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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 12:10 pm    Post subject: Telekinesis Reply with quote

So when the rules state a force user trying to levitate move multiple objects simultaneously has to roll for each item does that mean each item is an extra action or not? How does that work exactly? What about in a combat scenario where a force user throws multitask or rocks at a target? How does this affect the targets dodge?
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 3:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Each use of tk, would be one action. So maps apply.

As for dodges, like with multiple folks shooting you, you'd make one dodge, and each tk attack would roll against that dodge.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 4:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal covered it ...but I wanted to add some ...thoughts.

(no, not a house rule...).

As a GM what do you feel "multiple" items means?

To me - that means Picking up a speeder, maybe an r2 unit, and that grenade on the floor over there. As that feels like distinct objects, that might have distinct to speak.

However, if a character wanted to pick up "a bunch of tools on the floor" or "that pile or rocks" I would call that "one thing" - and just give a crude estimate on the size or mass "

I would ask the player
"there are a lot of rocks - how many are you trying to pick up and do something with"
"About 80 kilos worth".
Gm, checking rules for 11 to 100 kilos" Ok, that is in the Moderate difficulty range". As the rocks are together, the gm just treats it as one object for simplicity....

The rule gives the structure and balancing - but the gm should always be flixible and supportive of player creativity - especially if we can still play within the rules.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 7:23 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

pakman wrote:
However, if a character wanted to pick up "a bunch of tools on the floor" or "that pile or rocks" I would call that "one thing" - and just give a crude estimate on the size or mass "

I think this is implied by your post but I would consider a pile of stuff as one thing as long as the character is moving it together or for a single purpose. If they want to hurl a pile of rocks at three different targets, that's separate three actions.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 8:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

raithyn wrote:
pakman wrote:
However, if a character wanted to pick up "a bunch of tools on the floor" or "that pile or rocks" I would call that "one thing" - and just give a crude estimate on the size or mass "

I think this is implied by your post but I would consider a pile of stuff as one thing as long as the character is moving it together or for a single purpose. If they want to hurl a pile of rocks at three different targets, that's separate three actions.

Yes, that is exactly what I am implying.

If it is 10,000 marbles- but all together, and moving together - then yes, treat as one object.

This can lead to more cinematic moments - like if say....Obi-wan...were to pick up dozens and dozens of rocks and boulders - and hurl them at a single opponent.

I would treat that as effectively one thing - estimating the mass (or asking the player "how much do you try to pick up") - and treating it as a single use.

It just looks cool to describe it that way...

Raw gives us the mechanics and balance (picking up an object of X Mass is a specific difficutly, and does a specific damage).

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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:08 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I will hurl a million specs of sand at you!!
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 3:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wondering what you all think the way of handling grabbing a weapon away from a character.

I'm thinking a Perception roll to evade or avoid the attack and keep one's weapon from being pulled away? Or should the character get a dodge roll?
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

garhkal wrote:
I will hurl a million specs of sand at you!!

I hate sand.

DougRed4 wrote:
Wondering what you all think the way of handling grabbing a weapon away from a character.

I'm thinking a Perception roll to evade or avoid the attack and keep one's weapon from being pulled away? Or should the character get a dodge roll?

Force telekinesis doesn't make a visible, physical grasper that people can see and move their weapon hand away from, so I don't see the Force being "dodgeable" in this way. If the Force-user can see the weapons, then it is an automatic "hit" per se.

I would probably have the Force-user's alter roll being opposed by the gun character's Strength roll to strengthen the grasp on weapon. Vader did this in Rogue One. The Rebels gun arms are pulled forward with the guns as the guns are pulled out of their hands. (Vader won the Force vs. grip contests).

If a Force user is hiding to ambush characters who are holding weapons out, and the Force user surprises them according to the rules, then I can see just having the Force user make the Force rolls to take the guns more like a normal telekinesis check. Unless they have reason to expect that particular kind of Force use and are intentionally maintaining a constant strong grip on their weapons.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:33 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Whill wrote:

Force telekinesis doesn't make a visible, physical grasper that people can see and move their weapon hand away from, so I don't see the Force being "dodgeable" in this way. If the Force-user can see the weapons, then it is an automatic "hit" per se.

I would probably have the Force-user's alter roll being opposed by the gun character's Strength roll to strengthen the grasp on weapon. Vader did this in Rogue One. The Rebels gun arms are pulled forward with the guns as the guns are pulled out of their hands. (Vader won the Force vs. grip contests).

This was very much how I used to handle using TK to pull a weapon out of another character's hand - and on the surface it very much made sense at the time and still seems to. In some official WEG source, it is stated that PER is used to resist even Alter force powers, or Control if the target is force sensitive - and in the case of TK this did not add up for.
However- In a very lengthy discussion with a fellow gamer at a local comic/Hobby shop this topic came up. In the discussion, the point of view for using PER was that it represented the targets ability to notice the subtle pull of TK fast enough to tighten his grip and pull back - without which no amount of STR would make a difference. I have thought long and hard about it since that day, and have decide that if a target KNOWS he is fighting a Jedi and is Guarded, he may resist with STR or lifting, otherwise it is a PER roll to realize what is happening in time to try to resist, and I think that is fair. Of course Force users with Control still may use Control.
On an interesting side note, the other party of the discussion was not an active D6 player it was more of a general Star Wars/Gaming discussion...though he seemed to be at least aware of some of the D6 mechanics. This was somewhere circa 2008 I think...
"There's a set way to gain new Force Points and it represents a very nice system, where you're rewarded for heroism, not for being a poor conductor to electricity." ~Jachra
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Dark Lord of the Jedi (Owner/Admin)

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I can see how you describe Perception being used, but I still don't see the dodge skill as being very applicable.
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 2:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

DougRed4 wrote:
Wondering what you all think the way of handling grabbing a weapon away from a character.

I'm thinking a Perception roll to evade or avoid the attack and keep one's weapon from being pulled away? Or should the character get a dodge roll?

Str roll imo..

Whill wrote:

If a Force user is hiding to ambush characters who are holding weapons out, and the Force user surprises them according to the rules, then I can see just having the Force user make the Force rolls to take the guns more like a normal telekinesis check. Unless they have reason to expect that particular kind of Force use and are intentionally maintaining a constant strong grip on their weapons.

Another fun thing to do there, is have the force user, TK the gun forward, while the guy has his trigger finger engaged, so he SHOOTS it, into someone else's back.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Great feedback here that helps me see this clearer. I think the appropriate thing in this case is a Strength roll to resist. The characters already know what the Dark Jedi could do (so Perception is out). It really doesn't matter, as it's not a surprise attack.

It will really come down to their grip on the weapon compared to the Dark Jedi's Alter roll.
Currently Running: Villains & Vigilantes (a 32-year-old campaign with multiple groups) and D6 Star Wars; mostly on hiatus are Adventures in Middle-earth and Delta Green
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