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Coynite Melee weapons
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 5:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I could see one walking up to someone in coyonite armor, slapping them, then issuing a challenge... The slap letting the receiver know the coyonite means a combat challenge.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 12:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

ZzaphodD wrote:
Sure, they are mercenaries and 'move about' but they are not one of the 'common' species and more or less live on one world in the whole galaxy. Seems to me that you wont be seeing them very often exept as a GM fiat. Anyways, given the very powerful armour I think some corporation or the Empire would have copied it and reproduced it, Coynite honour duels or not.

Regarding the relative common-ness of aliens: While Coynites may not be common - hard to tell if that's cause they aren't really common or just due to the fact that they aren't featured much in EU stories (SW Journal is the only place I've seen them). We know Coynites live on at least two planets in Elrood Sector (they make up part of the 2 billion population on Derilyn) see Planets Collection p164. How common are Wookiees? They seem to be encountered frequently, yet they only seem to live in great numbers on Kashyyyk. So I think there is ample latitude for GM discretion. In our campaign they are common in Elrood Sector, pretty common in neighboring sectors, and more rare as you get further away from Elrood Sector.

Regarding easy access to the armor: Planets Collection p141 states the armor "is made from stands of walt'sor plants, found only on Coyn." Depending on how easy it would be to get the plants to grow elsewhere and how difficult it is to make the armor, it may be difficult to impossible to find the armor for non-Coynites. I would tend to think it is like armor made from Mandalorian iron. If you have that readily available then Coynite armor may be as well.

Ankhanu wrote:
Coynite honour and culture would make them criminals on most planets in the known galaxy pretty quick They're not particularly common off of Coyn, and as far as I can tell, almost never seen outside the Elrood sector.

Depends how you play it, but probably no more likely to make you a criminal than tearing the arms off beings who beat you at Djarik. Wink The Star Wars adventure journal had several stories about Drake Paulsen who had a Coynite side-kick Tra'Parr'Sratt. The Coynite was working on Socorro, which is well outside Elrood Sector.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 1:38 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hellcat wrote:
To not respond to a challenge is to be branded af'harl, cowardly deceiver. So I'd have to agree that they'd wait for the target to acknowledge the challenge before they attack, give them time to respond to the challenge least they themselves be branded such.

But at the same time would waiting for the target of the challenge to respond be considered as showing mercy in combat? Technically has the combat even begun the moment the challenge is issued?

I would say no to both. The way we would play it, before starting combat an honorable Coynite would like to determine several things.

(1) Is this an adult combatant? Killing non-combatants gains little or no honor and killing a child would lose one honor. (Wearing the armor might be considered sufficient grounds for assuming yes.)
(2) Is this an honorable combatant? Honorable combatants include Coynites, unless af'harl, non-Coynites honorably granted a Coynite name, Jedi, and other aliens with some sort of known and respected combat code of honor.
Unless this is an adult, honorable opponent a Coynite may be unlikely to try to resolve the matter via duel; either because it is lacking in honor to duel or because the opponent would not reciprocate. They may still put the situation in the form of a duel without expecting the opponent to actually reciprocate.
(3) One of the best ways to deterimine 1 and 2 above is to ask the prospective opponent to identify him/herself. The challenging Coynite will typically give his/her name first (which as we play it tend to be somewhat long and include personal name, clan name, and honor names) and then expects an honorable opponent to reply with his/her name. This is important so Coynites can figure out if there is some honor reason (allied clan, debt of honor, family friendship, etc.) not to fight or some reason (hotile clan, debt of vengeance, etc) to fight. Identifying oneself is considered polite in Coynite society.

Given all of the above the wind up to a duel might be quite lengthy. But if in a hurry a Coynite could just say: "I am Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws, I challenge your right to wear that armor. Take it off immediately or face me in battle."

This satisfies the rules of polite dueling and phrased in this way the opponent must either comply with the demand, answer in a fashion displaying honor, or implicitly the challenge is accepted. Coynite dueling protocol dates back thousands of years to a time before they were integrated into galactic society, so technically there is no reason the challenge has to be delivered in a language the opponent understands. Although Coynites would probably see that as sneaky which is not honorable, but not af'harl.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 2:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Slapping would be the quickest way to get run thru by a Coynite, not receive an honor challenge. They've got that whole "no touching" policy. Wink

I seem to recall in the Elrood sourcebook, that off-planet Coynites tend to provide a little leniance (I said a LITTLE) towards those not familiar with their culture. On Coyn though, no holds barred. Apparently there's a "problem" with violent encounters in the Coyn spaceports.

Coynites are to Star Wars what Klingons are to Star Trek.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:41 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Coynites are to Star Wars what Klingons are to Star Trek.

Yeah, pretty much. We've had a lot of fun with them.

I seem to recall in the Elrood sourcebook, that off-planet Coynites tend to provide a little leniance (I said a LITTLE) towards those not familiar with their culture. On Coyn though, no holds barred. Apparently there's a "problem" with violent encounters in the Coyn spaceports.

We usually play most Coynites as less extreme in actual practice then their reputation and they definitely are more tolerant off planet. Also, if they are in service they could lose honor by acting in a way that brought their patron in disrepute. It is often the extreme folks who create the reputation.

Regarding touching - technically it says bare hand. So you might want to invest in a pair of gloves. Laughing Also if you are over 2 meters tall, dressed in armor, and carrying a two handed sword how many beings are likely to want to get close enough to touch you?
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Grand Moff
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:

Given all of the above the wind up to a duel might be quite lengthy. But if in a hurry a Coynite could just say: "I am Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws, I challenge your right to wear that armor. Take it off immediately or face me in battle."

This satisfies the rules of polite dueling and phrased in this way the opponent must either comply with the demand, answer in a fashion displaying honor, or implicitly the challenge is accepted. Coynite dueling protocol dates back thousands of years to a time before they were integrated into galactic society, so technically there is no reason the challenge has to be delivered in a language the opponent understands. Although Coynites would probably see that as sneaky which is not honorable, but not af'harl.

That right there says you're waiting for them to acknowledge the challenge. You're not simply charging in and attacking, you're giving them time to begin to remove their armor rather than just flat out attacking.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:35 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

That right there says you're waiting for them to acknowledge the challenge. You're not simply charging in and attacking, you're giving them time to begin to remove their armor rather than just flat out attacking.


Though what the armor wearer may hear may be more like

Sat�skars Kabar�Ba rhar Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws, rhar Ba�tchall rhar'rrhar rarr'anr rhharr ah'har! Rh'harar rharh'hr Sevas�Tarra!

Note: My Coynite is pretty rusty so I have inserted some placeholder rharr sounds amidst the actual Coynite. Wink Just think of it as a very loud growling, roaring sort of noise with some glottal stops.

Depending on a beings knowledge of Coynite (and possibly a roll) I would translate this as:
(1) He sounds angry.
(2) He is saying hello or greeting you. (Note: It does start with a greeting.)
(3) He is greeting you and seems hostile, wary, or challenging. His name is Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws or at least his name is in there somewhere. Wink
(4) He is upset about your armor and is challenging you to some sort of duel. His name is Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws. He is from clan Tevar Tris.
(5) He is challenging you to a duel for your armor. His name is Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws. That means Arkel Braveheart of Clan Tevar Tris Who Travels Far for Honor. *

* There are other ways to interpret this name. However on Coyn the character is moderately famous or infamous so it is a unique identifier for native Coynites.

Don't know if that helps or is TMI Hellcat. Smile
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 3:58 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rerun941 wrote:

Coynites are to Star Wars what Klingons are to Star Trek.

Yeah, one whisker away from a lawsuit... Laughing
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Given how my players usually react to people wanting to fight them they would react something like..

-Grooowll s'ktskgrr ImahugegrrrSTdouchehrwwbag'tsk grr

-So you want to duel? Ok, fine with me, let me just prepare a bit. Can you hold on to this? *lobs an activted thermal detonator* Laughing

Which could be fun in itself...
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

-So you want to duel? Ok, fine with me, let me just prepare a bit. Can you hold on to this? *lobs an activted thermal detonator*

Which could be fun in itself...

And to bring it back to the start of the thread. Thermodetonator does 10D damage. Coynite character with 5D+1 strength and 2D physical armor rolls average, adds a couple character points, shakes off stun effect from the thermodetonator, and draws Sat'Skar that does 8D+2 damage... Rolling Eyes

While the dice may never lie, they certainly seem to mislead on occassion.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Rerun941 wrote:
Slapping would be the quickest way to get run thru by a Coynite, not receive an honor challenge. They've got that whole "no touching" policy. Wink

I seem to recall in the Elrood sourcebook, that off-planet Coynites tend to provide a little leniance (I said a LITTLE) towards those not familiar with their culture. On Coyn though, no holds barred. Apparently there's a "problem" with violent encounters in the Coyn spaceports.

Coynites are to Star Wars what Klingons are to Star Trek.

The slapping was from the Coyonite warrior to the one having the "audacity' to wear armor not earned.

Though what the armor wearer may hear may be more like

Sat�skars Kabar�Ba rhar Arkel Tevar Tris Lom�zee�tah�Skass Trofar Fas�Tawws, rhar Ba�tchall rhar'rrhar rarr'anr rhharr ah'har! Rh'harar rharh'hr Sevas�Tarra!

Note: My Coynite is pretty rusty so I have inserted some placeholder rharr sounds amidst the actual Coynite. Wink Just think of it as a very loud growling, roaring sort of noise with some glottal stops.

Depending on a beings knowledge of Coynite (and possibly a roll) I would translate this as:

Do we actually have a copy of the Coyonite language?

-So you want to duel? Ok, fine with me, let me just prepare a bit. Can you hold on to this? *lobs an activted thermal detonator* Laughing

Which could be fun in itself...

As he recognizes it and tosses it back at you.. then insults your mother... 8)
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:20 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bren wrote:
-So you want to duel? Ok, fine with me, let me just prepare a bit. Can you hold on to this? *lobs an activted thermal detonator*

Which could be fun in itself...

And to bring it back to the start of the thread. Thermodetonator does 10D damage. Coynite character with 5D+1 strength and 2D physical armor rolls average, adds a couple character points, shakes off stun effect from the thermodetonator, and draws Sat'Skar that does 8D+2 damage... Rolling Eyes

While the dice may never lie, they certainly seem to mislead on occassion.

Hmm, stun from thermal, talk about broken rules Rolling Eyes

Ah, sorry I forgot. Im more hardcore as a gamer apparently, Ive done away with all that character point nonsense. If you want to save your skin, use a FP like in the good ol' days Laughing Even if you use the CPs like in the RAW the PCs probably has more of them than an average NPC. In my games a thermal detonator is energy damage, but given the superior quality of the 'plant armour' that doesnt matter (but again is why I have a beef with Coynite armour).

Also, the average Coynite dont have maximum Strength I assume, not even a mercenary. Otherwise hell probably be dumb enough to not even know what a thermal is and catch it.. Laughing
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Do we actually have a copy of the Coyonite language?
Sadly, no. There are bits in the original Planets Collection article. There are other bits from the articles that I read in the SW Journal (I mentioned the author futher up thread). We have added some bits of our own. It's not enough vocabulary to really do sentences and we don't have a real grammer, but we can get key parts of phrases across and it allows us to flavor interactions with Coynites by including alien words and concepts.

Here are the typical Coynite greetings with translations.
Sat�skars Fas�Ba: "Swords ended in battle", a greeting meaning that there remain unresolved differences that will not be forgotten

Sat�skars Fas�Tawws�Rattar: "Swords ended in honor and friendship", a greeting which means all conflicts have been satisfactorily resolved, thus we are friends

Sat�skars Kabar�Ba: "Swords together, joined in battle", a greeting containing a challenge to battle or a warning that animosity exists and great care should be taken or a challenge to combat will be made

Sat�skars Kabar�Rattar: "Swords together, blunted in friendship", a greeting meaning there are no hostilities between us, thus we are friends

You can see how a failed Language roll could have interesting consequences. Twisted Evil
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:21 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:

As he recognizes it and tosses it back at you.. then insults your mother... 8)

If you screw up the timing, dont blame me.. Laughing
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Vice Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:30 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hmm, stun from thermal, talk about broken rules

Well the rules aren't designed to simulate reality. But I agree a no effect or even just a stun from being at ground zero for a thermodetonator is perverse and my players know not to expect that to occur if I were the GM. The person who plays a Coynite in my campaign remarked on the fact that according to the rules as written normal grenades 5D vs character STR 5D, armor 1D or 2D implies the Coynite probably does not need to duck. That is an unpalatable result, so we just assume if you don't bother to dive for cover then double the damage. Now 10D = 20D and problem solved for Coynites and probably Rancors too. Smile

Ah, sorry I forgot. Im more hardcore as a gamer apparently, Ive done away with all that character point nonsense. If you want to save your skin, use a FP like in the good ol' days Even if you use the CPs like in the RAW the PCs probably has more of them than an average NPC. In my games a thermal detonator is energy damage, but given the superior quality of the 'plant armour' that doesnt matter (but again is why I have a beef with Coynite armour).

Well a FP would be worse in a way since then it is 5D+1 doubled + 2D or 12D+2 vs. 10D and the lacquer on the armor isn't really smudged. Rolling Eyes

Out of curiousity have you posted your objection to CPs elsewhere. It's off thread for this topic, but I am curious why you don't like 'em.

Also, the average Coynite dont have maximum Strength I assume, not even a mercenary. Otherwise hell probably be dumb enough to not even know what a thermal is and catch it..

Sure, by definition average anything is unlikely to have maximum anything (unless the StandDev=0). I was just going for maximal impact Wink (sort of like your TD).
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