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Your Opinion On why firearms become obsolete
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Lieutenant Commander
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 6:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:

care to explain why one on the smallest common rounds available does half the damage of one of largest common pistol rounds available, which in turn you've listed as the same damage as the damage you gave for .223 rem/.308win/.30-06 spr/.45-70 gov.

not tying to start a an argument, just trying to get a why.

Oh its not a problem, and I'm fine with anyone disagreeing, these were largely on the fly and general in nature.

My reasons being are pretty simple. First I wanted to keep it general, in other words I created general catagories: hold out, pistol, rifle, heavy rifle, and material rifle.

22LR though found most common in rifles is for lack of better term a holdout round., so I took a hold out blaster and reduced the die code by one, which seems to fit the pattern set by WEG. It could be more, and could even be 3D if you figure the difference between it and heavier rounds as too insignificant. In fact, I could easily do all pistol rounds as 3D and all rifles as 4D.

I personally would still use 2D , even if its in a rifle, as its enough to kill the kinds of game its typically used for, and can still kill an average human if you target/hit a vital point.

As for the rest, I largely used your numbers to find a place for them relative to "average" firearms in D6, placing an average pistol round at 3D and a rifle 4D.

This is a very course evaluation and takes no account what so ever of the range and ballistics of these weapons. I also realize, despite my methods, it's not so simple as calling this round a pistol round and this a rifle round, it's merely a means of simplification (one of my favorite deer rifles is a .44mag lever-action Marlin, light, small, and easy to carry).

EDIT: I do consider .223 rem, .308win, .30-06 spr, .45-70 gov. different rifles, sometimes very different, atleast as far as someone who hasn't compared their ballistic charts in over a decade (atleast for the last three, I don't remember ever being interested in the the ballistics for the .223 rem). My similarities more reflects the general approach mentioned above.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 7:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

just in case anyone didnt know, anything over the .223rem/5.56x45mm is officially classified as anti material by NATO standards. but the fun part is NATO doesnt really clarify whats considered material and whats not.

now the real hard part is understanding what each kind of round has a reputation for a one shot one kill.

for example: the .500S&W has a reputation for killing full grown polar bears(500kg average) in one shot. while the .223rem/5.56x45mm has a reputation for killing varmints(coyotes and the like; 6.8�21 kg). now the .308win/7.62x51mm was best know as a big game hunting cartridge(white tail deer to black bears(60-250kg)).

now considering what we already know, we now must decide that whatever damage we assign to the cartridges that they must be doing at least 9(2D+2 average) damage over the creatures natural average strength, in order to incapacitate them.

we can safely estimate that a coyote's strength is 1D, this said then using the above format, we can calculate that the .223/5.56x45mm round does about 3D+2. not many will argue that black bears are pretty weak in comparison to other bears, but can general tear the crap out of your average human, so id estimate their strength at 3D, which in turn puts the .308win/7.62x51mm round at roughly 5D+2. would anyone really argue that a 500kg polar bear is as strong as a wookie, 6D? which make the .500S&W round roughly do 8D+2 damage.
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:53 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Firearms from all ages become obsolete for the following reasons:
Rapidity of fire
Effective range
Quantity of ammunition
Damage potential

You could say that the reason slugthrowers became the "archaic" weapons in Star Wars was one or more of those reasons.

While slugthrowers might be able to fire as fast as a blaster (or faster in some cases), the Star Wars slughthrowers may not have achieved the rapidity of fire that modern day Earth has.

Effective range would likely be in favor of a blaster. A slugthrower pistol might be effective at 50 meters where a blaster pistol might be effective to 100 meters or more. There are obviously exceptions with slugthrowers, where they could hit targets at a kilometer or more away, and blasters don't seem to have that sort of range, but for the most part I think the blasters have a slight edge in this regard.

Quantity of ammunition (and here weight also comes into play) is substantially in favor of blasters. A slugthrower pistol might have 15, 18, heck maybe even 20 bullets. A blaster pistol can fire 50 shots, or possibly up to 100 shots. Even something like the heavy blaster pistol can still fire 25 shots, which is more than 95% of slugthrower pistols. This alone could be why slugthrowers were rendered more obsolete.

Price probably favors the slugthrowers. They're cheaper to make the pistol or rifle compared to a blaster pistol or blaster rifle. What isn't easily factored in here is the cost of ammunition. Slugthrowers cost more to make ammunition for compared to recharging a blaster. So this is probably a wash on the cost.

Damage potential is really dicey. People say blasters are more powerful, but the stats don't really indicate that there's a huge difference. A little plus or minus between them doesn't really make one more damaging than the other. A slugthrower pistol doing 3D damage is pretty much the same as a blaster pistol doing 3D damage in terms of damage potential. However, as mentioned, there is a difference as to the shot's armor penetration. While slugthrowers can undoubtedly penetrate armor, it certainly seems like energy weapons are less affected by armor than slugthrowers are. Where a guy wearing a light armor might receive +1 against a blaster pistol's damage, that same guy getting shot with a slugthrower now gets +1D of protection. Therefore more of the damage from the blaster will affect an armored target compared to the slugthrower. This gives the blaster a slight edge.

So overall, besides some odd other reasons like weight of weapon, ease of training, stun setting, whatever else, it's pretty evident that slughthrower weapons are less effective than slugthrowers in more areas than the blaster is less effective than the slugthrower. So, just as the matchlock musket gave way to flintlocks, which gave way to percussion caps, which gave way to cartridge ammuntion, which gave way to greater ammunition capacity, which gave way to better ammunition, which gave way to greater rate of fire...the slugthrower would give way to blasters. There are enough areas the blaster is favored in that it would become the standard.

How's that for a reason?
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:09 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

jmanski wrote:
Blasters can fire in any environment, where bullets need the right level of oxygen in the atmosphere to fire correctly.

And I'll still argue against the silencing of blasters vs. firearms. Anything over a low-powered .22 or 9mm can't be silenced.

I have seen one brithish mil team who had a Weatherby 5000 with a silencer on, and another unit that had silenced M4s...
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Fallon Kell

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 2:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Blasters overtook firearms for a few reasons:

1) Ease of use. Blaster bolts officially don't drop, and blasters arguably have less recoil (atgxtg have gone over that point plenty, though). That means novice shooters can use them better, and experienced shooters can use them faster. Ease of use is why we here on earth switched to firearms, over bows and arrows.

2) Power. Blasters tend to do more damage, especially against armor.

3) Ammo. Blasters use less expensive ammo, and less of it for their damage rating, so you can carry more, afford more, practice more, kill more.

4) LAZORS! Back in the days of the conquistadors, South Americans ran from muskets and blunderbusses which were not as accurate or fast-firing as their own bows and arrows, just because they made loud noises and belched fire. Blaster bolts look cooler than bullets.

Slugthrowers are still used in some corners of the galaxy, though, for a few reasons.

1) Reliability. Apparently blasters are unreliable in some environments, like jungles. Firearms are more likely to work when the grime seeps in.

2) Suppression. An integrally-suppressed MP-5's report is quieter than the sound of it's bolt working, and the bullets are practically invisible in flight. If you don't want people to know where you are, use a firearm.

3) Payload rounds. Blaster bolts make bigger booms than bullets, but micro concussion missiles make bigger booms than blaster bolts! Fortunately for those of us who GM, they are expensive and hard to find...

4) Range. Some slugthrowers are easier to use at longer ranges than their blaster counterparts, possibly because bullets in flight dissipate energy more slowly than blaster bolts?
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:19 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

2) Suppression. An integrally-suppressed MP-5's report is quieter than the sound of it's bolt working, and the bullets are practically invisible in flight. If you don't want people to know where you are, use a firearm.

this is a huge hollywood myth. but it could be used by devious gm's to mess with their players.

see here for a bit on silencers.suppressors
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:36 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

big logical fallacy in how you're rating damage. Using the d6 system as representative of real world physics is fallacious.

You can't translate creature mass IRL as a measure of game statistics for firepower.

For example, where you suggest a polar bear may have a 6d STR ergo the firearm calibre/type which you regard as a reliable one shot kill weapon for that creature should be 8d+2 is based in faulty premise.

It would be more accurate representation to use optional/house rules for increased sniper damage for firearms: rifle specialists whereupon an additional pip is added to damage after a round aiming, for a targeted hit location (cancelling the skill bonus for aiming), per die of skill in the specialisation, as an example off the top of my head.
Ergo, you may have firearms:rifle 7D and shoot a 6d polar bear with a 5D high powered rifle after one round of aiming for a heart/head kill shot, for a total of 7D+1 damage (+2D+1 sniper skill bonus for the one kill shot) for that shot only, only if you have initiative for the round and establish surprise for the shot.

That would more accurately represent how that should work, rather than having a long arm that shoots through tank armour just to ensure you down polar bears with hip shots whilst lighting a cigarette and cracking a one liner to a large breasted bikini model.

Of course with this system too, if you incapacitate with the first shot, next shot taken after another aimed hit location gets full specialisation benefits too, so will doubtlessly be a kill shot.

Sounds about right putting down a polar bear with anything short of a nitro express really.
With a nitro express, 700cal seen one hit a bull elephant square in the forehead once, stopped it dead in its tracks, but a still didn't kill it. Second shot did that.

Here's a rough guideline we're using in our game for handgun firearms.
Space tech level uses caseless ammo (magical star warsy tech), whilst older tech levels use traditional cartridges.
Treat "explosive rounds" as incendiary, by default rounds are hollow point or mushrooming type for use against soft targets (-1D vs hard armour), jacketed rounds cancel this penalty but must be specified, core-penetrator type AP rounds are available (+1D vs hard armour).

Note that whilst indicative of recoil, muzzle velocity is less factor of receiving energy than momentum in power factor, measured in grain-ft/1000secs.
eg. a 25ACP compares well with a 32S&W because despite much lower muzzle energy (a function of muzzle vel.x projectile mass), it has a significantly higher muzzle velocity and only marginally less momentum in power factor at the receiving end.
ie. until they dig the bullet out they won't know if it was a 25 or a 32.

Note2 that receiving damage can be capped by using overpowered firearms upon low mass targets, projectiles pass through without releasing energy so that a 475wildey does more trauma damage against big game than it does to a person, for example (though is just as lethal aimed at a vital location). eg. most security experts suggest large calibre magnums like the 44 used for home defence should be chambered with half loads for best results against human sized targets, more energy is released with a typical mushrooming hollow point or flat tipped round, best results if projectile remains in the target without passing through.

32S&W, 25ACP

Coruschal Dagger pistol or similar
7.65mm-euro, 32ACP

Czerka Adjudicator
9mm-short, 380ACP

Czerka SH9
9mm-parabellum, 7.63mm-mauser, 7.62mm-tokarev

40cal SW, 38super

10mm-auto, 45ACP

44automag, 475wildey


48cal Morellian, 454casull

base damage small calibre 3D, medium calibre 4D, large calibre 5D
variations based on modification rules. max handgun damage with muzzle brake capped at 6D+2 for customised firearm.

special "kill shot sniper" hit location rules for higher circumstantial damage.

cut down weapons reduce damage, eg. a .45ACP derringer palm sized gun does 4D not 4D+1.
similarly a long barrelled, custom built casull would be the maximum 6D+2, in carbine form same damage but better ranges.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:12 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

perhaps im just trying to use too much real world knowledge in an attempt to simplify firearms for use in star wars.

i am convinced as to the simplicity of blasters that made them popular enough to put firearms into the history books. yet i am not convinced that blasters do more damage than most firearms.

With a nitro express, 700cal seen one hit a bull elephant square in the forehead once, stopped it dead in its tracks, but a still didn't kill it. Second shot did that. Ergo most elephant guns are side by side not singles as they started out.

most rounds wont penetrate the front of the skull of the creature they were designed to kill, the skull is just too thick and too dense. for example a 9x19mm parabellum/luger/NATO (whatever) round wont penetrate the Frontal bone of the human skull at 5 feet, with either a full metal jacket or a jacketed hollow point, it does leave a nice mushroomed bullet(JHP) on the skull or a deflection groove(FMJ).

besides myself, does anyone else have any real/in-depth/extensive experience with real world weapons? (firearms/blades/explosives/pretty much anything that can be used as a weapon) video games does not count. i ask because im curious as to what your opinion might be in this topic of discussion.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 6:16 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Space tech level uses caseless ammo (magical star warsy tech), whilst older tech levels use traditional cartridges.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

interesting about real world caseless, only time I'd heard of it was in Aliens ("pulse rifles fire explosive tipped 10mm caseless with 90 rounds in the clip and an over-under 30mm grenade launcher" or something like that), fascinating it's a real ammunition type.

The point I was making that you're failing to notice is things like vehicle hull. You're using body mass as a measure and ridiculously arguable damage effects for centre of mass, hip shots.

The damage v str rating for wound value of a SW weapon is irrespective of hit location. According to you if you hit a polar bear with a hip fired whatever and got it anywhere randomly it is always on average incapacitated.

I suggest this real world experience of yours isn't big game hunting.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:14 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Lack of OVER-Penetration, once a major facet of military combat (One musket ball could go through, what, four, five men standing in line), it's now a major concern with non-combatants. Urban warfare (even not involving the police) has a great advantage when the shot discharges all it's power into a single body instead of going through the Tango and hitting Little Susy down the road.

Stun settings would also be a major boon for tactical adaptation as it easily allows the capture of intelligence sources. Or criminals for trial. Or slaves.

Finally, in my mind, Electricity and cheap and easy to acquire across the galaxy (Blaster Gas, not so much, but still small and portable) while if you're in a place where you don't have a munitions factory and are getting close to bingo ammo when the next transport ship with beans, bullets, and band-aids just got shot down...
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Fallon Kell

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:
2) Suppression. An integrally-suppressed MP-5's report is quieter than the sound of it's bolt working, and the bullets are practically invisible in flight. If you don't want people to know where you are, use a firearm.

this is a huge hollywood myth. but it could be used by devious gm's to mess with their players.

see here for a bit on silencers.suppressors

Notice I carefully chose the MP-5SD (the integrally suppressed one). Most suppressors only bring the sound down to 120 db or so, (which is a loud noise, but not uncomfortable to most people,) but the MP-5SD rounds fire at subsonic velocities, so there's no ballistic crack. The tradeoffs are drop and damage. The MP-5 has a reputation for putting no holes in things you need holes put in...
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:39 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Fallon Kell wrote:

Notice I carefully chose the MP-5SD (the integrally suppressed one). Most suppressors only bring the sound down to 120 db or so, (which is a loud noise, but not uncomfortable to most people,) but the MP-5SD rounds fire at subsonic velocities, so there's no ballistic crack. The tradeoffs are drop and damage. The MP-5 has a reputation for putting no holes in things you need holes put in...[/quote]Never get into a pistol fight with a pistol whose caliber doesn't start with "4". Twisted Evil
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Fallon Kell

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 3:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ray wrote:
Never get into a pistol fight with a pistol whose caliber doesn't start with "4". Twisted Evil
Or "5", or say "Magnum", or fire rifle cartridges... 8)
thedemonapostle wrote:

besides myself, does anyone else have any real/in-depth/extensive experience with real world weapons? (firearms/blades/explosives/pretty much anything that can be used as a weapon) video games does not count. i ask because im curious as to what your opinion might be in this topic of discussion.

I've got no combat experience, but I've used .22, .223, 9mm, .45 ACP, .30-30, .30-06, 16 gauge, and 12 gauge for target shooting. I own a bolt action .30-06, a full-length hand and a half sword, knives of all sizes, including a SOG SEAL 2000, a KA-BAR, and several throwing knives. I'm fairly handy with an axe, a hatchet, a sledgehammer, or pretty much any improvised club weapon, (Mag Lite, crowbar, broken axe handle, pool cue, etc.)
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Sovereign Protector
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 5:54 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

thedemonapostle wrote:
2) Suppression. An integrally-suppressed MP-5's report is quieter than the sound of it's bolt working, and the bullets are practically invisible in flight. If you don't want people to know where you are, use a firearm.

this is a huge hollywood myth. but it could be used by devious gm's to mess with their players.

see here for a bit on silencers.suppressors

Then pray tell explain how i can stand 30 ft from a firing line (iraq) where reg 9mm pistols were being shot, and i heard their cracks clearly, but when the spec force team with their silenced M4s went up, i could not hear a damn peep from the weapons?
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