shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:39 am Post subject: Shon-Ju |
I really enjoyed reading "The Clone Wars: Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju". Not only was it a decent story it gives some insight into the dogmatic culture of the Jedi Order and an alternate look at how to use the Force. It also shows that even a person with good intentions can slide to the dark side. Finally, we have a character who at the end of the story can be either a new antagonist or redeemed to the light side. As I said, good story.
Here is my attempt giving Shon-Ju stats. I didn't feel a need to create new Force powers or a specific martial art, though using Rules of Engagement or the martial arts rules from REUP, you certainly could flesh it out. Instead I used existing powers and put a limitation on them. Please take a look and let me know what you think. Suggestions, comments, etc, always welcome!
Quote: | Shon-Ju
A tall and muscular fallen Padawan-turned-cult leader who taught himself to direct the Force into his hands in the place of fighting with a lightsaber. He then went on to find other Force-sensitives to whom he taught his methods. During the Clone Wars, Shon-Ju's Force school went to Cavamina Minor to pursue the war-profiteer Attuma Duum. There they saved the Jedi Knight Aayla Secura from Duum's mercenaries, and Shon-Ju agreed to help the Twi'lek Jedi stop Duum. Shon-Ju betrayed Secura, however, and his actions led Secura to cut off his hands and allow Duum to escape. Shon-Ju ran off into the doomed headquarters and later found his way back to his students; eventually he accepted prosthetic hands, which were superior to his old ones.
In his time at the Jedi Temple, he channeled the Force in ways other students could only imagine. Eventually, he was told he could not graduate to Knighthood because of his focus on using the Force as a weapon. Angered, he left and pursued his studies elsewhere, and achieved tranquility. Afterward, he forsook a lightsaber and directed the Force through his hands. He developed another form of Force combat, and passed it on to others, teaching them himself and thereby rejecting the Order's exclusivity. He told Aayla Secura he was learning as much from his trainees as they were from him.
Despite what he said, he harbored a grudge against the Jedi Order for abandoning him. He lied to Aayla Secura, and then tried to kill Attuma Duum to humiliate the Order, whose agent could not capture the mercenary. He thought the Order had taken everything for him. After his injuries at the hands of Secura, his felt his cybernetic replacement hands did not make him whole, but better.
He enjoyed fighting and taunted Sabat.
Type: Force Monk
Brawling parry 7D, melee combat 5D, melee parry 4D+2
Alien species 3D+2, cultures 3D+2, Jedi lore 3D+2, languages 3D+2, planetary systems 4D, survival 4D+1, teaching 5D+2, willpower 7D
Persuasion 5D, search 4D+2, sneak 5D+2
Brawling 5D, brawling: martial arts 7D+1, climbing/jumping 5D+1, stamina 6D
First aid 3D+2
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 7D, sense 6D, alter 6D+2
Force Powers:
Control: Concentration, enhance attribute
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, life detection
Alter: *Force push
Control and Sense: *Lightsaber combat
This character is Force-Sensitive.
Dark Side Points: 2
Force Points: 3
Character Points: 5
Move: 10
Game Notes: When Shon-Ju uses Force push it must be a part of a punch or punch-like movement with a range of 1 meter. Shon-ju can do amazing amounts of damage with his fists and feet using a the Force skill lightsaber combat with his body being the focus instead of a lightsaber.
Appearance: C. The Clone Wars: Deadly Hands of Shon-Ju |
Source: Stats by Emperor Ollie _________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |
shootingwomprats Rear Admiral

Joined: 11 Sep 2013 Posts: 2692 Location: Online
Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2021 10:56 am Post subject: |
Quote: | Shon-Ju currently has three students: a ithorian, human and zabrak.
Shon-Ju's Students
Type: Force Monk
Brawling parry 6D
Survival 4D, willpower 5D
Persuasion 4D, search 4D, sneak 4D+1
Brawling 5D, brawling: martial arts 6D+1, climbing/jumping 5D+1, stamina 5D
First aid 3D+2
Special Abilities:
Force Skills: Control 4D+1, sense 4D+1, alter 5D
Force Powers:
Control: Concentration, enhance attribute
Sense: Combat sense, danger sense, life detection
Alter: *Force push
Control and Sense: *Lightsaber combat
This character is Force-Sensitive.
Force Points: 2
Character Points: 5
Move: 10
Game Notes: When Shon-Ju's students use Force push it must be a part of a punch or punch-like movement with a range of 1 meter. The students can do amazing amounts of damage with their fists and feet using the Force skill lightsaber combat with their bodies being the focus instead of a lightsaber.
Source: Stats by Emperor Ollie |
_________________ Don Diestler
Host, Shooting Womp Rats
The D6 Podcast
@swd6podcast, Twitter |