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Echani species?
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 4:57 pm    Post subject: Echani species? Reply with quote

Have they been given stats somewhere? (Not the martial arts but the species themselves.) Or do people just treat them as close enough to Human and stick with the human stats? Kind of curious, I'm going to have a few pop up soon in my game.

(Really didn't want my second post to be "help I can't do something" but here we are. I tried searching the forum but since "echani" is part of "mechanic" the results very quickly became unwieldy.)
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Found this a while ago:

Homeworld: Eshan
Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Body Language: The Echani have integrated unarmed and melee combat for centuries. Due to this and training as a social norm, an Echani gains +1D to initiative rolls when involved in unarmed or melee combat.

Story Factors:
Echani Martial Arts: Fighting and fighting prowess are an integral part of Echani society. Echani player characters may take this form of martial arts as a free skill specialization and will not count against the purchase of other specializations during character creation.

Move: 10/12
Size: 1.6 to 1.9 meters
Currently playing D&D 5E and painting an unholy amount of miniatures.
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:24 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Here is a write-up we did over in the old G+ community. Its from December of 2015. Hope this helps.

The Echani are a Near-Human species from the Inner Rim world Eshan. The Sun Guard arose from them.

Biology and Appearance
The Echani have anatomy similar to humans, but a common feature is they have light skin, white hair and silver eyes. They exhibit among themselves a remarkable sameness in body type and facial traits. In comparison to their Echani conspecifics, the Thyrsians share only a few physical features, remaining Near-Humans nevertheless. Their look equates the exact opposite: the skin is dark instead of chalk-pale, the hair dark alike and not silvery.

It is believed that the Echani are a result of Arkanian experimentation with the Human genome, a theory which could explain the resemblance among these members of the species.

Due to the all-encompassing use of combat in all levels of their culture, Echani Generals are seen by others as having a 'special ability' to predict their opponent's next move. This, however, is simply a tactical skill arising from living in a culture where combat is seen as something akin to a form of communication.

Society and culture
Communication through combat
The Echani martial art features heavily in the training of Palpatine's Royal Guard

Echani culture holds the belief that to know one fully, you must fight them. Echani fighting is not only self-defense, but a form of self-expression, a means of communication similar to art. For the Echani, it is not at all unusual for children of the same parents to be born so as to be completely indistinguishable from one another to outsiders. Thus, being able to distinguish between like individuals through reading of body movement becomes an essential requirement.

The Echani are also known to be able to read feelings and emotion through combat. To an Echani, a combat between two people says more than hours of talking. They see a certain purity in the way techniques are used in battle. The Maktites learned this to their own sorrow circa 3951 BBY, when their stores of thermal weaponry were rendered ineffectual by relatively simple adjustments in the traditional Echani light armor.

Combat Gear
"Personal shields, I love you so.. crafting and fighting with you… exhilarates me. You are the MAIN focus of my life… (except for my melee weapons and armor)… I love you so." ―An Echani Poem[src]

The Echani are known to focus on unarmed combat and melee weapons, such as vibroswords. Echani-made double-bladed vibroblades are used by Palpatine's Royal Guard, yet again influencing their look. Though their personal energy shields are popular during the period surrounding the Meetra Surik's travel through the galaxy, they eventually fall out of general use.

With rare exception, such as the Sun Guard of Thyrsus, the Echani eschew the use of armor, preferring to fight in minimal clothing. The fighting style focuses more on agility and movement, and so anything that hampers their freedom of movement should be avoided.

Ergeron, a Mandalorian mercenary, was disgusted at the Echani and their relatively "light" weapons.

Thyrsian Differences
The Thyrsians are in many views a diametrical contrast to other Echani. Men dominate whereas the society of the rest of the Echani show matriarchal traits. Their warriors rely neither on light armor nor combat without weapons, but prefer being heavily armored and blades in their hands. In spiritual terms, they focus on the sun rather than the moon. The military units wear the stylised red suns of Thyrsus as emblems for example.

More than a hundred years before the Imperial Period, Thyrsians developed a fixation on matters of the Force, especially the prophecy of a galaxy's savior known as "the son of suns". The Order of the Sith Lords, keeping their existence a secret after the Battle of Ruusan, exploited the Thyrsian faith that the Sith were the subjects of this presage and encouraged the Sun Guards to follow Sith interpretations of Jedi belief, so converting into a Sith cult.

The Thyrsians kept a traditional element of Echani arts in at least one way: the weird skill to read the body language of counterparts and to forecast their next move.

The Echani are a culture of respected warriors. They hold a long-standing rivalry with the Mandalorians, with whom they share many similarities. Important differences, though, are that the Echani focus on light weaponry and armor, relying more on agility rather than heavier weapons and brute force. Sources indicate that females play a large role in their society. Though the details behind the conflict are unknown, it is said the Echani fought against Revan at least once, but were defeated. Like the Mandalorians, who were also defeated by Revan, they respect the combat skill of their enemy.

At one point, an offshoot with an opposite look and its differing culture, originated from Thyrsus, rebelled against the female council that ruled the Six Sisters, a confederation of six worlds dominated by the Echani. In the conflict, known as the Bengali Uprising, the so-called Thyrsians seceded. Their special-missions division made it possible and emerged as the Sun Guard.

Notable Echani
-- Brianna: The half-Echani youngest handmaiden in the service of Atris. She also was a companion of Meetra Surik, the Jedi Exile.
-- Raskta Fenni: The most skilled Echani duelist of her time.
-- Handmaiden Sisters: The five elder sisters of Brianna and daughters of Yusanis.
-- Raskta Lsu: So named for the legendary Raskta Fenni, Jedi Weapon Master also the most skilled lightsaber duelist of her time.
-- Yusanis: Echani General, and later senator, who was father of the six Handmaiden Sisters.

Home Planet: Eshan
Attribute Dice: 12D
Special Skills:
-- Martial Art (Echani): The echani art is an unarmed combat discipline developed by the Echani. Tradition dictates that combatants (usually) made no use of armor, weapons or Force techniques, as the art focuses on mastering the body itself as a weapon. Echani culture holds the belief that combat is the only means to truly know someone, a pure form of expression where words are swept away, allowing for action to reveal the true nature of the people involved. Duels are rituals, and it is important to follow etiquette, for that allows them to read each other’s stance and fight accordingly. In this manner, battle is seen as a form of communication similar to art. Exposing emotions in combat, however, makes the duel a personal thing; engaging in repeated sessions is a courtship of sorts, in which one's favors are won through superior fighting prowess. The echani art has three tiers, each relying on foundations, and featuring higher forms than the previous one. Echani children begin by learning the foundations, progressing over time from one tier to the next as the instructor sees fit.
Special Abilities:
-- Battle Prescience: when dealing with tactics, specifically how an opponent will behave the Thyrsians receive a +1D modifier to rolls involving Tactics.
-- Masters of the Blade: because of their strict upbringing all Echani have a +1D modifier to Melee Combat and Melee Parry skills.
Story Factors:
-- Homogenous: it is not at all unusual for children of the same parents to be born so as to be completely indistinguishable from one another to outsiders. Thus, being able to distinguish between like individuals through reading of body movement became an essential requirement. Outside of Echani culture it requires an Easy to Moderate search skill roll to them apart. This is automatic for the Echani.
-- Body Language: Echani can express amongst themselves emotions and artistic viewpoints through their movements, especially through physical combat.
Move: 10/12
Size: 1.5 to 2.0 meters tall
Source: +Oliver Queen, +Dave S, +Kevin Wortman, +Chris Campbell (original text from wookieepedia.)

Don Diestler
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Rear Admiral
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

shootingwomprats wrote:
-- Masters of the Blade: because of their strict upbringing all Echani have a +1D modifier to Melee Combat and Melee Parry skills.

I am always VERY leery of a flat bonus to skills, instead of starting skill dice.

Also, since the core of their martial arts are unarmed, shouldn't it be Brawling and Brawling parry? I mean, yes, they learn weapon forms, but they start with brawling, as I understood it (which, TBH, boils down to "A lot of KOTOR1&2)
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:57 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Tangentially-related, but hopefully of use as a possible suggestion for martial artists that whose fighting styles incorporate weaponry.

To reflect a given martial artist's mastery of melee weapons, came up with this technique back when writing up the Armorer and Chirrut Îmwe, pasted below. (The descriptions of the game mechanic effects are essentially the same, but I gave an example with the Armorer.)

Telsij wrote:
Melee Mastery: Chirrut Îmwe has mastered the martial use of melee weaponry. Difficulty: Varies, depending upon Martial Arts technique used in conjunction with melee weapon. Effect: A character who knows this technique may apply any of the other Martial Arts techniques he knows to melee combat and melee parry rolls, provided that he has at least 5D in his Martial Arts skill, as well as 5D in his Melee Combat and Melee Parry skills (or in the melee specializations he wishes to use). Other known practitioners of this martial arts technique include the Mandalorian Armorer who led the Covert based on Nevarro.

Melee Mastery: The Armorer has mastered the martial use of melee weaponry. Difficulty: Varies, depending upon Martial Arts technique used in conjunction with melee weapon. Effect: A character who knows this technique may apply any of the other Martial Arts techniques she knows to melee combat and melee parry rolls, provided that she has at least 5D in her Martial Arts skill, as well as in her Melee Combat and Melee Parry skills (or in the melee specializations she wishes to use). For example, if the Armorer wishes to put her opponent in a joint lock or pin using melee weaponry, she may attempt to do so, rolling whichever of her applicable skills is higher to determine the technique's success. Other known practitioners of this martial arts technique include the blind, Force Sensitive Guardian of the Whills, Chirrut Îmwe.



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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2021 10:15 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thanks, all. I'll probably pick and choose from several of these.

Telsij, I like the Melee Mastery, I have a character for whom that will work well.
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 5:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

fogger1138 wrote:
Telsij, I like the Melee Mastery, I have a character for whom that will work well.

Nice, I'm glad I could help out!

If you're so inclined, once they're done, pls do share the characters and/or the finalized species stats you wound up putting together!


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