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Starting a new adventure group
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Kytross wrote:

After creating Spikey Mikey I kind of like the Vong. Afterall, I need the Vong for Spikey to exist, and Spikey is great foreshadowing for the Vong.

So will you run the campaign long enough to get to the vector prime time line?
Confucious sayeth, don't wash cat while drunk!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:59 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Might make it with this group. That's nearly 40 years down the road from where we're starting. It's an alternate reality though, so my players could change the way things go.

I told them that it is possible to kill Vader. Not likely, but possible.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 11:59 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

For the last few millenia Daalang has been passed back and forth between the Republic and the Hutts. Every time it changed hands the local laws changed. This led to few people trying to homestead the planet or have interest in building up the local planet. Of course, there's always a few. The sector was much the same. No one wanted to fight on Daalang, so they ravaged other planets to take Daalang.

Over the last few centuries one Wookiee has strove to change that. Her name is Korralokkum, or Kory and she is a Daalang sector senator, the representative from Daalang. She has managed to keep quite a bit of political power over the last few centuries as Daalang changed hands back and forth between the Hutts and the Republic. Her family emigrated to Daalang over five thousand years ago, starting a safari business which turned into a ranch and farm. They owned the land that became the city of New Kashyyyk, the city that is currently where the sector senate meets. Kory's first devotion is to the people of the Daalang sector. She is also on the payroll of more criminal organizations than any other senator. Kory has no problem with keeping the guns and drugs flowing if it means she can help the people of her sector. She keeps the taxes low on shipping, keeps custom agents in line and has no problem getting thugs sprung from jail, or having Daalang make up the difference in sector taxes when one of the other systems can't pay to keep the Republic auditors away. She will do plenty of illegal things as long as she can divert tax money to rebuilding after the wars and investing in the sector community. Kory knew Spikey Mikey, partied with him, and loved all he did for the sector not realizing that his terraforming was going to cause her more trouble than she could ever imagine. People are stupid. Settlers are people. Settlers are stupid. Spikey terraformed over three hundred worlds in the Daalang sector. Those planets now have settlers. Kory's problems aren't the criminals that 'own' her. Kory's problems are helping people that are too stupid to survive on their own. Her own business interests do alright, and she donates to many charities. She has even helped the charities expand to nearby sectors, forgotten sectors like Oktos, Hune and Aida. Kory is relatively famous, quite famous in the Daalang sector, giving a lot of speeches on holovision. Her charity work is well-known, though most people think it's a cover.

Daalang's moon is known to most people as Spikey's Moon. It's actual name is Sammaxe, named after the businessman who bought it and paid Spikey to terraform it. Towards the end of his life Spikey, about a hundred years ago, Spikey used a small part of his fortune to build a medical research center on Spikey's Moon. This turned into a huge hospital with a huge endowment. It is effectively the sector hospital and center for disease control. Being in the Daalang system it's a hospital that doesn't ask a lot of questions. The Jedi weren't about to make war on a hospital. Neither were the mercenaries hired by the Hutts. Consequently, Spikey's Moon has a larger settled population than Daalang, although any one of the Spaceport cities on Daalang has a higher population.

There are seven spaceport cities on the largest continent of Daalang. It is the only officially populated continent on the planet. This continent is on the equator, making the experience on Daalang fairly temperate all year round. The seven spaceport cities are all on the coastline. The Confederacy of Independent Systems built an anti-orbital cannon in the center of the continent near a large lake. That anti-orbital cannon that the Republic bombarded from space.

New Kashyyyk is the current capital city. That changes; typically after a war the new powers move the government, though it has changed at other times. New Kashyyk is a city of 11 million sentients. It has a couple large casinos, a sports arena and a multitude of bars. As a Republic-class spaceport, there are multiple repair facilities, some are excellent, some are not. Like the population of the rest of the spaceports, the people who live here are here for trade and make their money off the spacers passing through. There is no significant industry on Daalang, but there is traffic from across the galaxy, so even rare, exotic items are available for the right price.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

CorSec and the Sector Rangers

To understand what the sector rangers are and why they exist one has to understand the nature of the Republic. The Republic has no equivalent on Earth. It can be argued that the Republic is nothing more than an alliance of individual nations protected by the Jedi and mediated by the senate. These individual worlds joined together to be under the protection of the Jedi and to enjoy the economic benefits of a society focused more on industry than war. While they are required to meet certain standards before they are admitted to the Republic, these individual nations did not give up their sovereignty to join the Republic, and are still responsible for policing themselves and protecting themselves from a variety of threats.

The Republic did not keep a significant standing military. From its foundation until the clone wars the Republic did not need a military. The Force alerted the Jedi of threats to the Republic before those threats materialized. The Jedi, in turn, ended those threats as quickly as possible with a minimum of force. Rarely did they need to requisition help from local militaries.

The senate was responsible more for mediation than legislation. The courts handled criminal infractions, but the senate was a forum for the hundreds of thousands of nations in the Republic to find ways to work together. What laws the Senate did pass were mostly about interstellar trade. The Republic grouped systems into sectors. Sectors were smaller governments, groupings of 50 or more nations. Sectors were individually represented in the Senate. Issues within a sector were expected to be worked out by the sector government.

Thus came the sector rangers. Sector rangers is a generic term used by the senate. Millennia ago the Senate put aside funding for police forces at a sector level. The Republic sent equal funds to each member sector. The sector governments were supposed to use these funds to create and maintain a group of sector rangers, a police force dedicated to dealing with problems across the sector. Problems like space pirates and smugglers, things outside of the jurisdiction of planetary governments. If a pirate group got too big, caused so many problems that they were becoming a threat to the entire Republic, the Jedi would intervene. How the sector governments used the funds from the senate depends on the sector. Some bought huge Dreadnaughts, half a kilometer long, or 350m Carrack Cruisers, thinking that large ships with ridiculously large weapon ranges would dissuade pirates. Others bought lots of starfighters and smaller combat ships like Correllian Corvettes so they can cover larger areas by doing more patrols cheaper. Far too many sectors embezzled the money, or diverted the funds to planetary projects. The quality of sector rangers varied considerably.

Sector rangers only have authority inside their sectors. As soon as they leave their sectors they are no longer police and can no longer arrest criminals. Much like state lines in America, sector rangers need permission to pursue criminals from whatever sector government they want to go into.

And then there is CorSec. Corellian Security, the most famous and one of the most effective police forces in the known galaxy. Corellian criminals get their reputations because other police forces across the galaxy, especially outside of the core, are not held to the same high standards as CorSec. The Security Volunteers of Naboo or the Irregulars of Gyndine aren't going to be as big a challenge as CorSec. CorSec is the police force for the entire Corellian star system, a system with five populated planets, and huge ship yards and orbital stations. Corellia is also the capitol of the Corellian sector. So when the Republic created Sector rangers it was no surprise that the Corellian sector gave the funding to CorSec and told them to get the job done.

And they did.

CorSec expanded the Special Operations Division into their sector rangers. Corellian Engineering Corporation already sold their goods to CorSec at 10% above cost, so getting big ships, starfighters and weapons for their rangers wasn't a problem. The CorSec rangers applied the same dedication the rest of CorSec did to their operations. They quickly established reciprocal deputization with all the bordering sectors, like Duros Sector. This meant that CorSec officers were automatically deputies of the sector rangers of the neighboring sectors and vice versa. Outrunning CorSec wasn't just a matter of getting past the sector border and into a new jurisdiction. CorSec also made it a point to get their officers deputized before they went into other sectors. Sometimes this was an exhausting process, but CorSec was always willing to work out some quid pro quo. So while CorSec is in your sector with three Corellian Gunships to capture the criminals they're after, they would be happy to stick around for an extra week and help you dig out that pirate nest that's been causing you trouble. For millenia CorSec has had one motto: “CorSec gets the job done.”

And they do.

They've been at it for millenia. They've established reciprocity with most of the core, Abregado sector being a notable exception. And now they have branch offices at many sector capitols. Including Daalang. CorSec doesn't have much authority on Daalang. They can only track down criminals who commit crimes in the Corellian sector. If it wasn't the middle of the clone wars they could whistle up some cruisers to help the local boys out, but it is so they can't. But they're there.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2015 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Bounty Hunters & Jedi

The level of authority Jedi have in the Republic is unprecedented on Earth. Simultaneously they are judges, police, military, diplomats, doctors and priests with the entire Republic as their jurisdiction. Hence why everyone addresses them as Master Jedi. Most of their missions are diplomatic in nature, trying to end conflicts before they begin. That doesn't mean they won't need to step out of the diplomat role to get the job done. Woe to a criminal organization that captures a jedi's attention. Most planetary and sector governments are quite happy to loan a jedi resources to deal with criminals in their jurisdiction. No sector government objects to Jedi crossing into their territory to apprehend criminals. Jedi are above suspicion, and above reproach.

Luckily for criminals, Jedi are rare. There are more than a thousand Jedi in the order at any given time, though never as many as two thousand. There are a million star systems in the Republic.

Also luckily for criminals, crime is rarely something Jedi have time for. Those million systems all seem to always be on the brink of killing each other. So unless you're Black Sun, or a pirate group successful enough to have a detrimental effect on shipping between sectors, it is likely you will never meet a jedi in their professional capacity.

You will meet bounty hunters.

The business of the Republic is business. Until recently the Republic has kept a laissez faire attitude. A light yoke, if you will. At the founding of the Republic the issue of intersector crime was a known quantity. Instead of hiring a police force for the entire Republic, and incur all the costs that go with it, they founders and the Jedi decided on a more economical system. Bounty Hunters.

The system was simplicity itself. The hunters paid a licensing fee and got a data stick with all applicable laws and a license to carry weaponry. The Republic would maintain a list of bounties of the hypercom network. The Senate could issue bounties on intersector criminals, but sector, planetary, and even city and village governments could add bounties to the list. It was just that simple.

Bounty Hunters come from all walks of life. Anyone can pay the fee and get the licence. Some Hunters take on easy planetary work. Bond jumpers, local criminals, the tough hunters at this level may deal with swoop gangs and the like. Most planetary governments have police forces so the work at this level is tame and hunters at this level are not reminiscent of Boba Fett. They're still tougher than your average cop or criminal, generally. There is plenty of money to be made at this level, but not much better than your average cop. You need to bring in a bounty or two a month to survive.

Next level is interstellar. These are tougher bounties. Taking out full swoop gangs and dealing with real scum. At this level hunters need to bring in 4-8 bounties a year and may have to supplement with a few planetary bounties to make ends meet. These guys are about equal to a spec force operative in deadliness.

The next level is inter-sector. This is the big time. You bring in 2-3 bounties a year and are doing ok. Local pirate groups know your name and want nothing to do with you. Kings and congressmen have you on speed dial. You could take on a jedi by yourself. Not Kenobi or Skywalker but an average Jedi.

The final level is Galaxy wide. Boba Fett, Bossk, IG-88, Dengar and Zuckuss. You are danger personified. If a bounty isn't worth 5 figures, you won't even consider it. Darth Vader knows you by name.

Surprisingly, Daalang is not a bounty hunter friendly system. This could well be the largest freeport in the galaxy, with seven Republic class starports, the sector government, and laws against searching cargo, every cop and public servant is bought off by someone and outsiders are not welcome. There are many criminal organizations here and they are quite happy to buy enough political power to pass laws making bounty hunting inconvenient. Bear in mind, if the sector taxes are short the system of Daalang (and the Hutts) will pay the difference rather than allow a Republic tax audit. No one wants Bounty Hunters causing trouble.

Daalang is where 99% of all spice is brought into the Republic. Both the suppliers and the buyers have a vested interest in keeping things quiet.

For a large enough bounty, a hunter would be willing to reevaluate the inconvenience of hunting on Daalang.
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