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Mandalorian Armor
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:26 am    Post subject: Mandalorian Armor Reply with quote

I have seen some other threads on Mandalorian armor and Beskar.

The following is the way I presently do it. I am running a game based around a clan of mandalorians, so I felt that I needed to beef up the 'crunch factor' a little since armor is so individual and important to the mandalorian way of life.

I didn't do this when running a more space-opera game, and I didn't do it when i was running a Jedi-specific game (Though I did develop the osik out of a homebrew lightsaber construction system and light vs dark force tracking system).


Ijaat ‘Honor’
Ijaat is an extra skill rating that Mandalorians possess. It rates the esteem they hold among mando’ade (mando-AH-day).

Mandos relate better with their own kind. It is rolled whenever a mandalorian is dealing with another mandalorian and can help to determine their relative levels of respect, even if they've only just met. Reputations may precede them in their own culture. A mandalorian may also make an ijaat roll to lower the price of an article or service that is being purchased from another mando as an alternative to the bargain skill.

It is by accumulating ijaat that a mandalorian will be able to acquire the more expensive pieces of equipment.

Additionally, mandos whose armor and kit kando outstrips their ijaat score will be seen as pretentious, and this will actually lower the effective ijaat in the eyes of mandalorians the character is dealing with.

When buying items that have a Kando value listed, always add it to the DC of the character’s ijaat roll to reduce cost.

Unlike other skills, ijaat can only be improved by spending points gathered by adhering to the resol’nare. (RAY-sol NAH-ray), the Six Actions that are the tenets of Mando life.


A Mandalorian’s armour and equipment are very integral to the character, far more than a normal character’s equipment. Some of the more specialized pieces and materials can only be acquired from mandalorian master smiths, in which case a character’s ijaat will be of utmost importance.

Kando (KAHN-do] literally: Importance, Weight.
A Mandalorians’s final kit can be rated in Kando, which is an estimation of its value as it relates to the person wearing it. Mandalorians who wish to be taken seriously amongst their own kind will take care to keep their Kando equal to or less than their Ijaat (honor) level.

When your Kando outpaces your Ijaat, other mandalorians will see you as pretentious at best, a braggart upstart who needs to be taken down a peg at worst.

Calculating Kando: Add the energy protection dice to the physical protection dice (only full dice, ignore pips).
Subtract the calculated DEX penalty dice.
The result is the base Kando score for the armor. (this can be no less than a score of 1).
Add any applicable general kando modifiers from other kit/accessories.

If the total Kando is higher than the characters ijaat, expect other mandalorians to give him a hard time, with firm suggestions that he re-think his attire. If it is higher than the ijaat by more than 2 levels, expect that mandalorians of greater ijaat will pick fights with the character over the issue, and those of equal or lesser ijaat will resent him.

If it is higher by more than 4, the mandalorian will be ostracized and may be punished by another clan for his insolence.

(This is like Stolen Valour...but the character might get seriously hurt or killed rather than videoed and humiliated.)

Effects of Armor:

Armor dice are rolled in addition to defense dice (based on the attack) to resist damage.
Armor will have different rating depending on whether it is a physical or energy attack.

When putting together the suit all of the pieces are given a base rating in points.
Combine the total points of all of the armor pieces then multiply by the material’s protection factor. (If the armor is made out of mixed materials, use the weakest of all the material types used in the kit; if it’s a durasteel armor except for a beskar torso…calculate as if the entire kit was durasteel).

Armor coverage: This is the DC required on a called shot to bypass the armor protection; the more the body is covered, the harder it is for an opponent to find a weak spot.
Add up all the points from the base protection, multiply by x2. This is the DC for an enemy to try to bypass the armor protection. If a shooter rolls higher than this number, then the target does not get the benefit of the armor to soak damage.

Dexterity Penalty: The number of pips of reduction to the wearer’s DEX. This will affect Dex-based skills.
Add up all the points from the base protection.
Multiply by the material’s weight factor.
Convert the resulting points to a die value using the chart. This is the reduction to the character’s DEX attribute, and thus the attribute bonus to dex-based skills.

Damaged Armor: whenever the character is wounded from an attack that does not bypass the armor (non-called shot) his armor is downgraded 1 pip of protection in both physical and energy.
Damaged armor can be repaired.

Armor components:

Protection: 2
Base cost: 1000cr

------or Battle Helmet
Protection: 3
Base cost: 1500cr

Neck Armor
Protection: 0.5
Base cost: 100cr

-------or Crusader configuration
Protection: 3
Base cost: 1000cr

Protection: 1
Base cost: (pair) 200cr

------or Heavy Shoulders
Protection: 2
Base cost: (pair) 400cr

Protection: 3
Base cost: 500cr

-------or Heavy Torso
Protection: 4
Base cost: 500cr

Protection: 1
Base cost: 200cr

------or Abdominal banding
Protection: 2
Base cost: 500cr

Upper Arms
Protection: 1
Base cost: (pair) 200cr

Forearms/ Gauntlets
Protection: 2
Special: Upgrades and accessories
Base cost: (pair) 400cr

Armor Gloves
Protection: 0.5
Base cost: (pair) 100cr

Protection: 1
Base cost: 200cr

-------or Groin Plate
Protection: 2
Base cost: 400cr

Protection: 1
Base cost: (pair) 200cr

-------or Leg Casements
Protection: 2
Base cost: (pair) 400cr

Protection: 1
Base cost: (pair) 100cr

Protection: 1
Base cost: (pair) 200cr

Protection: 0.5
Base cost: (pair) 100cr


Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.75
Energy x0.5
Weight Factor: x0.45
Cost: x 0.75

Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.10
Energy x0.10
Weight Factor: x 0.2
Cost: x 0.35

Beskar aka Mandalorian Iron
Protection Modifier:
Physical x1.5
Energy x1.5
Weight Factor: x 1.0
Cost: x 15

Cortosis Alloy
Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.75
Energy x1.75
Weight Factor: x0.75
Cost: x 10

Carbon cage Beskar aka Masterforged Beskar
Protection Modifier:
Physical x1.5
Energy x1.5
Weight Factor: x 0.75
Cost: x 20

Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.5
Energy x0.25
Weight Factor: x0.20
Cost: x 0.50

Protection Modifier:
Physical x1.0
Energy x0.75
Weight Factor: x0.75
Cost: x 1.0

Heavy Leather (Bantha hide etc)
Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.25
Energy x0.05
Weight Factor: x 0.20
Cost: x 0.10

Protection Modifier:
Physical x1.0
Energy x1.5
Weight Factor: x0.75
Cost: x 6.0

Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.35
Energy x0.20
Weight Factor: x0.20
Cost: x 0.40

Quality Forged Steel Plates
Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.5
Energy x0.10
Weight Factor: x 2.0
Cost: x 0.25

Quality Forged Steel Mail
Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.2
Energy x0.10
Weight Factor: x 1.0
Cost: x 0.25

Stygian-triprismatic polymer
Protection Modifier:
Physical x0.75
Energy x1.0
Weight Factor: x0.40
Cost: x 1.25

Last edited by Dredwulf60 on Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:52 am; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 07 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Some common base Armor configurations

Mandalorian Common Armor configurations; each shown made from Duraplast, Alum, Durasteel, or Beskar.

Ultra Light Armor
Forearms/ Gauntlets
Protection total: 9
Base cost: 2200

Duraplast: Physical:(x0.5)=4.5= 1D+1 ,
Energy:(x0.25)=2.25= 0D+2,
Dex penalty: (x0.2)=1.8= 0D+1,
Cost: 1100cr, K: 1

Alum: Physical: (x0.75)=6.7=2D ,
Dex penalty: (x0.45)=4.0=1D+1,
Cost: 1,650cr , K: 1

Durasteel: Physical: (x1.0)=9= 2D+2 ,
Energy:(x0.75)=6.7= 2D ,
Dex penalty:(x0.75) =6.7=2D,
Cost: 2,200cr, K: 3

Beskar: Physical: (x1.5)=13.5= 3D
Energy: (x1.5)=13.5= 3D,
Dex penalty: (x1.0)=9= 2D+2,
Cost: 33,000cr , K: 4

Light Armor
Forearms/ Gauntlets

Protection total: 11
Armor coverage: 22
Base cost: 2600

Duraplast: Physical:(x0.5)=5.5= 1D+2 ,
Energy:(x0.25)=2.75= 0D+2,
Dex penalty: (x0.2)=2.2= 0D+2,
Cost: 1300cr, K: 1

Alum: Physical: (x0.75)=8.25=2D+1 ,
Dex penalty: (x0.45)=4.9=1D+1,
Cost: 1,950cr , K: 2

Durasteel: Physical: (x1.0)=11= 3D ,
Energy:(x0.75)=8.25= 2D+1 ,
Dex penalty:(x0.75) =8.25=2D+1,
Cost: 2,600cr, K: 3

Beskar: Physical: (x1.5)=16.2= 3D+1
Energy: (x1.5)=16.2= 3D+1
Dex penalty: (x1.0)=11= 3D
Cost: 39,000cr , K: 3

Medium Armor

Upper arms
Forearms/ Gauntlets

Protection total: 15
Base cost: 3400

Duraplast: Physical:(x0.5)=7.5=2D+1 ,
Energy:(x0.25)=3.75= 1D
Dex penalty: (x0.2)=3.0= 1D,
Cost: 1700cr, K: 2

Alum: Physical: (x0.75)=11.25=3D ,
Dex penalty: (x0.45)=6.75=2D,
Cost: 2,550cr , K: 3

Durasteel: Physical: (x1.0)=15= 3D+1 ,
Energy:(x0.75)=11.25= 3D ,
Dex penalty:( x0.75)=11.25= 3D ,
Cost: 3,400cr, K: 3

Beskar: Physical: (x1.5)=22.5= 4D
Energy: (x1.5)=22.5= 4D
Dex penalty: (x1.0)=15= 3D
Cost: 37,500cr , K: 5

Full Armor

Neck Armor
Abdominal banding
Upper Arms
Forearms/ Gauntlets
Armor Gloves
Leg Casements

Protection: 16.5
Base cost: 3,800

Duraplast: Physical:(x0.5)=8.25=2D+1 ,
Energy:(x0.25)=3.75= 1D+1
Dex penalty: (x0.2)=3.0= 1D,
Cost: 1900cr, K: 2

Alum: Physical: (x0.75)=12.3=3D ,
Dex penalty: (x0.45)=7.4=2D+1,
Cost: 2,850cr , K: 3

Durasteel: Physical: (x1.0)=16.5= 3D+1 ,
Energy:(x0.75)=12.3= 3D ,
Dex penalty:( x0.75)=12.3= 3D ,
Cost: 3,400cr, K: 3

Beskar: Physical: (x1.5)=24.7= 4D+1
Energy: (x1.5)=24.7= 4D+1
Dex penalty: (x1.0)=16.5= 3D+1
Cost: 57,000cr , K: 5

Heavy Battle Armor

Battle Helmet
Neck Armor
Heavy Shoulders
Heavy Torso
Abdominal banding
Upper Arms
Forearms/ Gauntlets
Armor Gloves
Groin Plate
Leg Casements

Base Protection: 21.5
Base cost: 4,900

Duraplast: Physical:(x0.5)=10.75=2D+2 ,
Energy:(x0.25)=5.3= 1D+2
Dex penalty: (x0.2)=4.3= 1D+1,
Cost: 2,450cr, K: 2

Alum: Physical: (x0.75)=16=3D+1 ,
Dex penalty: (x0.45)=9.6=2D+2,
Cost: 3,620cr , K: 3

Durasteel: Physical: (x1.0)=21.5= 4D ,
Energy:(x0.75)=16.1= 3D+1 ,
Dex penalty:(x0.75)=16.1= 3D+1
Cost: 4,900cr, K: 4

Beskar: Physical: (x1.5)=32.2= 5D
Energy: (x1.5)=32.2= 5D
Dex penalty: (x1.0)=21.5= 4D
Cost: 57,000cr , K: 6
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Joined: 07 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:40 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Equipment and additions

The basic armor is only a beginning. Mandalorians will most assuredly add weapons and other pieces of equipment, keeping a kando level equal or below their ijaat.

Helmet Upgrades/ Accessories:

**Kando value: Each helmet upgrade/ accessory counts as 0.25 Kando.

Heads Up Dispay
Graphics and information super-imposed on vision. Gives superior awareness of personal status; +2 to initiative rolls.
Cost: 500cr

Short range communication device.
Cost: 200cr

Transmit voice or incoming comm feed at several levels of amplified volume.
Cost: 600cr

External rangefinder/ Targeting:
A monocular device attached to an antenna on the side of the helmet that rotates down over one eye.
+1D to ranged combat skill rolls when activated, but with a -1D to perception based skill rolls.
Cost: 1000cr

Internal Targeting and acquisition system:
An interior target and aim assisting computer visual overlay.
+2D to ranged combat skill rolls against moving targets. (10m per turn or faster)
Cost: 4000cr

External macrobinocular
+2D to perception skill rolls and blaster rifle skill rolls at 200m or greater distance, but with no perception at less than 20m.
Cost: 1200cr

High intensity headlamp
Reduces local darkness penalties by 1D, with potentially blinding effects on others.
Cost: 200cr

Atmosphere filter
Eliminates harmful vapors, contaminants and fumes from air intake.
Cost: 100cr

Internal Infrared viewplate
Reduces darkness penalties for perception and combat by 2D.
Cost: 200cr

Internal macro viewplate
+2 to perception skill rolls and blaster rifle skill rolls at a distance.
Cost: 600cr

Motion sensor
+2 to Perception (Initiative) skill rolls at close range.
Cost: 200cr

Motion Tracker
+1D to Perception (Initiative) skill rolls at close range.
Cost: 600cr

Multi array sensor
+1D to Sensors skill roll to detect life forms or the presence of a comm signal. Range 300m with bearing to life form or source of comm signal.
Cost: 2200cr

A small helmet-mounted hold-out type blaster weapon, for surprise more than practical use.
+1D to initiative when first used, Blaster skill has -2D to attack.
Cost: 1000cr

Forearm/ Gauntlet Upgrades/ Accessories:

The additional bulk will add an additional value to the dexterity penalty total (added before the material modifier.)
Each selection is for a single item; choose left or right arm. Multiple selections can be made, but count the cost and penalty each time.
Every gauntlet accessory adds 0.5 Kando.

Weapons built into the gauntlets are usually inferior to standard hand-held weaponry, but they have the advantage of always being at-hand and can be surprising to foes as reflected by an initiative bonus when first used.

Hold-out Blaster
Dex penalty: 0.25
Cost: x3

Light (aka Sporting) Blaster
Dex penalty: 0.50
Cost: x3

Blaster Pistol
Dex penalty: 0.75
Cost: x3

Heavy Blaster Pistol

Dex penalty: 1
Cost: x3

Blaster Carbine

Dex penalty: 2
Cost: x3

Uses the flamethrower skill
Dex penalty: 1
Cost: x3

Electroshock prod
Uses the melee skill
Dex penalty: 1
Cost: x3

Energy Shield
Creates a disk of energy that can reflect
incoming energy weapons.
Provides an extra +1D6 cover against energy weapons.
Can use brawl or melee parry against lightsabers.
Dex penalty: 2
Cost: 15,000cr.

Fires a single dart. Uses the firearms skill.
Dex penalty: 0.25
Cost: x3

Projectile gun
aka slugthrower. Uses the firearms skill.
Dex penalty: 0.5
Cost: x3

Cable thrower
Uses the firearms skill
Dex penalty: 1
Fires a weighted projectile (no damage)
that can be used for rappel, to wrap around a target
bola style or to tie up a target.
Cost: 600cr

Micro harpoon launcher

Uses the firearms skill
Dex penalty: 1.5
Cost: x3

Electroshock cable thrower
Uses the firearms skill
Dex penalty: 2.5

Electroshock micro harpoon launcher
Uses the firearms skill
Dex penalty: 3

Rocket Launcher
Uses the missile weapons skill
Dex penalty: 2
Cost: x3

Arm Blades: (knife)
Use the melee skill
Small Extension blade/ Knife
Dex penalty:
Single prong: 0.25
Twin prong: 0.30
Triple prong: 0.35
Quad prong: 0.40
Cost: x3

Large Extension blade (Short sword)
Dex penalty: 1
Single prong: 1.5
Twin prong: 2
Triple prong: 2.5
Cost: x3

Small Extension vibroblade/ Knife
Dex penalty: 0.5
Single prong: 0.25
Twin prong: 0.30
Triple prong: 0.35
Quad prong: 0.40

Large Extension vibroblade (vibro short sword)
Dex penalty:
Single prong: 1.5
Twin prong: 2.5
Triple prong: 3.5

Gription pad
Activated to create an adhesive bond to hold the panel in place. Typically used to aid climbing, or to hold on to a surface.
Dex penalty: 0.5 ea
Adds +1D to climb skill rolls per pad. (maximum of +4D for 2 knee and 2 gauntlet pads)
Cost: 800cr

useful for griping ferrous metallic objects. Can also be used to attract small metallic objects to the hand from short distances.
Dex penalty: 0.5 ea
Cost: 500cr

General use information and computational interface. Allows the following additional upgrades: (each is an additional 0.10 Kando)
Dex penalty: 1 ea
Cost: 300
Holographic comm-link
Send and receive video messages, and can project a holograph of the other person.
Dex penalty: 0.5
Cost: 200cr
Remote vehicle pilot link
Allows the remote piloting of a properly equipped vehicle or spacecraft. Limited range.
Dex penalty: 0.5 ea
Cost: 500cr

2D or 3D visual and audio recording
Dex penalty: 0.5 ea
Cost: 200cr

Fire extinguisher
Fires a cone of fire extinguishing agent, for putting out all manner of fires or for blinding a close range opponent.
Dex penalty: 1 ea
Cost: 200cr

Uses engineering skill
Industrial laser or plasma system for cutting through heavy duty materials and for welding metals together. Can be used as an emergency close-quarters weapon.
Dex penalty: 1 ea
Cost: 600cr

Rail system
Stores a hold-out, blaster pistol or slug thrower pistol in a concealed case and ejects the weapon into the users hand at the flick of a wrist. Provides a +1D6 to initiative when first attempting to use the weapon stored on the rail, but a -1D6 to the skill roll to fire it in that first turn.
Dex penalty: 2
Cost: 200cr

Knee Upgrades/ Accessories
The additional bulk will add an additional value to the dexterity penalty total (added before the material modifier.)
Each selection is for a single item; choose left or right arm. Multiple selections can be made, but count the cost and penalty each time.
Each knee accessory adds 0.25 Kando.

Knee Blades:
Use the melee skill
Small Extension blade/ Knife
Dex penalty:
Single prong: 0.25
Twin prong: 0.30
Triple prong: 0.35
Quad prong: 0.40
Cost: x3

Small Extension vibroblade/ Knife
Dex penalty: 0.5
Single prong: 0.25
Twin prong: 0.30
Triple prong: 0.35
Quad prong: 0.40
Cost: x3

Fires a single dart. Uses the firearms skill.
Dex penalty: 0.25
Cost: x3

Gription pad
Activated to create an adhesive bond to hold the panel in place. Typically used to aid climbing, or to hold on to a surface.
Dex penalty: 0.5ea
Adds +1D to climb skill rolls per pad. (maximum of +4D for 2 knee and 2 gauntlet pads)
Cost: 800 cr

Shin/boot Accessories:
The additional bulk will add an additional value to the dexterity penalty total (added before the material modifier.)
Each selection is for a pair of items. Multiple selections can be made, but count the cost and penalty each time.
Kando value: Every pair of boot accessory adds 0.5 Kando.

Rocket boots
A jetpack built into the boots of the armor can be a useful piece of equipment. Not used as a standard method of movement, but for emergencies and special applications. Limited sustained flight, or boosted leaps.
Requires Jetpack skill to use, with a +5 difficulty
Benefits: functional flight for up to 4 turns.
Penalties: Dexterity penalty: 2 for the pair.
Cost: 1 600cr

Boot Blades:
Use the melee skill
Small Extension blade/ Knife
Dex penalty:
Single prong: 0.25
Twin prong: 0.30
Triple prong: 0.35
Quad prong: 0.40
Cost: x3

Extension boot spikes
Thrust down into the ground to provide extra traction, or as additional damage to a foot stop attack.
** Adds +0.5 Kando for the pair.
** Dex penalty of 0.25
Provides +3D to any rolls to resist losing traction or being dragged.
Cost: 800cr

Concealed holster
A compartment to store a hidden knife or hold out blaster
The stored item does not count toward standard weapon load slots.
Dex penalty: 0.5
Cost: 200cr

General Additions:

Most armor pieces come in a basic dull grey. Mandalorians usually enamel their armor, with colour; a matter of personal preference, style or symbolism.

Although there are no strict rules, mandalorian culture has developed the following associations with color:

Gray=Mourning a Lost Love
Red=Honoring a Father
Orange=A Lust for Life

Each color used generates 0.25 points of Kando, when used to conjure meaning.

Any of these colours knowingly used to conjure their associated meaning generates a +2 to any ijaat rolls.

Cost: Paint job or re-paint of any number of colours: 200cr


[b]Kyr ‘bes

Mythosaur skull symbol, heavily associated with the Mandalorians as the traditional symbol of the Mand’alor ruler of the mando’ade . Wearing this symbol proclaims one’s attachment to the culture.
**each use of the symbol generates 1 point of Kando and +1 to any ijaat rolls.

Jaig eyes
Pair of stylistic eyes worn on the helmet above the visor. A mark of great bravery.
Wearing without having earned them is a grave offense.
**any character entitled to wear jaig eyes gets a +1D to all ijaat rolls.

Clan sigil
Identifying with a clan shows acceptance and pride in one’s people.
**any character showing a clan sigil of a valid clan in good standing gets a +1 to all ijaat rolls.

Remembrance Rune
A sigil as remembrance for a fallen comrade. **any character showing a remembrance rune gets a +1D6 to all ijaat rolls with anyone who held that person in high regard. It generates 1 point of Kando.

Mando Dagger Skull Rune
A sigil that represents affiliation with the Supercommando Codex, a set of noble ideals to live by written by Jaster Mereel. Those who follow the philosophy behave as highly paid soldiers and honourable mercenaries who steer away from bloodlust and preying on the weak. The Supercommando codex is a divisive work that many view as responsible for the mandalorian civil war.
**any character showing the mando dagger skull insignia of the vanquished True Mandalorians generates +1D6 for ijaat rolls with anyone who respects or shares the philosophy. It may work in reverse for those who do not. In either case it generates 2 points of Kando.

Death Watch Rune
A sigil that represents affiliation with the Death Watch, a splinter faction of Mandalorians who believe in resurrecting the culture’s galaxy conquering ideals as savage raiders. Many mandalorians view the Death Watch as vicious zealots and radicalized sadists who were responsible for the mandalorian civil war.
**any character showing the Death Watch rune generates +1D6 for ijaat rolls with anyone who respects or shares the philosophy. It may work in reverse for those who do not. In either case it generates 3 points of Kando.

Cost: Sigils and decals of any type: 200cr.

A band of cloth worn across the body from shoulder to hip, or worn tied belt fashion about the hips with the loose ends handing to one side.
Used for stylistic purposes, with a historical emphasis on military background (shoulder) or law enforcement background. (hips). Various colours, the most traditional being red or brown as per the journeyman protectors.
** Adds +1 to iijaat rolls. Adds +1 Kando.
Cost: 100cr

A length of cord, typically braided, looped or coiled around one shoulder, or allowed to hang loose from the shoulder. Traditionally used to tether a signaling device or pistol in case of losing grip on it. Now primarily stylistic. Various possible colours or colour combinations, and may be woven from synthetic fibers, metallic chain, or even fur or hair from a trophy (like a wookiee.)

** Adds +1 to iijaat rolls. Adds +1 Kando.
Cost: 50cr

Cape/ cloak
Mandalorians sometimes wear a cape, shoulder cloak or half-cloak. It is typically a matter of style and preference as many cultures view a cape as a symbol of power and prestige.
**All cloaks add 1 pips to the base dexterity penalty (added after material modifier).
Kando value: All capes/cloaks add 1 Kando point.
Cost: 200cr
Additionally it may have the following properties:

Environmental fabric: Properly coloured, it adds a +1D to camouflauge.
Cost: regular
Sunshield Fabric: Adds a +1D to survival on hot desert planets.
Cost: 400cr
Fur or insulation fabric: Adds a +1D to survival on cold frigid planets
Cost: 400cr
Armorweave: Adds 2 stages of additional energy protection to the armor (added after material modifier.
Cost: 1000cr

A poncho is a garment, essentially a blanket with a hole in the center for the head, allowing it to be draped over the body. It can be viewed as a full-body cape, and can have belts worn overtop to keep the garment close to the body.
Ponchos are almost always poorer quality materials than capes, and are often crudely made from cutting up a piece of the material.

Kando value: All capes/cloaks add 0.25 Kando point.
Cost: 100cr

**All ponchos add 2 pips to the base dexterity penalty (added after material modifier)
Additionally it may have the following properties:

Environmental fabric: Properly coloured for a specific environment, it adds a +2 to camouflage (sneak skill)
Cost: regular
Sunshield Fabric: Adds a +2 pips to survival on hot desert planets.
Cost: 100cr
Fur or insulation fabric: Adds a +2 pips to survival on cold frigid planets
Cost: 100cr
Armorweave: Adds +2 stages of additional energy protection to the armor (added after material modifier.)
Cost: 250cr

A kama also known as a Belt-spat is a leather apron, often divided in the center and fastened to the belt, worn to cover the rear of the legs. It is a cultural item of dress in mandalorian culture. Although currently seen as stylistic and symbolic, and thus optional, it does have the practical function of protecting the upper legs from shrapnel and from the heated downdraft of a jetpack.
**Adds 1 stage improvement to the physical protection to the armor (added after material modifier) and +1 to Jet pack skill rolls.
Kando Value: Adds +2 Kando.
Cost: 200cr

Boot Spats
A tough fabric garment worn over the boot and around the ankle for additional support and protection from spalling and to keep dirt and debris from falling into the boot or getting between the foot armor and the liner underneath. It is both of practical use and a symbol of the soldiering profession.
Adds 1 stage improvment of physical protection to the armor.
Kando Value: Adds +1 for the pair.

A pauldron is an item that is fitted over one shoulder. They come in various sizes, thicknesses, shapes and colours. They are primarily symbolic of training, specialization or authority.
Adds +1 to ijaat rolls.
Kando Value: Adds +2 Kando.
Cost: 200cr

**Adds +1 Kando
A jetpack built into the armor can be a useful piece of equipment. It makes the armor bulky, but it is less bulky than wearing a separate jetpack over the armor, and it is always ready if required.
Requires Jetpack skill to use.
Benefits: functional flight for up to 20 turns.
Penalties: Check jetpack functionality whenever armor takes damage.
Dex Penalty: 3
Cost: 800cr Fuel cell: 50cr

Jet Pack additions: **Adds +0.25 Kando each
Missile launcher:
The jet pack has a built-in multi-purpose guided missile launcher.
Dex Penalty: 1
Cost: 3000cr for launcher; warhead cost separate.
Rocket Pack:
Adjustment to the configuration allowing for operation without atmosphere.
Dex Penalty: 1
Cost: 400cr
Hush system:
Silencing system making operation drastically quieter.
Dex Penalty: 0.5
Cost: 1000cr

Thrust Scrubbers:
Minimizes tell-tale exhaust contrails during operation.
Dex Penalty: 0.5
Cost: 800cr

Extending Flight fins
Aids stabilized flight and maneuvering. +1D to operation skill rolls.
Dex Penalty:1
Cost: 1000cr

Long range antenna
** adds +0.25 Kando
Boosts the range of commlinks and remote control signals to planetary levels.
Cost: 500cr

Hard seal
** adds +0.25 Kando
The suit can be instantly sealed against the vacuum of space, with short-term onboard air supply.
Cost: 1000cr

Powered exosuit
** adds +4 Kando
The armor is built with an exoskeletal frame and powered body movement.
Strength is increased to 6D. Dexterity penalties are reduced by 3D
Cost: 10,500 cr

Crush Gaunt
**Adds 4 Kando
Made of a reactive beskar mesh, this glove is able to amplify the wearer’s hand strength.
Able to catch blades (even light-sabers) or squeeze a held object or opponent for triple the wearer’s base Strength score in damage dice.
Cost: 20,000cr

Environmental controls
**adds +0.25 Kando
**Dex penalty of 2
The armor has a heating and cooling system for internal temperature regulation.
The wearer suffers no penalties from adverse heat or cold conditions.
Cost: 1000cr

Internal air supply
**adds +0.25 Kando
**Dex penalty of 2
The armor contains a compressed internal tank providing several hours worth of air supply.
Cost: 800cr
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Line Captain
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:43 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kit load

Standard Weapons Load

A standard mandalorian, if ever there was such a thing, has got a number of ‘slots’ which account for a standard load of personal weapons and ammunition. A character can reconfigure these slots for a custom load-out. These are generalizations. Any weapon not listed, find the most appropriate size-shape related.

Weapon/ equipment piece and number of slots

Hold-out blaster: 1
Sporting blaster, blaster pistol or heavy blaster pistol: 2
Blaster carbine: 3
Blaster rifle: 4
Long rifle: 6
Light repeating blaster and pack: 8
Knife: 2
Sword: 4
Small pouch: 1
Medium pouch: 2
Large pouch: 3
Satchel: 4
Pack: 6
Ammo cartridge belt: 1
Ammo bandolier: 2

Standard load-out: A standard character has 13 slots

Knife 2
Pistol: 2
Rifle: 4
Small pouch x2: 2
Large pouch: 3

A mandalorian character can redistribute these slots as desired, without exceeding 13 slots (or see below)

For every slot not used, reduce armor dex penalty by 1 stage on the conversion chart.
For every extra slot used, increase armor dex penalty by 1 stage on the conversion chart.

Pouches: The pouches are considered ‘full’ when worn.
It is up to the character what goes in each pouch. Use this as a rough guide:

Note on carrying gear

A small pouch can hold a grenade or a blaster pistol cell.
A medium pouch can hold a first aid kit or a blaster rifle cell
A large pouch can hold a pair of macrobinoculars, or a days worth of condensed rations.
A satchel can hold a folded flightsuit or coverall or a demolition charge
A pack can hold a portable tent, thinsulate sleeping bag and a camp stove.
An ammo cartridge belt typically holds a number of rounds for firearms, or mini power cells for blaster weapons. (if worn, increase the ammo depletion die of 1 relevant weapon by 1 class)
An ammo bandolier typically holds twice the load of a cartridge belt. (if worn, increase the ammo depletion die of 1 relevant weapon by two classes, or two relevant weapons by one class each.)
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Line Captain
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Joined: 07 Jan 2016
Posts: 911

PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 12:45 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is what Imperial Storm Trooper armor would look like under this system. Included as a benchmark for comparison purposes.

Imperial Storm Trooper Armor

Battle Helmet
Heavy Shoulders
Heavy Torso
Abdominal banding
Upper Arms
Forearms/ Gauntlets
Leg Casements

Base Protection: 19.5
Base cost: 4,500
Material: Plastoid
Armor Coverage: 39
+Internal IR viewplate
+Internal targeting and acquisition
+Sunshield and Insulation fabric

Plastoid: Physical:(x0.35)=6=2D ,
Energy:(x0.20)=3.9= 1D
Dex penalty: (x0.2)=3.9= 1D,
Cost: 1800cr
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Director of Engineering
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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 5:50 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had read this and then completely forgotten about it.

"No set of rules can cover every situation. It's expected that you will make up new rules to suit the needs of your game." - The Star Wars Roleplaying Game, 2R&E, pg. 69, WEG, 1996.

The CRMcNeill Stat/Rule Index
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