleton 700\+15
PASSENGERS: 50 (troops)
ATMOSPHERE: 280;800kmh
SCAN: 50\0D+2
SEARCH: 100\2D
14 tractor beam projectors
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 3 front, 4 left, 4 right, 3 rear
Crew: 1 (3) 2 (4)
Skill: Starship Gun
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5\10\20
Atmosphre Range: 2-10\20\40km
Damage: 3D
5 Ion Beams
Scale: Capital
Fire Arc: 2 front, 1 left, 1 right, 1 rear
Crew: 1 (2), 1 (1)
Skill: Cap Ship Gun
Fire Control: 2D
Space Range: 1-5\20\40
Atmosphre Range: 2-10\40\80km
Damage: 3D (Ion)
1 Interdiction Field Projector
Scale: Capital
Fire Arc: All
Crew: 10
Skill: Cap Ship Gun
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-10\30\60
Atmosphere Range: No point in using it in atomosphere
Damage: Any ship within range must make a difficult piloting roll. Any ship failing this roll will be incapable of going to hyperspace until out of range. One roll may be attempted per round with normal multiple action penalties.
CRAFT: Sussua Stardrives Carrier
TYPE: Carrier
SCALE: Capital
LENGTH: 400m
SKILL: Cap Ship Pilot
CREW: 2000, gunners ; skeleton 1400 (+15)
PASSENGERS: 300 (pilots)
ATMOSPHERE: 260 (750 kmh)
SCAN: 80\2D
SEARCH: 180\3D+1
300 Of any form
Launch Arc: 100 L, 100R, 50 TOP, 50 BOTTOM
40 Antifighter Particle beams
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: 10F, 10L, 10R, 10B
Crew: 1 (10), 1 (10), 1 (10), 1 (10)
Skill: Starship Gun
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 1-3\10\20
Atmosphre Range: 2-6\20\40km
Damage: 3D
CRAFT: Synsoch systems H10 Fighter
TYPE: Interceptor
SCALE: Starfighter
SKILL: Starfighter Pilot
ATMOSPHERE: 330; 950kmh
SCAN: 5\1D
2 Particle Beams (Fire link)
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: Pilot
Skill: starship Gun
Fire Control: 1D
Space Range: 1-3\10\20
Atmosphre Range: 2-6\20\40km
Damage: 3D
1 AM Missile Launcher
Scale: Starfighter
Fire Arc: Front
Crew: Pilot
Skill: Starship Gun
Fire Control: 0D
Space Range: 3-8\15\30
Atmosphre Range: 6-16\30\60km
Damage: 5D
Carries: 4
NOTES FOR SHIPS: Structure: On a roll of 1 on the wild die when resisting damage, the structure suffers damage. Roll 1D to determine additional effects:
1 -1D from Hull Code (if 0D, ship dissintigrates)
2 Engines must be shut down or ship suffers 4D damage.
3 Reactor Containment breached, ship loses all power.
4 Microfractures: Air leaks from tiny cracks in the hull plating all throughout the ship. Suffocation will begin in 4D minutes unless patches can be applied.
5 Volitile: Any further damage that penetrates the armor will cause any number of systems to explode, destroying the ship.
6 Structure collapses, ship dissintigrates in 2D rounds.
**Note: None of these are of my design. Others have contributed them for me to use when I ran an adventure using stuff from Xim's era.** |
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Grimace Captain

Joined: 11 Oct 2004 Posts: 729 Location: Montana; Big Sky Country
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:51 pm Post subject: Xim's ground forces |
Xim's War-Robots
Model: Clavoonian Industries Goliath-1 War Robot
Height: 3.2 meters
Move: 8
Archaic Guns 5D
Firearms 4D
Flame-Thrower 4D
Heatbeam Aperture
Scale Character
Skill Archaic Weapons
Range 2-10/20/50
Ammo 100
Damage 6D (4D for every round continuously hit)
Battlefield Pulse Cannon (detachable)
Scale character
Skill Archaic Weapons
Range 5-12/15/25
Ammo 50
Damage 8D/7D/5D (blast diminishes as it travels)
Particle Discharger
Scale character
Skill Firearms
Range 1-10/20/30
Ammo 15 rounds continues fire/ 20 shots
Damage 8D/7D/5D (blast diminishes as it travels)
Flame Discharger
Scale character
Skill Flame-thrower
Range 1-10/20/40
Ammo 50
Damage 6D/5D/3D
Cranial Turret
Scale character
Skill Firearms
Range 3-15/30/150*
Ammo 50
Damage 5D
*at long range, increase difficulty by +5
Light Infantry Vehicle
Craft: Synsoch Armaments AV Light Infantry Assault Vehicle[/b]
Type: Light Assault Vehicle
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Ground Vehicle Operation
Crew: 2
Passengers: 1
Cover: Full
Cargo: 75 Kilograms
Move: 60; 180kmh
Manuverability: 1D
Body Strength: 3D
Anti-Infantry Slugthrower
Fire Arc Turret
Scale Character
Range 2-10/20/50
Fire Rate 50
Ammo 5000
Damage 4D
Heatbeam Canon
Fire Arc Front
Range 2-10/20/50
Damage 6D
Colossus Tank
Rolling onto the battlefield on two huge treads the Colossus Tank would decimate enemy armor columns. The aging behemoth was the largest ground assault vehicle in Xim's army, and had the weaponry to boot. Its primary weapon was a heavy projectile cannon that could fire high explosive or anti-armor rounds over 2 kilometers. It had a unique triple mount for it's armament- on the lowest level 2 archaic mortars were placed to attack enemies behind their lines, and in the back 2 smoke dispersal units were arranged to provide a smoke screen. The next level was a turret that contained the massive projectile weapon. On the uppermost mount, a rapid-fire slug thrower was placed to defend against infantry or low-flying aircraft. Later in its service the Colossus was modified with developing technology: one of its mortars was replaced with a Heatbeam, and it's smoke launchers with primitive laser-dispersal gasses.
Craft: Synsoch Armaments Colossus Tank
Type: Heavy Ground Tank
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Ground Vehicle Operation
Crew: 4
Cover: Full
Move: 50; 100kmh
Maneuverability: 0D
Body Strength: 4D
Anti-Infantry Slugthrower
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Character
Range: 2-10/20/50
Fire Rate: 50
Ammo: 5000
Damage: 3D
Heavy Projectile Launcher
Fire Arc: Turret
Scale: Character
Range: 50-500/1km/2km
Fire Rate: 50
Ammo: 5000
Damage: 4D
2 Mortars
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Character
Range: 25-100/500/1km
Fire Rate: 1/2
Ammo: 20
Damage: 5D/4D/3D
Gas Launcher
Cover: Full
Range: 2 meters (affected by winds)
Fire Rate: 1
Ammo: 25 bursts
Damage: Smoke: -2D visual targeting Gas: -2 energy shot damage
Heatbeam Cannon
Fire Arc: 45 front
Range: 2-10/15/30
Fire Rate: 1
Ammo: 20
Damage: 5D
Firebat Air Fighter
Firebats were low atmosphere support fighters that were NOT space capable. Specializing the craft in this manner lead to a more maneuverable and cheaper craft. The Firebat was indispensable to ground troops, who frequently required aerial support. The Firebat has a heavy slugthrower cannon, 2 missile launchers, and hard points for 4 bombs
Craft: Sussua Stardrives Firebat Fighter
Type: Atmospheric Combat Fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Skill: Archaic Starship Piloting
Crew: 2
Cover: Full
Move: 200; 600kmh
Maneuverability: 3D
Body Strength: 2D
Heavy Slugthrower
Fire Arc: Front
Range: 20-100/250/500
Fire Rate: 50
Damage: 1D
2 Missile Launchers
Fire Arc: Front
Range: 50-100/500/1km
Ammo: 8 (4 each)
Damage: 4D
4 High Explosive Bombs
Scale: Character
Damage: 8D
Game Notes
If a full payload of bombs and missiles are carried, the fighter’s move is reduced to 130
Troop Transport
When Soldiers started carrying Beam Tube Weapons, the increased weight would not only make them slow moving targets, but also allowed smarter enemies to simply run away. The Troop Transport was made specifically to haul these troops to the battle and provide a mobile power generator for them to recharge on.
Craft: Earw Drives Troop Transport Tank
Type: Armored Personnel Carrier
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Repulsorlift Operation
Crew: 2
Passengers: 32 (troops)
Cover: Full
Move: 60; 140kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Body Strength: 2D
Mauler Field Artillery
Even when Particle Accelerators, heat beams, and plasma weapons were coming onto the scene, battlefield commanders still found a use for an old weapon- explosive artillery. Now suspended above the ground on Repulsor engines, and propelled by both repulsors and chemical reaction jets, the Mauler Field Artillery filled a niche in battle order: it’s range and power could reach far into enemy lines and precise targeting could eliminate slow moving heavy tanks at a safe distance.
Craft: Synsoch Armaments Mauler Field Artillery
Type: Explosive Artillery
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Repulsorlift Operation
Crew: 8
Cover: 1/2
Move: 50; 100kmh (rockets: 60;120kmh)
Maneuverability: 0D
Body Strength: 2D
Artillery Cannon
Fire Arc: Front
Scale: Speeder
Range: 300-1km/3km/5km
Fire Rate: 1/6
Damage: 7D/6D/5D*
*against all modern forms of armor reduce damage by 2
Game Notes: every time the cannon fires roll the pilots Repulsorlift Operation. If the pilot rolls 20+, then the craft does not move and has successfully combats the recoil. If the pilot rolls 15-20, the craft jolts back and takes 3 rounds to reposition. If he rolls under a 10, the craft crashes against the ground, detonating the weapons magazine, and the craft explodes. |
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Grimace Captain

Joined: 11 Oct 2004 Posts: 729 Location: Montana; Big Sky Country
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 8:58 pm Post subject: Personal weapons and WMDs |
Projectile Weapons
20,000 years before the Battle of Yavin primitive energy weapons were just being developed, but it was projectile weapons that were most common on the battlefield. From hard alloys designed to pierce infantry armor to chemical and atomic compression warheads designed to eradicate all forces, projectile weapons took many forms. They were mounted on anything from light vehicles to starships.
Examples: The Devastator Mk II Heavy Cannon was placed on Orbital Platforms. It carried a nuclear charge, and was a potent defense against large, slow moving cruisers
Beam Tubes
The ancestor or Pulse-Wave Blasters and Blast Rifles, Particle Accelerators (named 'beam tubes'), though primitive when compared to today's blasters, significantly changed the outcome of a battle. Their energy-particle beams easily defeated the armor of the day, which had been designed to protect the wearer from high-velocity projectiles, not energy beams.
Example: The Emperor-4 Beam Tube used by guards and assault squads of Xim the Despot, were large two-handed weapons that were powered by a backpack power harness. They can still be found on ancient worlds that were once strongholds of the Barbarian Warlord like Dellat. (found in The Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology)
Model: Timms Emperor-4 Beam Tube
Type: Primitive Magnetic Accelerator
Scale: Character
Skill: Archaic Weapons: Heatbeam
Ammo: 50
Range: 2-10/25/50
Damage: 4D; 3D (modern armor)
Game notes:
Power Vest gives +1D physical, +1 energy protection. Due to delicate systems and extreme heat production, there is a 1/4 chance of internal refinement tubes being thrown out of refinement for ever 5 rounds fired- replacing takes 1D hours. 45 total kilograms of weight reduces a soldier’s move by 3. Vest contains comlink with 4km range, and homing beacon.
World Submission Drone
When a planet refused to submit to Xim's power, sometimes and example had to be made. That job was usually left to World Submission Drones. These automated ships ranged in size and mission capabilities- from huge atmospheric armored ship that carried super-heated gas inside their armored bellies to stay afloat in the air as they dropped chemical and energy weapons on cities below. Others were ships smaller than a starfighter that strafed a city with low-power pulse cannons until destroyed by the planet's defenses- and exploding a high-radiation bomb that would kill every organic plant and animal in the area. Often, the terrifying thought of huge clouds of radiation rolling over a once green planet was enough to subjugate entire systems.
Type I was a large atmospheric ship that maintained altitude using large bladders of superheated gas. They were heavily armored and their only weapon was huge bombs of varying properties that were dropped on enemy cities or bases from far above. Their armor could withstand a couple shots from a ground based canon or anti-ship missile, but their luck seldom held out over concentrated fire. Type I attacks usually included faster fighters (like Firebats) knocking out defenses, and the Type I decimating heavily armored buildings and bunkers.
Type II World Submission Drones were designed to starve worlds into complacency. They were automated defense platforms dropped into orbit and controlled by larger command ships. The Type II alleviated the need for a large number of crewed vessels in a blockade, allowing naval divisions to be diverted elsewhere while still blockading the planet.
Type III Worlds Submission Drones were by far the most heinous weapons of their time. On surface examination, they seemed like nothing more than small robotic fighters that were armed with low-powered weapons and simple attack programs. However, their easiness to be destroyed by ground defenses was intentional. Inside each fighter its primary weapon laid- a Heavy Radiation Bomb. When destroyed, the fighter’s bomb exploded, throwing kilotons of dust into the atmosphere while irradiating it. The resulting fallout clouds would roam over the surface of the planet, destroying all life it encountered. In the battle of Garu IX, native defenses refrained from firing on the assaulting Type III fighters, in the hope that if they were not shot, they would not explode and subsequently destroy the planet’s ecosystem. However, the limited drones had been installed with a failsafe that allowed a command cruiser to detonate the bomb within. Little interest is shown by starships that pass by the barren wasteland of Garu IX today.
Type I
Craft: Synch Drive Systems Type I World Submission Drone
Type: Robotic Atmospheric Bomber
Scale: Starfighter
Move: 90kmh
Maneuverability: 0D
Hull: 2D
High Explosive Bomb
Fire Control: 5D
Range: 10/30/60 km
Fire Rate: 1/4
Blast Radius: 15/25/50
Damage: 6D/4D/2D
Type II
Craft: Synch Drive Systems Type II World Submission Drone
Type: Robotic Orbital Blockade Enforcement Platform
Scale: Capital
Length: 120 meters
Move: 4
Hull: 2D
Shields: 1D
12 Proton Tubes
Fire Arc: 3 right, 3 left, 3 back, 3 front
Range: 1-3/12/25
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 2D
10 Missile Launch Racks
Fire Arc: 2 right, 2 left, 6 front
Range: 2-15/30/50
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 6D
Type III
Craft: Synch Drive Systems Type III World Submission Drone
Type: Robotic Fighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 5 meters
Atmosphere: 415;1200kmh
Hull: 1D
2 Quick-fire Heatbeam Cannons
Fire Arc: front
Range: 1-10/30/50m
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 1D
Radiation Bomb
Scale: Capital
Blast Radius: 1/3/6km
Damage: 10D/5D/3D |
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Grimace Captain

Joined: 11 Oct 2004 Posts: 729 Location: Montana; Big Sky Country
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 9:00 pm Post subject: misc. Xim items |
And finally...
Treasure Ship
When the countless treasures of conquered worlds need to be protected, they were packed onto massive treasure ships that transported the plunder to secure vaults on distant worlds. The ships carried no defensive weapons, but contained 40 troops for defense against boarding actions and 20 deadly War Robots to protect the treasure when it reached the vault. Only 4 treasure ships were ever built, the most famous of these being the Queen of Ranroon. After arriving on Dellat, the treasure was offloaded and the droids kept in perfect working order, left in extended power-down. That is, until, a young smuggler named Han Solo visited the planet.
Craft: Sussusa Stardrives Treasure Ship
Type: Heavy Cargo Ship
Scale: Capital
Length: 250m
Skill: Capital Starship Operation
Crew: 683
Passengers: 60 (Troops)
Cargo Capacity: 700 Metric Tons
Consumables: 2 months
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x15
Hyperdrive Backup: none
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 0D
Body Strength: 4D
Space: 2
Atmosphere: 175
Hull: 3D
Shields: 1D
Passive 10/1D
Scan 40/1D
Search 60/2D
Focus 1/2D
When the first early model Repulsor Tanks were produced on the planet Grandon, they were met with disdain from military commanders. Repulsor engines were still at an early stage during Xim’s time, and were frequent to break down when in extended use or submitted to jars or bumps. The engineers at Grandon Armor Works were aware of this problem, and made several revolutionary steps in the engine design that made the Repulsor coils far more versatile on the battlefield. The Repulsor Tank proved it’s worth when Xim attacked the Hutt stronghold of She’ra. The Hutts had made several trenches and cuts through the already rocky She’ra landscape, making treaded tanks such as the Colossus useless. The 5th Repulsor Tank Battalion glided easy over these obstacles and obliterated the Hutt base.
Craft: Grandon Armor Works Repulsor Tank
Type: Repulsor Tank
Scale: Speeder
Skill: Repulsorlift Operation
Crew: 3
Cover: Full
Move: 70; 200kmh
Maneuverability: 1D
Body Strength: 4D
Mini Missile Launcher
Fire Arc: Turret
Range: 50-250/750/1.5km
Ammo: 8
Fire Control: 1D
Damage: 4D
Heavy Projectile Launcher
Fire Arc: Turret
Range: 10/50/1km
Fire Rate: 1
Damage: 2D
Hopefully that gives you enough to chew on and have a good Xim game. I know it worked for me.  |
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Orgaloth Vice Admiral

Joined: 23 Sep 2003 Posts: 3754 Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:47 pm Post subject: |
I didn't see any stats for Grr!?!  _________________ "I take orders from just one person: Me!"
"You know, sometimes I amaze even myself."
Du Cass' Dream |
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Jedi Skyler Moff

Joined: 07 Sep 2005 Posts: 8440
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 3:11 am Post subject: |
Orgaloth wrote: | I didn't see any stats for Grr!?!  |
I'm SAYING!!! |
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Lostboy Commander

Joined: 22 Aug 2008 Posts: 384
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:34 am Post subject: |
FANTASTIC! thanks Grimace i really appreciate it. That will definitely do for the game. |
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schnarre Commander

Joined: 08 Oct 2007 Posts: 333
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 4:30 am Post subject: |
FandomComics wrote: | Well, not that these are official, but I would suggest taking a look here:
Stirzy is a very talented fan-artist who has depicted a lot of Xim-era stuff that has never before been officially illustrated. You might be able to use the images to help your players visualize things in game and it may help you latch onto ideas for stats. |
Some nice stuff here: thanks for pointing it out!  _________________ The man who thinks he knows everything is most annoying for those of us that do. |
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Lostboy Commander

Joined: 22 Aug 2008 Posts: 384
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 10:31 pm Post subject: |
Just wondering if anyone knows if their were partical sheilds in use in this time period? |
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Ray Commodore

Joined: 31 Oct 2003 Posts: 1743 Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, North America, Western Hemisphere, Earth, Sol, Western Arm, Milky Way
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2009 10:09 pm Post subject: |
OK, I have an idea to torture my group... Xim was finally stopped by the Hutts (Back when they still lived a bit of their warrior tradition), so I'm going to have them stumble on one of their old Superdreadnaughts.
What nefarious things will I put in there?
I'll post when they find it. |
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